Webinar #3 - #GoOpenNC Tools to Engage on BT Support Hub

by Joanna Schimizzi 4 years, 8 months ago

1) Please reply to this discussion prompt to leave your thoughts.

2) Then, please reply to at least one other person to further the discussion.


What type of resources do you think will be most crucial in the beginning for our mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to?


Which #GoOpenNC tools (review, remix or create) will be most helpful?

Stephanie Harris 4 years, 8 months ago

1. My district is focusing our BT support around District/School Culture, Classroom Management, Pedagogy, Literacy, and Assessments. Resources that are procedure heavy and fit into the areas are important to me and resources that help me be a better coach for my teachers.


2. I think at first the create tool will be most helpful. Getting good content that is usable will be integral to the success of the platform; there have to be lots of goodies so that people want to keep coming back. Once people see what is available, I forsee the remix and review tools gaining in popularity.

KAREN HEILMAN 4 years, 8 months ago


I like that you mention literacy as a priority for your district. Using #GoOpenEd to create and share literacy resources for all content areas, not just ELA, is definitely important. For me, as a high school instructional facilitator, having this platform as a go to for classroom resources will be a game-changer. 

Stephanie Harris 4 years, 8 months ago

When you look at the big 4 for high school (Eng II, Bio, Math 1, and Math 3) they are all essentially reading tests. A student who understands the math but is a struggling reader will have trouble on the Math EOC. I am desperately hoping for resources to help improve the reading abilities of our students and to find ways to integrate literacy outside of English classes!

Tyler Wilson 4 years, 8 months ago

My district is focusing the BT support on Classroom Management, Literacy content, Assessments, and building a schoolwide culture around data. New teachers must have access to quality coaching and model classrooms to observe. Beyond these resources, new teachers need support with organization and the skills necessary to mange the day-to-day of teaching. 


The creating tool can be very beneficial. When teachers can find great content to use in their classroms it can help them become successful in the learning environment. This will allow others people to gain knowledge of new ideas and everyone can be supported in different ways. Remixing and the review tool will be helpful also once people get to use to it.

KAREN HEILMAN 4 years, 8 months ago


You are spot on with school systems building culture around data. I wonder what resources can be created on this platform to help collect, analyze, and use data to improve student achievement and create a postive and collaborative culture. It will be interesting to see what is created and shared!

Amanda Applegate 4 years, 8 months ago

YES! BT's MUST have access to quality coaching and the option to observe other teachers/classrooms. These are excellent points and so necessary for BT's success.

SANDRA CARTER 4 years, 8 months ago

Major areas that our district is focusing on as well Tyler. I like that you mention model classrooms to visit. That is a good opportunity for new teachers to actually see highly successful classrooms and the procedures/processes/plans/routines teachers use to attain that. I wonder if the platform will include videos of such. It would help with trying to get paid subs to allow beginning teachers to make those type of visits. They could potentially watch the model classroom repeatedly and not just that one day visit. 

DENISE SEARS 4 years, 7 months ago

I completely agree with providing opportunities for new teachers to observe model classrooms! This gets my wheels turning...what if we had a folder within this hub that had videos of quality instruction provided in model classrooms across the state? This would allow beginning teachers and veteran teachers the opportunity to observe other teachers without necessarily having to leave their school. 

KAREN HEILMAN 4 years, 8 months ago

For the mentors, coaches, and teachers in my district, I think the most crucial resources include structures and materials for BT coaches and mentors as well as lesson planning and classroom management tools. BT mentors and coaches need checklists, walkthrough and observation forms, question stems and sentence starters to support BTs. Classroom teachers would love to have access to curriculum materials that are peer reviewed and aligned to standards, as well as resources to support classroom management and the work done in PLCs. 

I believe that review, remix, and create are all equally important. At first, teachers will probably favor the remix feature because it allows existing material to be adapted by any user. Once teachers become more comfortable, I think they will add review and create to their repertoire!

Amanda Applegate 4 years, 8 months ago

I think that classroom management and communication with parents/guaridans and colleagues are crucial for our BT's. Mentors and coordinators will be so excited to have this wealth of resources to share with their BT's and each other. 


I love the remix option as it helps us not reinvent the wheel while stuill being able to put our personal touches on the resources we use and share. The creat option is also awesome as this gives us the opportunity to share with colleagues across the entire state. 

