This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Remixing is allowed including the addition of student work. samples.
- Subject:
- Mathematics
- Material Type:
- Activity/Lab
- Formative Assessment
- Date Added:
- 07/08/2019
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Remixing is allowed including the addition of student work. samples.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students provide the missing parts and data on a scaled bar graph. It includes opportunities to also estimate in Part 2 of the task. Remixing is allowed including the addition of samples of student work.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students are given data and must create a scaled bar graph. Remixing is allowed including the addition of student work. samples.
This is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students create their own scaled bar graph based on information in the task. This can be remixed, including the addition of student work samples.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students solve addition and subtraction problems using a table of information about hot and cold lunches served at a school. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task about a game where they need to find a sum that is close to or equal to 1,000. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task in which they spend $1,000 on classroom furniture. Students use addition and subtraction to keep track of how much money has been spent and how much money they have left. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task where they play a game related to two-digit subtraction. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students consider different ways to spend $1,000 at a toy store and use addition and subtraction to keep track of how much money they have spent and have left. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. It is intended to be used in Clusters 1 or 4 of Grade 3.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students collect data, represent the data in a frequency table and graph, then analyze and interpret the data. This task includes examples of student work to help anticipate student responses and to support teachers with assessment.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. It is designed to be used in Cluster 1. Students look at data in a frequency table, create a line plot, then analyze and interpret the data by answering questions.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Given a frequency table students create a line plot and then analyze and interpret the data. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Given a frequency table students create a line plot then analyze and interpret the data. This is remixable.
REMIX I changed this to have headers and sub headers.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students create a bar graph based on data. There are samples of student work to help teachers assess and also to help anticipate student responses. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students create a bar graph based on data. There are samples of student work to help teachers assess and also to help anticipate student responses. This is remixable.
This was a remix from the original. The remix added subheadings and a brief description detailing the importance of the pdf information within the lesson plan.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students create a bar graph based on data. There are samples of student work to help teachers assess and also to help anticipate student responses. This is remixable.
REMIX - My remix is intended to increase accessibility by focusing on adding headers for screenreader.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students create a bar graph based on data. There are samples of student work to help teachers assess and also to help anticipate student responses. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. It includes samples of student work to help with assessment and to help anticipate student responses. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Given a table of data students will create a bar graph and then analyze and interpret the data by answering questions. This is remixable.