All resources in Building Engineers in K-12 Classrooms

Math 3: Virtual Museum

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Students will create a poster (1 each per student in the group) that explains a circle theorem or property. Student Groups will use a 360 degree camera to create a virtual museum where they use a photo overlay of their poster and an attached audio file to explain their theorem/property.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Lee Ann Holmes

Chemistry - Explaining Solutions

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This is a culminating activity to be used after completion of a Solutions unit, or later in the curriculum as review or evidence of concept retention. Students will create and label molecular level drawings of aqueous solutions, differentiating between dilute and concentrated solutions, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions, and to illustrate how an ionic solid dissolves.  For each, students will explain in detail what is happening using Livescribe Echo pens.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

ELA - Analyzing Perspective Through Character Monologues

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Students will create and record character monologues based on a character in Alan Wolfe's The Watch that Ends the Night. Students will analyze a particular character’s attitude toward and interpretation of various events and other characters in a story. Students will analyze what their character does, says, and thinks throughout a text in order to determine how the author has developed and communicated his/her unique perspective. Students will then present in collaboration stations and will analyze and connect other characters and their perspectives to their own. The purpose of the project and the presentation is to enable students to make connections to other characters and perspectives and ultimately to deepen the understanding of the plot and characters. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

ELA/Social Studies : Using Literature to Create a Historical Newscast

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 Students will use the green screen to create a newscast in a small group based on the setting of a WWII literature circle novel. Students will first write their informational skit, create text features (charts, diagrams, photos w/ captions, etc) inside of their news presentations in order to teach the class about WWII from their novel's perspective and setting. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

ELA - Informational Web Page

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 Students will create a web page that is informational on a topic they select. They must include the history or aspect of history on their topic, a step by step tutorial with visual and written instructions, and a page with links to find more information on the topic to name a few. This is not an individual lesson, but a project that includes web building, information gathering, informational writing, and using various aspects of multimedia.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

ELA - A Doll’s House: How a Character shapes Satire

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 The student will use StoryboardThat to describe Nora’s character as a typical Victorian Woman at the beginning of the play. The student will continue analyzing changes in Nora’s character as she develops into the ideals Ibsen wanted to present on how women should be treated contrary to Victorian Ideas. The student will compare and contrast the typical Victorian woman and identify the changes in society which Ibsent wanted to bring about which makes this piece of literature a Satire.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

7th Grade Science: Severe Weather

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 Students will plan a severe weather report using information learned about severe weather phenomena.  They will use the iPads and green screens to plan and create their severe weather report. Students will let the general public know how such phenomena occur, how they should proceed and cautions to adhere to while the event is occuring.  

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

Social Studies: Revolution - Identify and Explain the Cycle of Change

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This mini-project comes following the study of the enlightenment and serves as the summative assessment for the Age of Revolution unit. Students will have their interactive notebooks from which to draw the events they need to complete the timeline. Students will use Cospaces to create a timeline that depicts and explains the order of events (patterns) that led to the creation of new governments that were created as a result of the events surrounding the Age of Revolution.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo

Visual Arts 9-12 - “Take a Walk on the VR Side”

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 This project is designed for Visual Art Beginning students but can be used with any course introducing VR as a new medium. In this design process, students will create a painting using Tilt Brush in VR and will discover how the element of shape can evolve into the element of form. They will also experience how traditional painting can be very different from VR painting becoming a sculptural painting process. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Carrie Robledo