T4T Counting Seats

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Number and Operations in Base Ten


Extend and recognize patterns in the counting sequence.


NC.1.NBT.1 Count to 150, starting at any number less than 150.


No materials needed


Read the problem to the student: Mrs. Smith is taking her first grade class to the local theatre.  Each of the seats in the auditorium is labeled in order with a number.  Starting at number 138, tell me the next 5 seats in the row.


138, ____, _____, _____, _____, _____



Continuum of Understanding

Not Yet Proficient

●       Starts counting at 0 or 1 instead of counting on from 98

●       Incorrectly writes or skips more than one number in the sequence

Checklist for teacher to identify mastery of standard:

❑    Correctly counts in sequence

❑    Crosses decade without hesitation

❑    Exhibits understanding of patterns in counting sequence



●       Incorrectly states a number in the counting sequence.

●       Skips a number, but continues the counting sequence correctly.


Meets Expectations

●       Correctly answers: 139, 140, 141, 142, 143

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