Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Chart of import/export data for the busiest US ports and five word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals
Adding_and_Subtracting_Decimals_aGYXh3P.pngChart of import/export data for the busiest US ports and five word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals

Chart of import/export data for the busiest US ports and five word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals

Adding and Subtracting Decimals - The Busiest Ports in the United States

Directions - Students will:

1.  use Google Jamboard, a digital whiteboard to solve five real-world problems involving decimals.

2.  an choose to work independently or with a partner.  (Click the +Share button and type the partner's to invite him/her to work collaboratively.)

3.  copy and paste the chart and each problem on an additional slide.  (Slide #2 has been done as an example.  It contains the chart and problem #1.)

4.  have 6 slides in all.

5.  use the pen tool to show the work for each problem and circle the final answer.

6.  on one slide, add an image and a sticky note with a fact learned about one of the ports, referencing the following website:

  Profiles of Top U.S. Agricultural Ports:  (

The Original PDF Version of this Activity:  

Download: Adding_and_Subtracting_Decimals_H9hpygV.pdf

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