JENNIFER ABERLY 4 years, 8 months ago

Amanda, I think you are exactly right about the stength of the remix option. As a BT Coordinator, I am excited about the availability of resources. I also agree with what you think BT's need. 

MARCY KEENER 4 years, 8 months ago

I didnt think about communication support with parents and colleagues as an area- but this is vital! 

I worry about the remix option that it will take away from the fidelity of the standard and the possible review that has alreay ovvured-  I see its value- but it causes me to worry some as well. 

JENNIFER ABERLY 4 years, 8 months ago

I think the most crucial resource for mentors is a tool for observation and then coaching questions/suggestions. Mentors are on the front lines with BT's. Mentors need checklists of what needs to be covered and tools for coaching conversations. In working with BT's, I find they want resources. #GoOpenNC will be a great resource for quality materials. I also find that they need more help with planning than they realized. Classroom management techniques are a must for BT's. 

Ai first the create tool will be most helpful. We need to build a repository of resources first.

Kelly Jones 4 years, 8 months ago

Jennifer, I agree that a resource for mentors to give constructive coaching feedback from mini-observations would be a huge benefit!

KIRON SPENCER 4 years, 7 months ago

You make a great point about "coaching conversations."  Providing tools for conversations is a great way to support mentors/coaches.  Coaching conversations can really help BTs reflect on their practice.

Annemarie Farris 4 years, 7 months ago

Jennifer I agree.  We talk a great deal about resources for the beginning teacher, but never about resources for the mentor.  If we really want BT to be supported then the mentors need to be supported as well,  From training on what it means to be a mentor and how to support a BT, but continued resources to support them as the needs for their mentee changes.

Kelly Jones 4 years, 8 months ago

For those actively engaged in supporting Beginning Teachers, resources related to classroom management, classroom/school climate and assessments are crucial.

I believe the remix #GoOpenNC tool will be most helpful since the resource already exists and those using it can remix to fit their needs and vision without having to recreate the proverbial wheel.


NORMA BOONE 4 years, 8 months ago

I agree with you Kelly. Our beginning teachers receive PD on Classroom Leadership and on being a Culturally Responsive Teachers throughout the school year. With the BT Coach Program the BTs are able to visit other schools to observe teachers who are skillful in classroom management and other skills we would like our BTs to develop.

There are several tools available to remix and develop to meet the criteria that I have set for the BTs in my District. #GoOpenNC is a great platform available for the sharing of these resources. I interact with others in my area who coordinate their BT Programs and sharing of resources is critical.

Stephanie Harris 4 years, 8 months ago

I would love to now more about your PD opportunities in Classroom Leadership and Culturally Responsive Instruction! We wold love to know how you are doing it well so that we can improve our own BT PD.

LINDA BULLUCK 4 years, 8 months ago

I agree Kelly that the remix tool will be most helpful and probably the most popular.  I think many users will initially be more comfortable with adapting resources that are already available.

NORMA BOONE 4 years, 8 months ago

1. I find that the classroom walkthrough form the mentors use as well as the Beginning Teacher Feedback form used by our BT Coaches are crucial to the success of our beginning teachers. Both forms provide an opportunity for the mentors and coaches to sit down with the BT to review the lesson and think of other ways a lesson can be more effective. I also think our beginning teachers need to have a better understanding of the Teaching Standards. They need to know and understand what my principal is looking for when they come in to observe and what questions to ask when they are trying to improve their practice.

2. I would more than likely use remix. I would reveiw the resource given and make it my own to fit the needs of our District. As mentioned in a response when meeting with colleagues we share things and remix them to meet our individual needs.

Jennifer Clark 4 years, 8 months ago

Norma, I agree that our new teachers need a better understanding of the NC Teaching Standards.  Too often, I sit down to discuss an observation and the teacher is really not familiar with the expectations. We provide training at the beginning of the year, but new teachers have so much going on that they really don't absorb all the information. 

PAMELA SUTTON 4 years, 8 months ago

Norma, I agree that the level of understanding of the Teaching Standards is crucial for Beginning Teachers and even teachers that move grade levels. Another crucial piece is the 'big picture' and if they know where they are going. For example, some of the skills I teach in first grade spiral throughout the year so we teach the same standard several times within a school year but the expection changes. (Students are expected to solve addition and subtraction word problems up 20 with picture models by the middle of the year and with picture models and a number sentence by the end of the year. Young teachers get overwhelmed by trying to teach it all up front which puts stress on them and the students that is not necessary.

