Students will participate in a classroom activity where they develop a budget …
Students will participate in a classroom activity where they develop a budget according to a given scenario. Additionally, students will actively read and discuss a Dr. Econ Question: What is the importance of developing job skills?
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the …
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson about equal protection and the 14th amendment. Students then answer an advanced placement style document based question. There is a teacher answer key at the end of the lesson.
Students will analyze ads from two presidential campaign years. In the process, …
Students will analyze ads from two presidential campaign years. In the process, they will learn how ads reflect their historical context while also addressing themes and concerns common to most modern presidential campaigns. Students will be able to explain how key historical figures have exemplified values and principles of American democracy.
This video explains the role of political campaigns in elections. Students will …
This video explains the role of political campaigns in elections. Students will learn why we have campaigns, why the campaign seasons run so long, and why campaigns cost so much.
Students gain an understanding of the evolving presence of political parties in …
Students gain an understanding of the evolving presence of political parties in the history of the United States, as well as the role of third parties in the political process. Students work in groups to apply what they have learned by designing a tombstone for a historical (or rather "dead") US political party.
In this lesson, students will learn about a speculative bubble within the …
In this lesson, students will learn about a speculative bubble within the context of the U.S. real estate market. This lesson includes book excerpts,role-playing activites, exercises, and assessments.
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the …
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the Supreme Court case Pottawatomie v. Earls and the 4th amendment. Students then answer analysis questions about the case. There is a teacher answer key included in the lesson.
In Power Play, you’ll coach a team of players competing to win …
In Power Play, you’ll coach a team of players competing to win power for state or federal government!
Teammates will offer arguments that, if persuasive, will pull power statues toward the side you’ve chosen. But use your players wisely — the wrong argument will make a player fall or even move the power toward the other side!
In this lesson, students will examine the role of precedent in Supreme …
In this lesson, students will examine the role of precedent in Supreme Court decisions -- why precedents are usually followed and what justices take into consideration when they overturn precedents.
Young people often feel disengaged from the political process and powerless to …
Young people often feel disengaged from the political process and powerless to bring about change. However, history shows us that successful movements have often had youth at the forefront, leading the charge for social justice. In this lesson, students will examine historical and current examples of various movements and protests driven by youth, in the hope that young people will begin to develop political identities themselves.
In this activity, students learn to recognize the relationships among candidates, the …
In this activity, students learn to recognize the relationships among candidates, the major and minor parties, and special interest groups, and understand how these relationships shape the public agenda.
Students explore voting laws in North Carolina and weigh the pros and …
Students explore voting laws in North Carolina and weigh the pros and cons of bills like VIVA. Based on class discussion and evidence they collect throughout the lesson, students make an informed decision regarding their opinion about North Carolina's election law.
In this lesson, students read about the Supreme Court case Quincy Railways …
In this lesson, students read about the Supreme Court case Quincy Railways v. Chicago and eminent domain. Students then answer analysis questions about the case.
Teachers can use this survey since the first day of the school …
Teachers can use this survey since the first day of the school to meet their students intoroducing everybosy in class having a guideline that ask them the questions to answer then to help the to write a parragrapf about themselves.They can lear how to make questions and alse what kind of questions they can make and what kind of questions they cannot make in the USA, in this case you ahve a chance to teach or provide some cultural information
This is a remix of the resource Citizens by Griselda Peters.The purpose …
This is a remix of the resource Citizens by Griselda Peters.The purpose of this remix is to identify characteristics of good citizenship in historical figures. Students will identify people who are good citizens (current and historical) and describe the character traits that make them admirable.
The original resource written by Haniah Lerner is for use during independent work …
The original resource written by Haniah Lerner is for use during independent work time or literacy stations. The students listen to stories about elections, then choose one text to write the main idea, two key details, and define new wordsThis Remix is an activity to complete before the independent resource. It focuses on the book "Lillian's Right to Vote." The students will gain an understanding of the concept voting, focusing on the difference between of a right or a privilege.
Students will build background and show understanding about government elections at the …
Students will build background and show understanding about government elections at the local, state, and national levels in the United States.
Students will write, revise, and edit an informational piece to demonstrate mastery of the topic of elections incorporating key academic content vocabulary.
Students will create a PPT with a teacher's model to demonstrate understanding and mastery of key content area vocabulary words.
Students will complete activities during independent work time or literacy stations. Provides a QR code for students to listen to stories (2 non-fiction and 1 fiction) about elections. After they listen to the stories they choose one of the non-fiction texts to write facts about, find the main idea and key details, and define new words
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the …
In this lesson, students read primary and secondary source documents about the Supreme Court case Reynolds v. United States and the first amendment freedom of religion. Students then answer analysis questions about the case. There is a teacher answer key included in the lesson.
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