New Teacher Orientation Checklist





The following checklist is to be used when conducting the school-level orientation.  Each section should be shared/discussed with the new teacher. Principals, assistant principals, or designated teachers should participate in the school-level orientation. 

_____  Meet with Administrative Staff

_____  Map of the Physical Site

Tour of the school/layout of the campus including parking areas

Teacher lounge area / restrooms / mailboxes

Teacher workroom



Guidance office and cumulative records

Supply room

Evacuation plans with emergency exits

Safe Schools Plan (Crisis Management)

_____  Teacher handbook that includes information about the school and district 

  Policies and procedures (include ECPS website)

Issue of laptop computer 

_____ Media Center

Locate/preview materials and equipment

Procedures for checking out materials

_____ Schedules

District calendar (Optional Teacher Workdays...BTs don’t have an option)

Daily class schedule 

Alternate class schedule

Lunch schedule

Itinerant and support personnel schedules

Duty roster

_____ Record Keeping

Class roster / roll book

Powerschool/PowerTeacher Orientation (i.e. attendance, grading, etc.)

Grading practices/policies

Receipt book (if needed)

Supply order forms/warehouse forms

Teacher absence procedure/forms (sick leave, annual leave, and personal  leave)

Emergency lesson plans (very important to have in place!)

How to get a substitute (AESOP/Frontline)

Other office communication forms

_____ Other Materials/Information

Curriculum/Essential Standards for the subject being taught

Appropriate Pacing Guides for level/subject being taught

Current Class Roster with appropriate test data

Access to a copy of the current School Improvement Plan

Parent Phone Call Script

Lesson plan expectations

Various referral forms/procedures (office, guidance, discipline)

Student handbook

E-mail address

PowerSchool Log-in Information 

Process and/or schedule of district courier service (WCPSS office mail)





This is to verify the above listed materials and/or information has been discussed with the new teacher at my school.


              New Teacher’s Signature / Date


Mentor/Buddy Teacher’s Signature / Date


             Administrator’s Signature / Date

NOTE:  A signed copy of this form should be returned to __________ to be placed in the new teacher’s file.

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