NC Constitution Overview w/ Gallery Walk Q&A (view)

Units included with this Open Author resource:

Unit 1
Learning goals:
Compare and contrast the North Carolina state constitution and the United States Constitution.
U.S. Consitution, North Carolina Constitution
NCES.CE.C&G.2.2, NCES.CE.C&G.2.1
Unit 2


Remix to add resources for use with this graphic organizer. This graphic organizer helps guide discussion or research to support understanding of the North Carolina Constitution. Students will be presented with ideas/concepts/questions about both the United States' and North Carolina Constitutions and determine if the statement is found in the U.S. Constitution, North Carolina constitution, or both. The presentation can be done either through paper or digital formats, and could vary from being a basic overview of both documents to a specific comparison of the three branches described in both documents.