Serafina Chapter 19-21

Serafina and the Black Cloak

chapters 19-21Words and Phrases  - analyze the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone.Key Events - Explain how a story’s plot is developed by a series of events.Comprehension Questions
chapter 19“Our character isn’t defined by the battles we win or lose, but by the battles, we dare to fight.” What is significant about the phrase on the angel statue?What is the author’s purpose for stating “the darkness made the whole house the demon’s domain”?What is significant about the quote “ She’d been born in the forest, a forest as black as the Black Cloak and as haunted as the graveyard. She was one of them, a creature of the  night.” “Serafina says ‘over the last few days, she felt increasingly constrained here. She didn't want to be inside anymore. She wanted the freedom of space and true darkness.” What does this reveal about Serafina and the evolution of her character? On page 221 the author reveals the thought process Serafina is using to determine who the man in the black cloak is and what her plan is. What is the author’s purpose for using her internal dialogue? How does this contribute to the development of the plot? 1. “The forest was live at night, filled with motion, sound, creatures, and light. She felt comfortable here. Connected.” What is the author's purpose for including this statement? 2. What is the author’s point of view of the man in the black cloak? 3. What can you infer about the author’s use of repetition of “bloody hands reading for her.”?
chapter 20What tone is created throughout the chapter? Used explicit evidence to support your answer.What is the author’s purpose for including the following paragraph “There was something different about him tonight? His face looked gray. The skin under his eyes was wrinkled and flaking. His hair seemed less shiny and perfect than it did the morning in the Tapestry Gallery…” What transformations are we seeing in Serafina throughout the chapter? pg 231What does Serafina’s desire to be a normal reveal about her character?
Chapter 21“Her corset felt like Satan’s bony hand gripping her around her chest and squeezing tight.” What is the meaning of the metaphor in the chapter? What can you conclude about the constant repetition of reference to the bloody hand? How does the mention of “yellow-eyed monster of the night” impact the development of the plot? Analyze the author’s purpose for having the battle between Serafina and the man in the black cloak in the angel’s glad?
SummarizeSerafina was “aware she was bringing two great forces together”, what is significant about this quote and its impact on the text?
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