Remix RCMs-Template OER Community of Practice Next Steps

Next Steps

Consider the why, what, who, when & how of GoOpenNC, and determine what next step(s) you plan to take.

Team: Regional Case Managers

#GoOpenNC is a resource that we can share with our RST specialists to share with their schools.

Critical Path


Consider: Why is OER a value-add to our district and teams?  

It is a free resource that provides online materials and standards-based lesson plans for teachers.

Action Items:

Provide overview for schools to support teachers in accessing and contributing to this resource.

Support teachers in accessing this resource during CPT and PLC's.


Consider: Do we need to learn more about OER, OEP, and/or open licensing?

Action Items:

Consider adding a tutorial around the various types of licensing and what restrictions may be involved.


Consider:  How can we match OER Champions with schools to discuss #GoOpenNC?


Encourage schools to attend regional trainings to explore the tool and its options.


Consider: When are there opportunities for teachers and instructional leaders to engage in professional learning related to OER?

When the district/school reviews and selects instructional materials, can we could consider OER and how those materials can be utilized?

Action Items:

Consider - Will ongoing support be beneficial for successful application?


Consider:  How can RSTs best support teachers as they find, vet, use, and create OER?

Are there opportunities for teachers to curate and align OER to standards?

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