Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers Skill Check

Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers and Fractions Skill Check

Solve the following problems.  You may draw a picture, make a model, or use the standard algorithm to solve.

1.     Victoria bought 3 ½ pounds of grapes and 2 ¾ pounds of cherries at the store.  How much more did the grapes weigh?


2.     Sahar rode her bike for 2 ⅔ miles on Saturday.  She rode another 1 ⅚ miles on Sunday.  How many miles did Sahar ride her bike on both days combined?



3.     Larry, Moe, and Curly were hiking one day and decided to take a water break.  Larry drank ⅞ pint of water.  Moe drank ¾ pint of water and Curly drank ⅘ pint of water.  How much water did they drink in all?


4.     There were 5 ¼ gallons of water in an aquarium.  Then, Yasmin added 2 gallons of water.  If the aquarium holds 15 gallons, how many more gallons does Yasmin need to add to fill the aquarium?



5.     Percy sets a goal to run 7 miles by the end of the week.  He jogs 2 miles on Monday and 2 miles on Tuesday.  How many more miles does he need to run by the end of the week to accomplish his goal?


6.     Trey wanted to make his famous chocolate chip cookies for his classmates.  One batch of his cookies requires 2 cups of sugar.  He has a container of sugar that has 5 cups of sugar in it.  How much sugar will Trey have left after he bakes his batch of cookies?


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