Classroom Management Data Collection Form

Classroom Management Data Collection

 Teacher:                                           Date:





Positive to negative interactions with students

Efficient transition procedures are taught and positively reinforced for the following: entering the classroom,  changing activities

Typical classroom routines are taught directly,  and positively reinforced for the following: start of class, whole group work, small group work, independent work, obtaining materials, seeking help, end of class

Consistent attention getting clue/rule taught directly, practiced and positively reinforced

Continuous, active supervision across settings and activities including moving throughout the classroom and scanning

Minor behavior problems are managed positively, consistently and quickly

Chronic problem behaviors are anticipated and pre-corrections are applied

Teacher provides corrective feedback

Teacher actively involves all/majority of students in lessons (as appropriate to setting)

Instructional positioning changes frequently





Classroom rules and expectations are posted, taught directly (modeled), practiced and positively reinforced

Room arrangement (including student work spaces) allows for all students to be easily accessible be the teacher and learning is accessible

Necessary materials and supplies are accessible to students in an orderly fashion

Students are provided with activities to engage in if they complete work before other students in the class

Teacher ensures that instructional time involves ACTIVE academic engagement with quick-paced instruction

Teacher provides clear directions of assignments

Active academic engagement results in high rates of student success

*This Data Collection tool is based off of the SME Classroom Management Self-Assessment, which was created by OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports[1]

[1]The Center is supported by a grant from the Office of Special Education Programs, with additional funding from the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program, US Department of Education (H326S980003).

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