Remix for Alleghany #GoOpenNC Community Building Next Steps

District/School/Network Name

1) Engaging with Resources - The WHAT:

#GoOpenNC has three main opportunities to interact with the resources on the platform.

Level of Engagement

What would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 6 months?

What would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 18 months?

Find/Use Existing Resources

Identify lead teachers at each school who will begin using Go Open NC resources in their classrooms.  Coaches will support.Open to all teachers district wide.

Collect/Curate Resources and Collections

Lead teachers, media specialist, and instructional coach collaborating to form a resource bank on a district group aligned to standards.
Through PLCs, continue to build district platform on Go Open NC

Create/Upload Resources

Not at this time.Empowered teachers will create and upload resources.

2) Engaging with Platform - The HOW:

#GoOpenNC has three main ways to participate on the platform

#GoOpenNC Initiative

What would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 6 months?

What would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 18 months?

Share/Evaluate Resources

Create a district group and have selected teachers, media specialist, and instructional coaches organize found resources into subsections by grade level and grading periods. 

More teachers utilizing GoOpenNC and contributing to our district group.

Participate in Professional Learning locally or statewide

Identify teacher group for initial implementation and create a district level PD opportunity that will educate  on what an "open resource" is, copyright laws, and introduce the GoOpenNC platform.  Continue to support this group as they find resources within planning and using the platform.

*School wide PD opportunity that will educate  on what an "open resource" is, copyright laws, and introduce the GoOpenNC platform

*District PD and follow up to encourage teachers to share and upload their current lessons and resources.

Network and Collaborate with Other NC Educators

Network and collaborate with other northwest districts on their progress.

Begin to contribute lessons/resources and further collaborate with northwest districts.  

3) Engaging the Educators - The WHO:

#GoOpenNC has opportunities for all educators to being engaging. Consider who would be your main early engagers in the next 6 months.

Group description

# of educators

Main purpose

(Use, curate collections, evaluate or create)

Support needed

Motivated teachers across the district k-1215 teachers and 4 media coordinators, 2 instructional coaches

To identify:

save to the district group in correlating subfolder, 3  effective lessons that align to county pacing guide.

Evaluate:  Comment on 2 other teacher added resources within the district group.

Training on OER and licensing, structured discussion on high quality materials.

4) Building the Community - The WHEN

As #GoOpenNC plans to be teacher-facing by August, what would be your plans for engaging your desired educators in doing the WHAT and the HOW?

The Who

The What

The How

The When

The Logistics

Motivated, highly qualified teachers k-12

Explore and compile resources

Using a district group

By December

Teachers will be invited to participate in initial face to face introductory meeting and PD.  Monthly check-in with school based mentors and district instructional coaches to discuss progress and reflect on platform usage.

5) Building the Community - Statewide support and connections

NCDPI and ISKME can provide support for the ways you are planning to Build the #GoOpenNC Community within your area.

To help #GoOpenNC build a statewide community, please make your requests for support and engagement through this Google Form.

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