NORMA BOONE 4 years, 8 months ago

When the young teachers get overwhelmed is the time when that mentor or coach can step in and help them to understand that you don't have to do it all at once. There is a building process, they don't have to get there all at once. One thing I did this year in revamping our timelines, we have a standard focus for the mentors to help the beginning teachers through so they have a better understanding. My concern is though, how well do our teachers mentoring them understand the TEI standards.

LINDA BULLUCK 4 years, 8 months ago

I think that more resources related to classroom management and data analysis are crucial for access.  I also believe that mentors and coaches would benefit from resources that assist with providing feedback and asking probing questions would be helpful.

Initially, I think the remix tool will be most helpful.  Because of time constraints, many educators will probably use the platform to see what is available first and adapt materials to fit their needs.  As users become comfortable, they will probably begin to create resources, which would be helpful for increasing the amount of available content and resources.

SANDRA CARTER 4 years, 8 months ago

1. Our district is focusing on classroom management, assessments, pedagogy & culture. Having resources in subgroups in a wide range of formats (text, video, PPT) will be very helpful. 

2. Having the ability to Create & Remix will be especially useful for BT mentor & coaches. They will be able to fine tune the resources they find to taylor them to the specific needs of their school communities. 


Aimee Wagner 4 years, 7 months ago

I love the idea of having resources categorized into subgroups for BT support! 

Janet Dunn 4 years, 8 months ago

What type of resources do you think will be most crucial in the beginning for our mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to?

I think resource for classroom management, Literacy, and Lesson planning would be the most helpful to Beginning Teachers and the coaches and mentors.


Which #GoOpenNC tools (review, remix or create) will be most helpful?

I think the remix will be the most helpful because it is somthing that can be easiy changed to use in the classroom.

VANESSA BARNES 4 years, 8 months ago

Yes, the remix tool does allow individuals to customize the resource to be utilized in a persons' own classroom.  The remix tool is very helpful. 

MARCY KEENER 4 years, 8 months ago

What type of resources do you think will be most crucial in the beginning for our mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to?

I think that Mentors and Coaches would like resources on how to guide BT through the first years successfully.  This would be materials on lesson plans, content support, and reviewing materials for standard alignment.


Which #GoOpenNC tools (review, remix or create) will be most helpful?

I think the review tool for a BT would be the most beneficial- hey need to see how resources are made and implement some before being able to remix and add content of their own.  Now don’t get me wrong-new teachers do have some new and innovative ideas on how to present content in the classroom… but they need to ensure their resource meets the criteria of the cite before posting.  This knowledge can only come from review and guidance from a mentor/coach in review activities in PLC meetings and one on one interactions.

VANESSA BARNES 4 years, 8 months ago

The type of resources I think would be most crucial at the beginning for our mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to would be a list of constructive resources for particular subject areas and for the mentors/coaches/BT support personnel to be consistent.  It appears, sometimes, that individuals provide different resources for the exact same subject area.  This may cause confussion among beginning teachers because informational resources provided are not always the same.  A Hub with the same resources and the ability for individuals to update would be good, in my opinoion. 

RAE THOMPSON 4 years, 8 months ago

Hi, Vanessa!  Consistency among resources for the mentors/coaches in a district will have a positive impact for BTs especially in those instances where there is not a direct content match between the two individuals. 

Jennifer Clark 4 years, 8 months ago

I believe that mentors and coaches need resources around classroom managment, best instructional strategies, and data analysis. These are areas that most new teachers struggle, so having lots of available resources will be helpful. Also, it will be great to have them housed in one place because we all know how time consuming searching for resources can be.  


I think initally the remix tool will be the most helpful becasue materials can be easily adapted to fit a specific need.  However, I am looking forward to the review feature.  I believe it will force me to take a closer look at the materials I create and use.  

RAE THOMPSON 4 years, 8 months ago

I believe the resources most needed are those that different districts have found work well for them.  Tested forms, processes, and ideas are invaluable to share.  The remix tool will be critical to then take those tested materials and tweak them for use in other districts.

