Craven Remix - OER Community of Practice Next Steps

Next Steps

Consider the why, what, who, when & how of GoOpenNC, and determine what next step(s) you plan to take.

District:    Craven County Schools

Team:   Curriculum and Instruction

Critical Path


Consider: Why is OER a value-add to our district and teams?  

Why will framing be an important component of successful engagement?


OER will assist our district with  

  • acquiring and sharing aligned, vetted resources with our teachers
  •  building content for our CDC courses


Consider: Do I need to learn more about OER, OEP, and/or open licensing?

Would be helpful to me if I can spend more time learning about the features and functionality of the microsite?

In my district/school, we have created openly-licensed content that could be added to the microsite.  Do I need to consider the process for making this happen?


CCS will need to determine key personnel to learn the microsite and evaluate our district's current resources to determine if appropriate for the NC Microsite.  


Consider: I know there are OER champions already in my district/school. How can I best connect with them to discuss GoOpenNC?

How can I best determine other instructional leaders in my district/school who can join me as thought partners as we investigate OER/OEP?


Pinpoint CCS  Team members that are representative across grade spans and content

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