#scsed #

Surry County Schools

1) Engaging with Resources - The WHAT:

#GoOpenNC has three main opportunities to interact with the resources on the platform.

Level of Engagement

What would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 6 months?

What would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 18 months?

Find/Use Existing Resources

DLLs are being trained in GoOpenNC.Teachers have been trained and are knowledgeable about GoOpenNC and the resources available.

Collect/Curate Resources and Collections

Organic Collection & Curation of Resources among DLLsOrganic Collection & Curation of Resources among Teachers.

Create/Upload Resources

Organic Creation & Uploading Resources among DLLsOrganic Creation & Uploading of Resources among Teachers.

2) Engaging with Platform - The HOW:

#GoOpenNC has three main ways to participate on the platform

#GoOpenNC Initiative

What would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 6 months?

What would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 18 months?

Share/Evaluate Resources

DLLs will be introduced to the platform in DLL workshop.

Staff are encouraged to share and evaluate resources through digital learning professional development given through DLLs.

Participate in Professional Learning locally or statewide

DLLs are trained locally by Alicia during DLL workshop in August/September.

Teachers will be trained by DLLs at their school sites.

Network and Collaborate with Other NC Educators

DLLs may be interested in sharing locally or statewide through PLC, etc.

Teachers may be interested in sharing locally or statewide through PLCs, state conferences (NCTIES, NCSLMA, etc), and their PLN.

3) Engaging the Educators - The WHO:

#GoOpenNC has opportunities for all educators to being engaging. Consider who would be your main early engagers in the next 6 months.

Group description

# of educators

Main purpose

(Use, curate collections, evaluate or create)

Support needed

Digital Learning Leaders19 - one from each school in our districtReceive training on platformDirector of Digital Learning & Media

4) Building the Community - The WHEN

As #GoOpenNC plans to be teacher-facing by August, what would be your plans for engaging your desired educators in doing the WHAT and the HOW?

The Who

The What

The How

The When

The Logistics

DLLsReceive trainingDistrict-wide TrainingAug/SeptDLLs will receive training at model workshop at the Apple Center.
TeachersReceive training from DLLsSite-based training from DLLsby DecemberTeachers will present training at each school for teachers to be exposed to the #GoOpenNC resources available.

5) Building the Community - Statewide support and connections

NCDPI and ISKME can provide support for the ways you are planning to Build the #GoOpenNC Community within your area.

To help #GoOpenNC build a statewide community, please make your requests for support and engagement through this Google Form.

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