T4T Connecting Plane and Solid Figures

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1.      Organize the students into small groups of 3-4 students.

2.      Permit students to explore the plane shapes while naming the properties, sorting, and comparing them. This will serve as a review for some students and learning opportunity for others. See the questions below to ask during exploration?

3.      Following an appropriate exploration time with the plane shapes, distribute the solid figures and have students compare the plane shapes and solid figures to locate faces of the solids that match the plane shapes. See the questions below to ask during exploration?

4.      Reference the vocabulary words on the paper strips to connect reading with the appropriate mathematical words

5.      After an appropriate exploration time discuss the findings of students. You may wish to do this with small groups or with the whole group depending upon their level of development.

6.      Reference the vocabulary words on the paper strips to connect reading with the appropriate mathematical words.

Have students get their math journals and create a list of two words they used on a blank page and to draw a picture of the shape and/or figure beside the word. This will allow you to determine who perceives the solid figures as different from the plane shapes.

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