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  • University of Illinois
Women and the Right to Vote!
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this lesson from Teaching with Primary Sources from the Library of Congress “American Memory” Collection, students will focus on the women’s suffrage movement during the Progressive Era. Students will focus on leaders such as Alice Paul Lucy Burns, Carrie Chapman Catt, and Woodrow Wilson. Students will analyze various primary sources leading up to the equal suffrage amendment, analyze political cartoons illustrating differing viewpoints on Women’s Suffrage, and interpret and discuss pictures, political cartoons, and newspaper headlines to gather conclusions about women’s political plight during this era. As a final assessment, students will use a variety of sources to write a newspaper editorial on the justification of equal suffrage.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
educationextras.com|Midwest Center for Teaching with Primary Sources: Illinois State University
Date Added:
The Women's Suffrage Movement
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this lesson from Teaching with Primary Sources from the Library of Congress “American Memory” Collection, students will be able to identify primary sources, recall events of the Woman’s Suffragist Movement (1910 – 1920), and identify where, when, and why the suffrage movement began. Students will be able to explain changing social conditions and the ideas of equality that led to the beginning of the woman suffrage movement, as well as identify individual subjects who campaigned for suffrage rights. Additionally, students will be able to describe and compare effective methods used by suffragists in the national movement and how they have affected current events.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
educationextras.com|Midwest Center for Teaching with Primary Sources: Illinois State University
Date Added: