T4T Opportunities for Writing in Math - NBT.2

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Opportunities for Writing in Math - NC.1.NBT.2


Describe a Math Concept

·        How do you know that two-digit numbers are composed of tens and ones?

·        Using a hundred chart with highlighted numbers, ask:

o   What patterns do you notice?

o   What predictions can you make?

o   What rule can you create from looking at the highlighted numbers?

Students may use sentence frames such as:

I noticed…

This is happening because…

I wonder…

I predict it will be _____, because...

The rule is…

Explain a Process

·        Explain how the number 30 can be made from 2 tens and 10 ones.

·        Give students index cards labeled 10 – 90.  Put the cards in order and explain the steps you took to put them in order.

Justify an Answer or Method

·        Look at the way John sorted his number cards 10 - 90.  Do you agree with his sort?  Why or why not?

·        If John sorted his cards incorrectly, how would you help him correct his sort?

Create Word Problems

·        Write a word problem for this equation 10 + 7 = 17

Compare and Contrast

·        Compare the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 with the numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.  How are the numbers alike?  How are the numbers different?  Explain your thinking to your partner to support your answer.


Generalize and Draw Conclusions

·        Using a hundred chart with highlighted numbers, ask:

o   What patterns do you notice?

o   What predictions can you make?

o   What rule can you create from looking at the highlighted numbers?

Students may use sentence frames such as:

I noticed…

This is happening because…

I wonder…

I predict it will be _____, because...

The rule is…

Summarize Learning

·        After working with the hundred chart and/or sort cards, ask students to:

o   Create a K-W-L chart.

o   Develop a list of important things to remember for students learning the new skill.

o   Create a poster that includes all the skills that you learned about two-digit numbers.


·        Math Journal Prompts

o   During today’s math class, I felt…

o   Today I made this mistake… I learned…

o   I got stuck on the math problem when… I got unstuck by…

o   I’m glad I can… I wish I could…

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