Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

Directions: Use the table to answer the questions.

                                                                                                         Busiest Ports in the United States


Imports Per Year

(millions of tons) 
 Exports Per Year

(millions of tons)

 South Louisiana, LA   30.6  57.42
 Houston, TX  75.12  33.43
 New York, NY and NJ  53.52  8.03
 New Orleans, LA  26.38   21.73
 Corpus Christi, TX   52.6  7.64

1. How many total tons of imports and exports

are shipped through the port of New Orleans,

LA, each year?

2. How many more tons of imports than

exports does the Port of New Orleans handle

each year?

3. How many total tons of imports and exports

are shipped through the port of New York, 

NY and NJ, each year?

4. How many total tons of imports and exports

are shipped through the port of Houston,

Texas, each year?

5. How many total tons of imports and exports

are shipped through the port of Corpus 

Christi, TX, each year? 

6. Which port handles more exports than

imports each year? How many more tons of

exports than imports does it handle?

7. What is the difference between the

imports and exports shipped in and out of

Corpus Christi’s port each year?

8. What is the difference between the

imports and exports shipped in and out of 

New York and NJ's port each year?

9. Which port ships 11.7 more tons of

exports each year than the exports at New

Orleans, LA?

10. What is the total number of imports

shipped into the nation’s 5 busiest ports each


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