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Math, Grade 7, Working With Rational Numbers, Simplifying Numerical Expressions
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Students use the distributive property to rewrite and solve multiplication problems. Then they apply addition and multiplication properties to simplify numerical expressions.Key ConceptsThe distributive property is stated in terms of addition: a(b + c) = ab + ac, for all numbers a, b, and c. However, it can be extended to subtraction as well: a(b − c) = ab − ac, for all numbers a, b, and c. Here is a proof. (We have combined some steps.)a(b − c)Original expression= a(b + (−c))Subtracting is adding the opposite.= a(b) + a(−c)Apply the distributive property.= ab + a(−1 ⋅ c)Apply the property of multiplication by −1.= ab + −1(ac)Apply the associative and commutative properties of multiplication.= ab + −(ac)Apply the property of multiplication by −1.= ab − acAdd the opposite is subtracting.We can use the distributive property to make some multiplication problems easier to solve. For example, by rewriting $1.85 as $2.00 − $0.15 and applying the distributive property, we can change 6($1.85) to a problem that is easy to solve mentally.6($1.85)=6($2−$0.15)=6($2) − 6($0.15)=$12 − $0.90=$11.10One common error students make when simplifying expressions is to simply remove the parentheses when a sum or difference is subtracted. For example, students may rewrite 10 − (6 + 9) as 10 − 6 + 9. In fact, 10 − (6 + 9) = 10 − 6 − 9. To see why, remember that that subtraction is equivalent to adding the opposite, 10 − (6 + 9) = 10 + [−(6 + 9)]. Applying the property of multiplication by −1, this is 10 + (−1)(6 + 9). Using the distributive property, we get 10 + (−6) + (−9) = 10 − 6 − 9.Goals and Learning ObjectivesApply addition and multiplication properties to simplify numerical expressions.

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Math, Grade 7, Working With Rational Numbers, The Effects of Positive & Negative Numbers
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Students explore what happens to a hot air balloon when they add or remove units of weight or heat. This activity is an informal exploration of addition and subtraction with positive and negative integers.Key ConceptsThis lesson introduces a balloon simulation for adding and subtracting integers. Positive integers are represented by adding units of heat to air and negative integers are represented by adding units of weight. The balloon is pictured next to a vertical number line. The balloon rises one unit for each unit of heat added or each unit of weight removed. The balloon falls one unit for each unit of weight added or each unit of heat removed from the air.Mathematically, adding 1 to a number and subtracting −1 from a number are equivalent and increase the number by 1. Adding −1 to a number and subtracting 1 from a number are equivalent and decrease the number by 1. Addition and subtraction with positive and negative numbers are explored formally in the next several lessons.Goals and Learning ObjectivesExplore the effects of adding or subtracting positive and negative numbers.

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Math, Grade 7, Working With Rational Numbers, Understanding Distance & Coordinates
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Students find the distance between points on a number line by counting and by using subtraction. They then use subtraction to find differences in temperatures.Students discover that the distance between any two points on the number line is the absolute value of their difference, and apply this idea to solve problems.Key ConceptsStudents know from earlier grades that the distance between two positive numbers on the number line can be found by subtracting the lesser number from the greater number. For example, the distance between 5 and 11 is 11 – 5, or 6. We can also state the rule for finding distance as “The distance between two positive numbers is the absolute value of their difference.” With this version of the rule, we don’t have to consider which number is greater; the result is the same either way. Using the example of 5 and 11, the distance is |11 – 5| or |5 – 11|, both of which are equal to 6.This idea extends to the entire number line, including numbers to the left of 0. That is, the distance between any two numbers is the absolute value of their difference. For example, the distance between –5 and 3 is |–5 – 3| = |–8| = 8 or |3 – (–5)| = |8| = 8, and the distance between –12 and –7 is |–12 – (–7)| = |–5| = 5 or |–7 – (–12)| = |5| = 5.Goals and Learning ObjectivesUnderstand the relationship between the distance between two points on the number line and the difference in the coordinates of those points.Find distances in real-life situations.

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Math, Grade 7, Working With Rational Numbers, Understanding Fractions & Decimals
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Students use number lines to solve addition and subtraction problems involving positive and negative fractions and decimals. They then verify that the same rules they found for integers apply to fractions and decimals as well. Finally, they solve some real-world problems.Key ConceptsThe first four lessons of this unit focused on adding and subtracting integers. Using only integers made it easier for students to create models and visualize the addition and subtraction process. In this lesson, those concepts are extended to positive and negative fractions and decimals. Students will see that the number line model and rules work for these numbers as well.Note that rational number will be formally defined in Lesson 15.Goals and Learning ObjectivesExtend models and rules for adding and subtracting integers to positive and negative fractions and decimals.Solve real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of positive and negative fractions and decimals.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Working With Rational Numbers, Understanding Rational Numbers
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Lesson OverviewStudents learn the definition of rational number, and they write rational numbers as ratios of integers and as repeating or terminating decimals.Key ConceptsStudents have been working with rational numbers throughout this unit, but the term rational number is formally defined in this lesson. A rational number is a number that can be written in the form pq, where p and q are integers. All the integers, fractions, decimals, and percents students have worked with so far in their math classes are rational numbers. Following are some rational numbers written as ratios of integers:36=361−1.2=−12105%=5100 −12=−12Any rational number can also be written as a decimal that terminates or that repeats forever in a regular pattern. For example, 35 = 0.6 and 711 = 0.63636363… Repeating decimals are often written with a bar over the digits that repeat. For example, 0.63636363… can be written as 0.63¯.There are numbers that are irrational. These numbers include π and the square root of any whole number that is not a perfect square, such as 2. The decimal form of an irrational number does not terminate, and the digits do not follow a repeating pattern. Students will study irrational numbers in Grade 8.Goals and Learning ObjectivesUnderstand the definition of rational number.Write rational numbers as ratios of integers.Write rational numbers as terminating or repeating decimals.SWD: Students with disabilities may have difficulty working with decimals and fractions, especially moving between the two. If students demonstrate difficulty to the point of frustration, provide direct instruction on the basics for finding equivalent fractions and decimals.ELL: Target and model key language and vocabulary. Specifically, focus on the term rational, as well as terms such as terminate. As you’re discussing the key points, write the words on the board or on large sheets of paper and explain/demonstrate what the words mean. Since these are important points that students will be using throughout the module, write them on large poster board so that students can use them as a reference. Have students record new terms, definitions, and examples in their Notebook. 

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures
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Zooming In On Figures

Unit Overview

Type of Unit: Concept; Project

Length of Unit: 18 days and 5 days for project

Prior Knowledge

Students should be able to:

Find the area of triangles and special quadrilaterals.
Use nets composed of triangles and rectangles in order to find the surface area of solids.
Find the volume of right rectangular prisms.
Solve proportions.

Lesson Flow

After an initial exploratory lesson that gets students thinking in general about geometry and its application in real-world contexts, the unit is divided into two concept development sections: the first focuses on two-dimensional (2-D) figures and measures, and the second looks at three-dimensional (3-D) figures and measures.
The first set of conceptual lessons looks at 2-D figures and area and length calculations. Students explore finding the area of polygons by deconstructing them into known figures. This exploration will lead to looking at regular polygons and deriving a general formula. The general formula for polygons leads to the formula for the area of a circle. Students will also investigate the ratio of circumference to diameter ( pi ). All of this will be applied toward looking at scale and the way that length and area are affected. All the lessons noted above will feature examples of real-world contexts.
The second set of conceptual development lessons focuses on 3-D figures and surface area and volume calculations. Students will revisit nets to arrive at a general formula for finding the surface area of any right prism. Students will extend their knowledge of area of polygons to surface area calculations as well as a general formula for the volume of any right prism. Students will explore the 3-D surface that results from a plane slicing through a rectangular prism or pyramid. Students will also explore 3-D figures composed of cubes, finding the surface area and volume by looking at 3-D views.
The unit ends with a unit examination and project presentations.

Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Applying Scale to Project
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Students will resume their project and decide on dimensions for their buildings. They will use scale to calculate the dimensions and areas of their model buildings when full size. Students will also complete a Self Check in preparation for the Putting It Together lesson.Key ConceptsThe first part of the project is essentially a review of the unit so far. Students will find the area of a composite figure—either a polygon that can be broken down into known areas, or a regular polygon. Students will also draw the figure using scale and find actual lengths and areas.GoalsRedraw a scale drawing at a different scale.Find measurements using a scale drawing.Find the area of a composite figure.SWD: Consider what supplementary materials may benefit and support students with disabilities as they work on this project:Vocabulary resource(s) that students can reference as they work:List of formulas, with visual supports if appropriateClass summaries or lesson artifacts that help students to recall and apply newly introduced skillsChecklists of expectations and steps required to promote self-monitoring and engagementModels and examplesStudents with disabilities may take longer to develop a solid understanding of newly introduced skills and concepts. They may continue to require direct instruction and guided practice with the skills and concepts relating to finding area and creating and interpreting scale drawings. Check in with students to assess their understanding of newly introduced concepts and plan review and reinforcement of skills as needed.ELL: As academic vocabulary is reviewed, be sure to repeat it and allow students to repeat after you as needed. Consider writing the words as they are being reviewed. Allow enough time for ELLs to check their dictionaries if they wish.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Applying The Volume Formula
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Students discover the formula for finding the volume of a pyramid and apply the formula to solve problems.Key ConceptsThe volume of a pyramid is one-third the volume of a prism with the same base and height. The shape of the base does not matter (including if it’s a circle), and students will see the same one-third comparison between a cylinder and cone.GoalsUnderstand the formula for the volume of a pyramid.Apply the volume formula to solve problems.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Area of a Circle
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Lesson OverviewStudents will compare the formula for the area of a regular polygon to discover the formula for the area of a circle.Key ConceptsThe area of a regular polygon can be found by multiplying the apothem by half of the perimeter. If a circle is thought of as a regular polygon with many sides, the formula can be applied.For a circle, the apothem is the radius, and p is C.A=a(p2)→A=rC2→A=rπd2→A=rπ2r2→A=rπr=πr2 GoalsDerive the formula for the area of a circle.Apply the formula to find the area of circles.SWD: Consider the prerequisite skills for this lesson: understanding and applying the formula for the area of a regular polygon. Students with disabilities may need direct instruction and guided practice with this skill.Students should understand these domain-specific terms:apothemparallelogramderivationheightapproximate (estimate)scatter plotpiperimetercircumferenceIt may be helpful to preteach these terms to students with disabilities. 

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Building with Polygons
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Students will complete the first part of their project, deciding on two right prisms for their models of buildings with polygon bases. They will draw two polygon bases on grid paper and find the areas of the bases.Key ConceptsProjects engage students in the application of mathematics. It is important for students to apply mathematical ways of thinking to solve rich problems. Students are more motivated to understand mathematical concepts if they are engaged in solving a problem of their own choosing.In this lesson, students are challenged to identify an interesting mathematical problem and choose a partner or a group to work collaboratively on solving that problem. Students gain valuable skills in problem solving, reasoning, and communicating mathematical ideas with others.GoalsSelect a project shape.Identify a project idea.Identify a partner or group to work collaboratively with on a math project.SWD: Consider how to group students skills-wise for the project. You may decide to group students heterogeneously to promote peer modeling for struggling students. Or you can group students by similar skill levels to allow for additional support and/or guided practice with the teacher. Or you may decide to create intentional partnerships between strong students and struggling students to promote leadership and peer instruction within the classroom.ELL: In forming groups, be aware of your ELLs and ensure that they have a learning environment where they can be productive. Sometimes, this means pairing them up with English speakers, so they can learn from others’ language skills. Other times, it means pairing them up with students who are at the same level of language skill, so they can take a more active role and work things out together. Other times, it means pairing them up with students whose proficiency level is lower, so they play the role of the supporter. They can also be paired based on their math proficiency, not just their language proficiency.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Calculating Volume
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Students will extend their knowledge of volume to find the volume of right prisms, seeing that the volume is the area of the base multiplied by the height.Key ConceptsVolume is measured in cubic units. The area of the base of a prism indicates how many cubic units are in the first unit “layer” of the prism. Multiplying by height gives the number of layers, and therefore the volume.GoalsFind the volume of right prisms.SWD: Some students with disabilities may have difficulty connecting newly introduced information with previously learned concepts. Consider ways to help students with disabilities to make connections between what they have learned in previous lessons about volume and right prisms and finding the volume of right prisms.Consider the prerequisite skills for this lesson. Students with disabilities may need direct instruction and guided practice with the skills, measurement, and concepts needed for this lesson.Students should understand these domain-specific terms:volumeright (domain-specific)prismcubicIt may be helpful to preteach these terms to students with disabilities.ELL: As new vocabulary is introduced, be sure to repeat it several times and allow students to repeat after you as needed. Write the new words as they are introduced, and allow enough time for ELLs to check their dictionaries or briefly consult with another student who shares the same primary language if they wish.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Changing Scale
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Students further explore scale, taking a scale drawing floor plan and redrawing it at a different scale.Key ConceptsStudents explore change from one scale to another, focusing on the ratios. Students will draw a scale model of a house.GoalsRedraw a scale drawing at a different scale.Find measurements using a scale drawing.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Exploring Cross-Sections
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Students will explore the cross-sections that result when a plane cuts through a rectangular prism or pyramid. Students will also see examples of cross-section cuts in real-world situations.Key ConceptsStudents are very familiar with rectangular prisms, and to a lesser degree, they are familiar with rectangular pyramids. However, students haven’t been exposed to the myriad possibilities for solids that result from planar slices. The purpose of the lesson is for students to explore these possibilities.GoalsIdentify the plane figures that result from a plane cutting through a rectangular prism or pyramid.

