REMIX -Reading Workshop Lesson Plan Template for Lucy Calkins Reading Workshop

This template is intended to be used when planning minilessons that fit into a Reading Workshop model.  

Part I: Record your teaching point or learning target.  There's room here to also record language from the standard.

Part II: Start with the why:  At the heart of this template is considering the "why" behind the learning target. There is a space on this template to consider and record how the lesson aligns with the core beliefs of a building or a teacher, along with the "why" of the grade level standard. Teachers are also asked to consider the why for their students in particular.  Why do my students need this lesson, presented this way, at this time? 

Part III: Mini-Lesson: Record how you'll connect this lesson to previous learning or how you'll catch students' attention and make the learning relevant.

Part IV: How? This lesson plan follows the gradual release of responsibility model, but allows flexibility to flip the gradual release.  In this section, plan what you'll model, how you'll guide, and what you'll be expecting from students during independent practice.  A key component of the How section is recording your criteria for success and the academic language you will use along with any language you'll expect students to use.

Part V: Then What? What will you expect from students after the mini-lesson and what will the teacher's role be? Plan who you'll meet with, in what format (conference, small group, book club, etc.) and what support or teaching you will provide.

Part VI: Share or Mid-workshop interruption: Plan how you and your students will know if they met their criteria for the day. Some suggestions for this time include an opportunity to share with a partner, complete an exit slip, self-assess, or spotlight student work. Understand that, even if you don't have time for mid-workshop stoppage, it is important to review goal for the lesson before moving on to next subject.


Teaching point:


Core belief:


Your Students:

Mini Lesson - to connect with your class

How will you catch your students’ attention, make the learning relevant, and/ or connect to previous learning?


What will you model?

What will the guided practice entail?

Independent practice?

What academic language will you use and expect your students to use?

What vocabulary are you previewing from the text?  POST vocabulary in the room so students can refer to it.

Criteria for success:

Then what?

Independent reading

Small Group Instruction


Who will you meet with first?

What supports will you be prepared to offer?

What transfer of previous learning will you be on the look-out for?

Share or Mid-workshop Interruption

Consider an opportunity for self-assessment or exit slip here to assess learning. 

*Important to repeat lesson goal before ending for the day, even if no time for mid-lesson stoppage*

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