All resources in BCS Makerspaces

3rd grade Code & Go Robot Mouse Introduction to Directional Coding

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  Learners will each get a quadrilateral and be asked to have their Robot Mouse trace the perimeter. They will also practice having their mouse trace the perimeter of a floor tile. Using the provided paper, students can create a home or town for their Robot Mouse. They must create one algorithm on how their Mouse can travel from one spot to another. 

Material Type: Activity/Lab


HS - Biology - Create an Organelle Model

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Cell organelles are an important part of our high school cell unit.  This assignment allows students the opportunity to learn more details about a specific cell organelle or structure, create a 3D model and commercial to share with the class as a means to teach the class about their structure.

Material Type: Assessment, Diagram/Illustration, Lesson Plan

Author: Erica Sypole

Secondary OCS Employment Prep IV - Math: Makerspace Inventory

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 Stores often have their employees stock the shelves.  How do the employees know how much of an item they have? How do stores know when they need to order more items? To learn the job skill of taking inventory we will use our Makerspace.  How can we keep up with the materials in the Makerspace?  How do we know what we have? How will we know when to order more materials?

Material Type: Activity/Lab



Clouds with Attitudes Remixed with 3D Printing #NCDLS

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Students will select and research a cloud type, draw their cloud and create an svg file of their drawing for 3D printing, and create a narrative as if they are that type of cloud.  Student products can be used to create a classroom Cloud Center designed for independent student use.  This task is intended to engage students in developing and demonstrating their knowledge of cloud types.  This resource does not completely cover 5.E.1.2.Clouds with Attitudes Author - RHONDA BURGESSCloud Types and Display Stands Author - devansic

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Mary Alice Hudson