Short Story Video Project

Short Story Video Project 

Assignment Details : Working in a group of no more than three people, create a visual representation of one of the following short stories we have read: The Cask of Amontillado, The lady or the Tiger, The Scarlet Ibis, The Most Dangerous Game, or The Necklace. 


✴Option 1) Textual Evidence and Musical Production 

  • The Scarlet Ibis Plot Summary with textual evidence  - YOU MUST USED QUOTES AND PASSAGES FROM THE TEXT IN THIS VIDEO!

  • Example : The Scarlet Ibis


✴Option 2) Plot Synopsis in 60 Seconds: 


✴Option 3) Stop Motion:

  • Stop Motion, or stop action, is a way to create a video by piecing together pictures taken in quick succession. For our purposes, we will be putting our pictures into iMovie at 10 fps... That means it'll take 10 pictures to make one second of video! If you want to make a 1 minute video, how many pictures do you need to take? That's right... 600!

  • To create a Stop Motion project, you need to have a plan. Are you sharing information? Are you illustrating a concept? Are you trying to entertain? Are you just going for a cool effect? Will portions of your video be shot from different camera angles? Do you have a beginning, middle, and end? Are you going to include music? What about sound effects? Voiceover? Do you need text slides between portions of your video to help explain your point? Plan, plan, and plan.


Camera: You can use any camera as long as you're able to then upload the pictures to a computer. Of course a regular digital camera on a tripod would be ideal, but you could also use a document camera or an iPod/iPhone. Again, you just need to make sure that the pictures can then be dropped onto the computer. If you take pictures on a camera or iPod from home, you can upload them to your home computer. Put them on a flash drive, then you can dump them onto the school computer.



In the last several years, I’ve seen countless examples of conventional stop motion videos such as


I’ve also noticed a number of stop motion music videos such as:

For the stop motion music video, you will pick a song that you feel is a great representation for the short story of your choice and create a stop motion video for the song. This still needs to be focused on the short story rather than the video. - Also, you do not need to do the entire song, I would focus on 1-2 minutes. 

What I like about these videos is that there is so much variation and creativity among these pieces. There is no simple recipe or formula and from a technical standpoint, the method for creating stop motion effects is done in a number of unique ways. And, if you consider a video like “Amateur” by Lasse Gjertsen, you will realize that stop motion is more than just choppy video. Rather, it’s a method of construction that allows artists to create things that could not be formed similarly through other methods. Gjertsen states at the end of his video, “I can neither play the drums nor play the piano”, yet through his video editing mastery, he is transformed into a talented musician.


✴Option 4) Common Craft-Styled Video

  1. First, you will need to distill all of your “fact” knowledge into a compelling story, basically into an accurate summary.

  2. Then your needed to write the script for your video 

  3. Create paper characters, - Common Craft Cut Outs Link

  4. and finally begin to practice moving their papers on the whiteboard. 

ALL OF THIS NEEDS TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE YOUR BEGIN VIDEOING! You will need to use a very small area to use as a whiteboard background while filming these videos, otherwise you move out of view of the camera.



Suggested Websites to use:




Day 1 Plan of Action:

What is our task for today? You are to submit to me a written plan of action!

 You must address the following: 

  • Who, (Group Members)

  • What, (What are your going to create, which video, which website do you think you will use?)

  • When,(When is it going to take place....depending on your video choice, you will either create a large majority of your video at school or at home. Get a working schedule for what you are going to have done each day!)

  • Where, (Where are you going to create your film? Again, home, school, parking lot, lobby, classroom...etc)

  • Why, (Why did you choose this - DO NOT PUT BECAUSE I THINK IT LOOKS COOL!!! Really think about why you choose to do which ever one you can. What strengths are you bringing to the table? How is this project the best fit for you?

  • How? (How are you going to put it all together? How are you going to ensure that this project will be completed on time and with pride from all group members? 

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