T4T Gr 5 C2 Task- Target Numbers
This task is from Tools 4 NC Teachers. Students write expressions using parentheses that equal a "target number." This is remixable.
Task Preview
Choose four one-digit numbers. Choose any numbers you like. (You MAY use 0).
Write an expression that has a value of 10. Follow the rules below:
You must use all four of your numbers. You may use any combination of the following symbols: + - x ÷ ( )
Using the same numbers, write an expression that has a value of 9.
Write an expression that has a value of 8.
Write an expression that has a value of 7.
Write an expression that has a value of 6.
Write an expression that has a value of 5.
Write an expression that has a value of 4.
Write an expression that has a value of 3.
Write an expression that has a value of 2.
Write an expression that has a value of 1.
Write an expression that has a value of 0.
Are there any that aren’t possible with the 4 numbers you have chosen? If so, choose another 4 numbers and try to reach that target with your new four numbers.