Applying Fractions to Cooking in Grade 3


Everyday Math

Baking.  A recipe for chocolate chip cookies calls for  cup brown sugar. Imelda wants to double the recipe. 



ⓐ How much brown sugar will Imelda need? Show your calculation. 

ⓑ Measuring cups usually come in sets of 1/41/31/2and 1 cup. Draw a diagram to show two different ways that Imelda could measure the brown sugar needed to double the cookie recipe.


Baking. Nina is making 4 pans of fudge to serve after a music recital. For each pan, she needs  cup of condensed milk. 

ⓐ How much condensed milk will Nina need? Show your calculation. 

ⓑ Measuring cups usually come in sets of 1/41/31/2and 1 cup. Draw a diagram to show two different ways that Nina could measure the condensed milk needed for 4 pans of fudge.

Portions. Don purchased a bulk package of candy that weighs 5 pounds. He wants to sell the candy in little bags that hold  pound. How many little bags of candy can he fill from the bulk package?

Portions. Kristen has  yards of ribbon that she wants to cut into 6 equal parts to make hair ribbons for her daughter’s 6 dolls. How long will each doll’s hair ribbon be?


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