Remix 2: Data Activity- Question Analysis

Data Activity

  • Look at the data that was given to you. 
  • Carefully examine the individual assessment items to find two items where the majority of students selected the incorrect answer choice.

Assessment Name: ___________________________________

Date Given: ___________________


Item Number:

Depth of Knowledge:


What did you expect to see if students mastered this standard? Clearly identify and define what you looked for (based on the standard).  
What was the most selected incorrect answer? What does this tell you about student misunderstandings? Does your observation of student work support this? 
Let's remediate.
How? What will you say/do that will be different from the initial instruction?
When? Let's put this on the calendar.
What resources do you need?


Item Number:

Depth of Knowledge:


What did you expect to see if students mastered this standard? Clearly identify and define what you looked for (based on the standard)
What was the most selected incorrect answer? What does this tell you about student misunderstandings? Does your observation of student work support this? 
Let's remediate.
How? What will you say/do that will be different from the initial instruction?
When? Let's put this on the calendar.
What resources do you need?

  •  Looking over your assessment data, find the top two questions where students performed the highest.
  •  Reflect on this concept and how you provided instruction for this concept. 

 1. What can you infer about why students performed well on this particular item?  
  2. What would you do differently if you taught this concept again?  
  3. What went well with this concept that you would keep the same? 

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