T4T Gr 4 C2 task- Buying Music

This task is from Tools for NC Teachers. Students explore multiplicative reasoning and multiplication relationships. This is remixable.

Download: buyingmusic-oa1.docx

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Problem 1: 

The cost to download one song is $2, and the cost to download an album is $12. How much more will you pay to download the album than just one song?

What is the relationship between the numbers in this problem?  Write as many equations as you can to represent the problem. 


Problem 2:

An album will cost six times as much to download as one song. If one album costs $12, how much does it cost to download one song?

What is the relationship between the numbers in this problem?  Write as many equations as you can to represent the problem. 


Problem 3: 

Compare your solutions to the two problems.  How are they alike?  How are they different?

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