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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Gallery Problems Exercise
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Gallery OverviewAllow students who have a clear understanding of the content thus far in the unit to work on Gallery problems of their choosing. You can then use this time to provide additional help to students who need review of the unit’s concepts or to assist students who may have fallen behind on work.Problem DescriptionsSprinklersExplore different sprinkler layouts, looking at circular areas (and partial circles) to decide which will be best to water a lawn.Leaning TowerChoose a scale and use a ruler and protractor to make a simple scale drawing.Pizza DoublerIf you could choose between doubling the fraction of the pizza that a slice is, or doubling the radius, which option would give you more pizza? In this problem you will investigate which choice gives a bigger slice.Area and ScaleWhen a figure is redrawn at a larger scale the side lengths increase by the factor of the scale (if the scale doubles the size, the side lengths double also). But, does the area increase the same way? Explore a dynamic sketch and see how area changes when the scale changes.Tree House 1Given plans for a tree house, redraw the plans at a different scale.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Gallery Problems Exercise
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Gallery 2Allow students who have a clear understanding of the content thus far in the unit to work on Gallery problems of their choosing. You can then use this time to provide additional help to students who need to review the unit’s concepts or have fallen behind on work.Gallery OverviewOne World Trade CenterThis task gives students an opportunity to further explore figures that have been intersected by a plane. The task also allows students to revisit scale and think about the net of a sliced prism.Sketch ThreeThis task extends students’ knowledge of nets as they think about surfaces that are triangular and won’t line up parallel. Students may need to use a protractor to keep the angles of the sides consistent.Partial Cube NetThis task provides students with further experience in thinking about the revealed surface in a sliced prism, constructing a more complex net, and estimating area based on area formulas and measuring.Round PrismsThis task extends students’ knowledge of prism measurement to cylinders, which are really no different. Students will see that the only difference is that the base is circular, and they know how to find the circumference (perimeter) and area.Project Work TimeStudents may use a Gallery day to work on their projects and get help if needed.Cube Volume and NetsUsing the 2-D/3-D tool or the parallelogram cubes, students create a solid made of cubes. Using the 2-D views as a guide, they make a net for the figure and find its surface area. Students are challenged to make the net with one piece of paper.Same Surface Area, Different VolumeStudents create two solids with the same surface area but very different volumes. They that surface areas are the same by drawing the 2-D views.Tree House 2This task gives students further practice making a scale drawing and thinking about the net of a solid. Students should also realize that the plans for a building are the 2-D views of the building and are similar to a net.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, House Plans
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Students are introduced to real-world applications of geometry and measurement by looking at architectural plans. Students also begin to get familiar with reading architectural plans and thinking about scale.Key ConceptsSince this lesson is exploratory, all of the mathematics discussed will be informal. However, most of the mathematics that students will see in the unit is introduced in this lesson. Students look at length, area, surface area, and volume and examine how these measurements pertain to architectural plans and determining building costs. Students will also consider scale and how scale is used in architectural plans and math drawings.GoalsThink about what measurements are needed to build a building.Think about what measurements determine the cost of a building.Think about how scale is used in math drawings.SWD: Check in to ensure that students understand the meaning of domain-specific vocabulary terms such as dimensions, scale, and area. You may also need to clarify the meaning of the word contract for some students.ELL: Consider having students compile a list or resource with key vocabulary terms for this unit.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Measuring Circles
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Students will measure the circumference and diameter of round things in the classroom and discover the ratio pi. They will see that the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter can be used to solve for the circumference when the diameter is known.Key ConceptsStudents have seen circles before, but have not analyzed the relationships between parts of a circle. The ratio of the circumference to the diameter is pi, about 3.14 or about 227. Students see that all of the objects they measure have this ratio (or close, depending on accuracy) and that the ratio is true for all circles. Students also see that the ratio can be used to solve for the circumference of a circle if the diameter (or radius) is known.GoalsMeasure round things looking for similarities.Find the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of those round things.Find a formula to find the circumference of a circle.SWD: Make sure students understand these domain-specific terms:It may be helpful to preteach these terms to students with special needs. If possible, reinforce the definitions of these terms with visual supports (diagrams).ELL: As new vocabulary is introduced, be sure to repeat it several times and to allow students to repeat after you as needed. Write the new words as they are introduced and allow enough time for ELLs to check their dictionaries or briefly consult with another student who shares the same primary language if they wish.ratiocircumferencecirclediameterscatter plot

