5 ground rules of effective communication with parents

 Effective communication to parents 

1. Best ways to avoid misunderstandings

  • Communicate after emotions have settled. However, communicate in a timely manner.
  • Restate what the parent says, rather than making assumptions.
  • Begin every interaction with a positive compliment about the student. Then, follow up with your "areas of concern."
  • Do not diagnose a child, unless you are medically qualified to do so.
  • Always state facts. Differentiate between your feelings, opinions, and facts.
  • Every criticism does not warrant a response.

2. Explain how to keep in touch with parents

  • Always use various methods of communication with parents (i.e., Email, Class Dojo, phone, etc).
  • Document all contacts and/or attempt to contact parents.
  • Respond to parent communication within 24-48 hrs. 
  • Do not always make yourself readily available to parents, outside of school hours.

3. Don't feel pressured to make important decisions

  • Do not force your opinions on parents.
  • Allow parents to make decisions and provide support, as needed.

4. Let parents know they can trust you

  • Build professional and trustworthy relationships with parents.
  • Reassure parents that you can be trusted.
  • Draw the line between teacher-parent relationships and inappropriate social relationships.

5. Assure parents you will let them know concerns immediately 

Ground Rules of Effective Communication with Parents Slides

Effective ways to communicate with parents

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