All resources in Remote Learning Pre-K-5th Grade

Language of Science: The Environment and Animals

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students the vocabulary and language associated with certain animals and the envirnoment. Students complete matching activities, true or false questions, and questions with partners. Student listen,speak, read, and write in these activities. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Social and Instructional Language: Holiday Phrases and Places

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students about the language and vocabulary necessary for travel and vacations. Students complete fill in the blank, matching, and questions. These activities are aimed at getting students to engage in dialogues. Students listen, speak, read, and write in these actiivites. The teacher guide to these activities can be found at

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Preparing for the Oath: Congress

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In this lesson, students can learn about Congress through short videos, mini-activities, and practice questions in this segment of Preparing for the Oath: U.S. History and Civics for Citizenship. The eleven questions included in this segment cover topics such as the bicameral nature of Congress, the number of representatives in each house of Congress, and the process of getting elected to either house of Congress. This site was designed with the needs of recent immigrants in mind. It is written at a “low-intermediate” ESL level.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Smithsonian National Museum

Language of Language Arts: Colour

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students about the language and vocabulary associated with colors. This language includes figurative language and idioms associated with colors. Students complete matching, fill in the gap, and question with partners. Students listen, speak, read, and write in these activities. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Language of Science: The Environment and Pollution

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students about vocabulary and the language associated with pollution. Students exploore compoud words assocaied with the topic with matching activities and fill in the gao activities. Students create questions and engage in dialogues with a partner about pollution. Students listen, speak, read, and write in these activities. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Language of Science: The Environment

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students about the vocabulary and language necessary to discuss the protect of the envirnoment. Students complete multiple choice questions, matching activities, fill in the gap questions, and discuss questions with partners. Students also explore figurative language and idioms associated with the topic. Students listen, speak, read, and write. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Social and Instructional Language: Transport: General

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This resource supports English language development for English language learners. These activities teach students the language and vocabulary necessary for discussing various means of transportation. Students complete brainstorming, fill in the gap, puzzle, and question activities. Students engage in conservations and create questions. Students listen, speak, read, and write. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Language of Science: The Environment and Rubbish

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This resource supports English language development and English language learners. Students learn about vocabulary and language associated with rubbish and pollution. Students complete a matching phrases activity, fill in the blank activity, create questions for dialogues, and engage in dialogues on the topic. Students listen, speak, read, and write in these activities. Teacher notes can be found at .

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Liz Regan

Preparing for the Oath: A Growing Nation

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In this activity, students can explore the history of the peopling of America through short videos, mini-activities, and practice questions in this segment of Preparing for the Oath: U.S. History and Civics for Citizenship. The eight questions included in this segment cover topics such as American Indians, British colonists, slavery, westward expansion, and immigration. This site was designed with the needs of recent immigrants in mind. It is written at a “low-intermediate” ESL level.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Smithsonian National Museum

Preparing for the Oath: Responsibilities

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In this resource, students can explore the civic responsibilities of Americans through short videos, mini-activities, and practice questions in this segment of Preparing for the Oath: U.S. History and Civics for Citizenship. The four questions included in this segment cover taxes, selective service, jury duty, and the Naturalization Oath. This site was designed with the needs of recent immigrants in mind. It is written at a “low-intermediate” ESL level.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Smithsonian National Museum

Preparing for the Oath: Symbols & Holidays

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In this resource, students can learn about America’s key symbols and holidays through short videos, mini-activities, and practice questions in this segment of Preparing for the Oath: U.S. History and Civics for Citizenship. The seven questions included in this segment cover topics such as national holidays, the American flag, the national anthem, and the Statue of Liberty. This site was designed with the needs of recent immigrants in mind. It is written at a “low-intermediate” ESL level.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: Smithsonian National Museum

Liberty for All: Voices from the Revolution

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In this activity students read short excerpts of documents that show how the expectations of women, African Americans, and working white men were raised by the rhetoric of liberty during the American Revolution. Students write petitions to the Continental Congress from one of the three group's perspectives, explaining how their group responded to the Revolution and outlining how their group should be treated under the new Constitution. This activity includes multiple learning supports that can help ESL/ELL students, special education students, or low readers.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: American Social History Project / Center for Media and Learning

The Poetry of Chinese Immigration

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In this activity students read poems written by Chinese immigrants to understand the hopes of and challenges faced by Chinese immigrants during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Then students write an original poem about the Chinese immigrant experience in the U.S. This activity uses materials in both English and Spanish and includes a word bank to help ESL/ELL students create their poems.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

The Language of Science: Recycle City

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This resource supports the English language development of English language learners. This website has lots to offer - people and places to visit and plenty of ways to explore how the city's residents recycle, reduce, and reuse waste. Students can click on any section of Recycle City that they want to tour, or click on the Dumptown Game. They can also create their own Recycle City scavenger hunt or go to the Activities area to see other ways they can explore.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: EPA

Social and Instructional Language: Eyeglasses for You

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This website allows students to listen to a voicemail recording at an eyewear store. It contains pre-listening exercises, listening exercises, vocabulary, post-listening exercises and online investigations. The audio file, which lasts twenty-seven seconds, is accompanied by a script and a self-scoring quiz. Post-listening exercises and online investigations provide opportunity for students to extend their learning beyond the initial exercise and look at the benefits and disadvantages of corrective lenses and laser eye surgery. This resource supports English language development for English language learners.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson

Author: Randall Davis

Language of Science: Model Life Science Lessons Ecology Set

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This resource supports English language development for English Language Learners. This SIOP unit/lesson set contains instructions, pacing guide, slides, bilingual word cards and student activities. Students will study ecology and access the information in an appropriately modified format.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Center for Research on the Educational Achievement and Teaching of English Language Learners