Remix for Northampton #GoOpenNC Community Building Next Steps

District/School/Network Name

1) Engaging with Resources - The WHAT:

#GoOpenNC has three main opportunities to interact with the resources on the platform.

Level of EngagementWhat would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 6 months?HOWWHOWhat would be your vision for WHAT your educators would do in the next 18 months?HOWWHO
Find/Use Existing ResourcesIdentify lead teachers to serve on the district curriculum team to identify resources on OER that can be used in the classrooms. Share CARE Framework. Give OER access to district curriculum team. District Team conducts PD on OER resources and has teachers find resources to use for their upcoming lesson/unit and possibly remix an existing lesson. Explain CARE Framework.
Collect/Curate Resources and CollectionsCreate a Group for each content area and grade span. Create content HUBs for curriculum maps, unit plans, textbooks, and various resources.Give teachers access to the Groups for discussion of materials and resources that will be added to the HUB.Provide access to the HUB and encourage teachers to organize their resources for the school year. We will also encourage remixing.
Create/Upload ResourcesReminder of CARE Framework and how resources are added to OER and vetted. Reminder of CARE Framework and how resources are added to OER and vetted. Empower teachers to create and upload resources.

2) Engaging with Platform - The HOW:

#GoOpenNC has three main ways to participate on the platform

#GoOpenNC InitiativeWhat would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 6 months?What would be your vision for HOW your educators would participate on the platform in the next 18 months?
Share/Evaluate ResourcesUtilize established district groups.Expectation that 80% of the teachers are using OER and principals and ICs are collaborating with teachers to assist with the utilization of OER resources.
Participate in Professional Learning locally or statewideDistrict team will meet with the superintendent to establish PD opportunities at BOY and during the school year to initially train the staff and provide assistance with using the OER platform. See left.
Network and Collaborate with Other NC EducatorsNetwork and Collaborate with other districts. Join/form groups.  Continue to collaborate/communicate with District Community Builders of #GoOpenNC group.Encourage teachers to join groups based on their content areas and interests.  

3) Engaging the Educators - The WHO:

#GoOpenNC has opportunities for all educators to being engaging. Consider who would be your main early engagers in the next 6 months.

Group description# of educatorsMain purpose(Use, curate collections, evaluate or create)Support needed
District Curriculum Team-Principals, ICs, APs, Directors, Lead Teachers, Media CoordinatorsTBDIdentify Resources that should not be used. Identify Resources that NCS will adaptAccess to OERTrainingRubric for Vetting Resources
TOYs7 - one from each school in our districtTo create:upload 3 of their most effective lessons into a TOY hub, comment on their peers’ lessonsTraining on OER and licensing, structured discussion on high quality materials, scaffolded due dates for uploads
Motivated Pilot group of Teachers K-12Elementary - TBDMiddle-TBDHigh TBDTo create:upload 3 of their most effective lessons into a TOY hub, comment on their peers’ lessonsTraining on OER and licensing, structured discussion on high quality materials, scaffolded due dates for uploads
Notes: -Offer CEUs

4) Building the Community - The WHEN

As #GoOpenNC plans to be teacher-facing by August, what would be your plans for engaging your desired educators in doing the WHAT and the HOW?

The WhoThe WhatThe HowThe WhenThe Logistics
TOYsCreate ResourcesUsing a HubBy DecemberTOYs will be invited to participate, join a group that includes monthly discussion with the upload happening in December

5) Building the Community - Statewide support and connections

NCDPI and ISKME can provide support for the ways you are planning to Build the #GoOpenNC Community within your area.

To help #GoOpenNC build a statewide community, please make your requests for support and engagement through this Google Form.

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