T4T Measuring String
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Task excerpt:
Domain |
Measurement and Data |
Cluster |
Measure and estimate lengths in standard units |
Standard(s) |
NC.2.MD.1 Measure the length of an object in standard units by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. |
Materials |
String measuring 8 inches in length, ruler, yardstick, meter stick, measuring tape |
Task |
Show the student the materials. Say: I have a piece of string. What tool do you think we should use to measure the length of the string? After the student selects a tool ask: Why did you choose that tool? After the student provides and explanation, say: Use your tool to measure how long the string is. How long is the string? |
Continuum of Understanding |
Not Yet Proficient |
Needs prerequisite concepts |
Selects the correct tool and measures accurately: ❑ Selects the ruler ❑ Uses the ruler correctly, lining up the end of the string with the zero point on the ruler. |
Progressing |
· Does not select a ruler. · Selects a ruler but doesn’t provide a reasonable explanation. · Inaccurately measures the length of the string. |
Meets Expectation |
· Selects a ruler. · Explanation includes an understanding that the string is a relatively short object and a ruler is an appropriate tool for shorter measurements (may state that all of the tools could be used to measure the string). · Measures the length of the string accurately, aligning the starting point of the ruler with the end of the string. · States that the string is 8 inches in length. |