Copy of Serafina chapters 7-9

 Serafina and the Black Cloak

Chapters 7-9Words and Phrases  - analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.Key Events - Explain how a story’s plot is developed by a series of events.Comprehension Questions
Chapter 7on page 91- “The first surrounded them, black and impenetrable, the craggy-barked trees packed densely together.”  What mood does this create? How does it foreshadow events to come? Why does the man in the black cloak want Braeden? Support with evidence.What can you infer about Crankshod disappearance during the battle? 1. “A great shattering of wood erupted in an explosive crash”. What tone does this create?
  1. anxious
  2. ominous
  3. elated
  4. desperate
2. What is the meaning of ‘gnarly” as used on page 93?
  1. contorted
  2. straight
  3. bent
  4. untwisted
3. What is the meaning of “perturbed” as used in the following quote “Braeden said sharply, obviously perturbed by his comment about the dog.”
  1. relieved
  2. unaware
  3. frail
  4. bothered
4. What is the meaning of the term “delve” as used in the following quote “there was a part of her, too, that was anxious to delve into the shadows of the forest, to see its mysterious world.”
  1. go into
  2. get out of
  3. scoop out
  4. shovel
Chapter 8“A shade, a haunt, You know a ghost.”  What impact does this phrase have on the determination of Serafina and Braeden? What can you infer about Braeden and Serafina’s relationship? Describe the development of their characters.
Chapter 9“As she gazed at the darkened passage, a shiver went through her spine. She had no idea where it would lead her, but she started down the path.” How does this phrase foreshadow the events to come in the forest? How does Serafina’s exploration of the forest impact the development of the plot?
SummarizeSerafina concludes that it is difficult to determine who is good and who is bad. What is significant about this quote?
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