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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Methods Of Calculating The Surface Area
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Students will continue to explore surface area, looking at more complex solids made up of cubes. Students will look at the 2-D views of these solids to see all of the surfaces and to find a shorter method to calculate the surface area.Key ConceptsThe 2-D views of 3-D figures (front top and side) show all of the surfaces of the figure (the area of the three views is doubled or the back, bottom, and other side) and so can be used to calculate surface area. The only exception is when surfaces are hidden or blocked and must be accounted for.GoalsExplore the relationship between 2-D views of figures and their surface area.Find the surface area of different solids.

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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Polygons
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Students find the area of regular polygons, recalling what they already know about the area of geometric shapes and generalizing a formula for any regular polygon.Key ConceptsStudents will recall what they already know about the area of geometric shapes and apply that to find the area of regular polygons. Any regular polygon can be divided into congruent isosceles triangles. If the length from the center to the midpoint of a side (the apothem) is known, the area of the triangles and the area of the polygon can be found. Students will see the similarities between the area of a polygon and derive the formula for the area of a circle.GoalsReview area of triangles, rectangles, and parallelograms.Find the area of regular polygons.Generalize an area formula for any regular polygon.ELL: This lesson offers students a rich opportunity to learn academic vocabulary. Display the new terms in writing somewhere visible in the classroom so that you can refer to them. Allow ELLs to use their bilingual dictionaries to help with understanding the terms. When possible, have ELLs discuss the terms in their language of choice with other ELLs who share the same primary language.

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Lesson Plan
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Math, Grade 7, Zooming In On Figures, Project Presentations (Feedback)
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Lesson OverviewStudent groups make their presentations, provide feedback on other students’ presentations, and get evaluated on their listening skills.Key ConceptsIn this culminating event, students present their project plan and solution to the class. The presentation allows students to explain their problem-solving plan, communicate their reasoning, and construct a viable argument about a mathematical problem.Students also listen to other project presentations and provide feedback to the presenters. Listeners have the opportunity to critique the mathematical reasoning of others.GoalsPresent project to the class.Give feedback on other project presentations.Exhibit good listening skills.Reflect on the problem-solving process.

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Lesson Plan
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