Mentor Lesson Observation and Reflection

Mentor Lesson Observation and Reflection

Lesson Introduction - How did the teacher introduce the lesson? (Video segment, performance task, experiment, etc.) About how much time did the teacher need for this portion of the lesson? What is something you would have done differently to introduce this lesson? 

Student Engagement - Evaluate how students are engaged in the lesson and the learning process. 

 What I Liked...                                            What I Noticed...                                     What I Wonder...                                        



Teacher Engagement- Evaluate how the teacher is engaged in the lesson and the learning process.

What I Liked...                                           What I Noticed...                                       What I Wonder...                                      


Lesson Development - Briefly describe your observations of each portion of the lesson.

 Portion of Lesson  My Observations
Introduction of learning objectives or I CAN statements or
SWBAT (Students will be able to)  
Modeling (How teachers show/demonstrate the content)  
Guided Practice (How did students practice the material
under the supervision/direction of the teacher?)
 Independent Practice (How did students practice the material
on their own without teacher guidance?)
 Closure (How did the teacher close the lesson or wrap up the activity?)  

Lesson Reflection

1. Which portion of the lesson do you feel went well?

2. Which portion of the lesson would you change if you taught the lesson in your classroom?  Why?

3. How was technology utilized in the lesson (by the teacher and/or the students)? Did the technology enhance the lesson or could the same objective have been taught using pencil/paper/manipulatives?

4. What is one thing you observed during this lesson that you could implement in your classroom tomorrow? (This could be a teaching strategy, classroom management strategy, instructional resource, etc.) Why would this be beneficial for you to implement in your classroom?

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