GOAT Template for Student Project Management

What are areas that are strengths for the group?

What are areas that are weaknesses for the group?
What activities need to be completed by the group?

What are threats that may impact the ability to complete the activities.

This template should be used in a manner similar to a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis in project management. This template will allow the project group to analyze different areas that are critical to the success of their activity completion.

*Here is an example of a GOAT completed for a project where students were asked to come up with an ad for a new cell phone they designed.

What are areas that are strengths for the group?
  • Communication skills
  • Having chromebooks to do research.
  • Knowing a lot about cell phones.
  • Knowing how to use the internet to do research.
What are areas that are weaknesses for the group?
  • Organization
  • Too many ideas
  • Some people in the group not having cell phones.
  • Too much talking.
  • Group members being absent a lot.
  • Group members not getting along.
  • Behavior
What activities need to be completed by the group?
  • Research topic
  • Create a plan
  • Pick roles in the group.
  • Make brochure
  • Do the group survey.
What are threats that may impact the ability to complete the activities.
  • Not enough time to finish.
  • Another group having the same idea.

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