Smart Search with Google


Sometimes there is a need to refine or modify a search. In this lesson, students will learn about some advanced search techniques and when it is appropriate to use these tricks.


Inquiry questions: How can I further refine my searches in order to find more relevant material? How can I find results that might not be easily found with basic search? What are the syntaxes associated with advanced search techniques?

In this module, students will learn how to use Google's seven advanced search operators. Students will be able to conduct advanced searches and determine when each type of operator should be applied.


1. The teacher will explain that the class will learn some new methods for further refining searches and that these techniques require a bit more strategic thinking on the part of the searcher. The teacher will use the companion presentation "Hello Operators" to discuss and demonstrate techniques.

2. Slides that go with each section of this lesson are indicated by number [Slide #1].  As you go through each slide allow the students to do a search using each of the operators.   

[Slide #3]  Give a brief introduction to operators. Discuss with students what operators are and how they modify words or numbers around them. Ask students to provide examples of how certain English and mathematical operators are used to change the meaning of a sentence or phrase.

[Slide #4] Explain that, like English or math, Google Search has particular operators that modify a search query. Tell students they will be introduced to seven advanced operators to use in their searches.

[Slide #6 - #12]] Demonstrate advanced operator searches as indicated on the slides. Conduct the searches on each slide with and without the advanced operator, and ask students to notice and discuss the differences in the search results between these searches. Encourage students to offer any other possible searches that might make use of each operator. Ask students to follow along on computers if possible. Hello Operators by Trent Maverick & Tasha Bergson-Michelson

[Slide #13] Review the seven advanced operator strategies to recap the lesson.

Google Slide provided by Trent Maverick and Tasha Bergson-Michelson  CC-BY-SA

Hello Operators

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