- ABCya (21)
- Achieve the Core (216)
- Active for Life (26)
- AdLit (22)
- Alabama Learning Exchange (207)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (165)
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- American Museum of Natural History (80)
- American Sociological Association (17)
- Annenberg Learner (41)
- Aquarium of the Pacific (11)
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- ASPIRE (20)
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- C3 Teachers (78)
- California Academy of Sciences (72)
- Cambridge Rindge and Latin School (16)
- Canopy in the Clouds (21)
- Carolina K12 (187)
- CCDMD (14)
- Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) (18)
- Center for Civic Education (48)
- Center for History and New Media (12)
- Center for Middle Eastern Studies, The University of Arizona (10)
- Center for Urban Education at DePaul University (37)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (146)
- Centro Virtual Cervantes (24)
- Chandra X-ray Center (13)
- Chemistry 30 (20)
- (25)
- Children & Youth in History (18)
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- CK-12 Foundation (805)
- (341)
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- CPALMS (11)
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- CS Unplugged (47)
- Delaware Department of Education (16)
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- Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey (18)
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- (34)
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- (28)
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- FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa (28)
- Folger Shakespeare Library (37)
- Foundation for Teaching Economics (30)
- Free Reading (82)
- Genetic Science Learning Center at the University of Utah (17)
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- Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks (44)
- George Washington's Mount Vernon (19)
- Georgia Public Broadcasting (42)
- Glencoe Online (42)
- Global Oneness Project (21)
- Green Education Foundation (50)
- Harper Acedemic (14)
- Hawaii State Department of Education (139)
- Heads Up English (22)
- (15)
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- History Teaching Institute - Ohio State University (63)
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- (13)
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- (24)
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- Kuta Worksheets (12)
- KVIE (15)
- Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (20)
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- Lane County STEM Hub (44)
- Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics (12)
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- Maptia (113)
- Mars Education Program (15)
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- (25)
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- Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility (49)
- (37)
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- NASA Aerospace Education Services Project (12)
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- National Center for Earth and Space Science Education (12)
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- National Constitution Center (26)
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (27)
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- National Gallery of Art (31)
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- NCDENR (10)
- NC Heritage Calendar (29)
- NCPEDIA (40)
- NeoK12 (36)
- Newberry Digital Collections for the Classroom (42)
- NewsHour Productions LLC (11)
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- New York Times (270)
- New Zealand Government (48)
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- Not in Our Town (10)
- Nuffield Foundation (43)
- Nutrition Education Program at Drexel University (40)
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- OER Commons (21)
- Ohio Resource Center (14)
- Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology (448)
- PBS (443)
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- Penguin Press (85)
- Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences (60)
- Pennsylvania Department of Education (24)
- Performance Assessment Links in Science (16)
- Perkins School for the Blind (12)
- PE Shed (10)
- PIER - Programs in International Educational Resources (10)
- Poetry Foundation (96)
- (42)
- Portland Metro STEM Partnership (13)
- Power Sleuth (19)
- Practical Money Skills (61)
- Prestwick House (40)
- (15)
- Public Consulting Group, Inc. (394)
- Purdue University (10)
- PwC (14)
- Random House for High School Teachers (118)
- ReadWriteThink (467)
- REMC Association of Michigan (225)
- Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (12)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (24)
- Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (88)
- RutaEle (29)
- Safe Kids Worldwide (18)
- Samaratins (19)
- San Francisco Symphony (129)
- Scholastic (95)
- (58)
- Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (71)
- Science Education Gateway (17)
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- Science Learning Hub (102)
- Science Matters (29)
- Science Online (21)
- Sean Banville (77)
- SEPM: Society for Sedimentary Geology (13)
- Shape of Life (11)
- Shell Center for Mathematical Education (68)
- Sheppard Software (18)
- Shodor Education Foundation (35)
- Simon and Schuster (16)
- Smithsonian Institution (451)
- Sophia (101)
- Southern Poverty Law Center (51)
- Stanford History Education Group (18)
- Stanford University (11)
- St. Clair County Regional Office of Education (10)
- Study Languages, LLC (15)
- Take Charge America (18)
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- Teachers.Net (15)
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- (20)
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- The American Statistical Association (30)
- The Bill of Rights Institute (61)
- The Book Report Network (12)
- The Calvacade o' Chemistry (21)
- The Center for Global Studies (10)
- The Center for International Education (21)
- The Choices Program (17)
- The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation (21)
- The Concord Consortium (20)
- The Cornell Lab of Ornithology (13)
- The Current Events Classroom: Anti-Defamation League (12)
- The Educator's Reference Desk (10)
- The Florida Center for Instructional Technology (15)
- The Globe Program (17)
- The History Teaching Institute (52)
- The Internet TESL Journal (13)
- The Learning Network (11)
- The MacArthur Memorial (18)
- The Map as History (18)
- The Museum of Modern Art (66)
- The National Archives (United Kingdom) (59)
- The Nemours Foundation (167)
- The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning (14)
- The New York City Department of Education (15)
- The North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (17)
- The Oriental Institute of The University of Chicago (30)
- (12)
- The Physics Classroom (59)
- The Science Spot (23)
- The Southeast Comprehensive Center (43)
- The Texas Tribune (65)
- The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (21)
- ThoughtCo. (19)
- Time and Date (20)
- Traci Gardner (11)
- Triple Threat, Inc. (12)
- Turtle Diary (11)
- TV411 (36)
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- UEN (14)
- UGA Extension (29)
- Unbound Ed (19)
- UnboundEd Learning (463)
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- UNCTV Learning Media (23)
- United States Census Bureau (10)
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- University of Arizona (13)
- University of California Irvine (24)
- University of Chapel Hill North Carolina Writing Center (24)
- University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Science (63)
- University of Minnesota (12)
- University of Missouri-St. Louis (12)
- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (39)
- U.S. Census Bureau (10)
- USDA (12)
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- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (12)
- USGS (18)
- U. S. National Archives (17)
- Utah Education Network (542)
- WebRangers (12)
- Weebly (38)
- WGBH Educational Foundation (17)
- WGBH - Teachers' Domain (26)
- WordPress (11)
- (15)