PAMELA SUTTON 4 years, 8 months ago

I believe that resources that are easy to follow and quick to use would best suit the needs of mentors and coaches. Many of us have other responsibilities so if I have a concise, quick way to engage my mentee, I am more likely to accomplish it. Depending on their level of experience, a BT is more likely to address, analyze and engage in a changed behavior if it comes in small doses. 

For me, I believe reviewing and creating will be most helpful. I enjoy 'swiping with pride' work of my fellow educators and I often have a picture in my mind of a need of a form or activity and have learned that I most often can create it myself in the time I spend searching for it with no results. 

DENISE SEARS 4 years, 7 months ago

I agree with you that a BT is more likely to make a change if the issue is addressed in small doses. Being a BT can be overwhelming in itself, so asking for changes to made can add another layer of stress to the teacher. Asking them to do small things seems a little more manageable without the compounded stress of being new.

MICHELE HICKS 4 years, 7 months ago

Denise, i agree with you. Being a BT can be overwhelming in itself. So many times it is easy to 

lose sight of that--

DENISE SEARS 4 years, 7 months ago

1. In the beginning, I feel that the most crucial resources for mentors/coaches/BT support to access will be lesson plans and classroom management tools. Many aspects of teaching can fit into the nooks and crannies of the day, but without good lesson plans and classroom management, beginning teachers are going to struggle. If we can have access to quality resources that are ready to use and already vetted, we are then able to provide more time supporting teachers instead of searching for resources. 

2. The #GoOpenNC tools that will be most helpful to me will be the ability to remix. Even though the resources on the platform will be extremely beneficial to beginning teachers and to those of us providing support to them, we also need the ability to tailor the resources (through remixing) to meet the needs of each individual teacher. 

KIRON SPENCER 4 years, 7 months ago

I find that beginning teachers stuggle with assessment building.  I did not begin using backwards design in my classroom until after my BT days, but I think this framework is foundational for planning instruction, assessing student learning, and modifying instruction to meet students' needs.

For mentors and coaches, I think having the resources to faciliate coaching conversations is key.  As a young teacher, I always worried that every observation, walkthrough, etc was evalutive, so I was less likely to ask questions or attempt something new.  Providing resources for mentors and coaches to help BTs reflect on their practice and minimize the anxiety of evaluation is an area that I am interested in exploring.

Aimee Wagner 4 years, 7 months ago

I think it is crucial for mentors and coaches to have access to resources that support effective coaching. Resouces for coaches such as meeting scripts, observation & feedback forms, protocols for real-time coaching and holding crucial conversations are just a few ideas. The opportunity to review and remix coaching resources will be invaluable. 

MICHELE HICKS 4 years, 7 months ago

What type of resources do you think will be most crucial in the beginning for our mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to?

-Classroom Management

-Getting Acclimated to your new enrvironment

-Parent/Guardian Communication

-Lesson plan exemplars

-Respecting Diversity

-The Impact of Trauma in students

-Instructional strategies 



-Data Analysis

-Practicing self-care


Which #GoOpenNC tools (review, remix or create) will be most helpful?

Review will be most helpful as beginning teachers have a springboard for finding resources--and not becoming overwhelmed. As novice teachers gain more experience and confidence, then they may begin remixing and creating.

DaQuita Pounds 4 years, 6 months ago

Hi Michele,

I love that you listed respecting diversity and the impact of Trauma in students.  It seems as if these items are sometimes the last things to be considered when it comes to supporting new teachers.  I'm not sure of your experiences, but mine have definitely taught me that keeping new teachers in the classroom lies in supporting their all-around professional growth, which goes past unpacking standards and into their ability to understand, connect with, and respect the student's experiences.

BETHANY MATKINS 4 years, 7 months ago

There will be many resources helpful to BTs.  Different rubrics or getting the year started documents will be helpful.  I think the remix option will be most helpful as teachers can take the document and adapt it to their specific environment and needs.

Annemarie Farris 4 years, 7 months ago

I think the most crucial resources for a BT are classroom management to begin with,  That is something that can't really be taught in college.  But that is the one thing that can keep a good teacher from teaching those good lessons.  Until a classroom is managed it's hard for real learning to go on. When we request assistance for a BT that is usually what it is for. 

DaQuita Pounds 4 years, 6 months ago

The resources that I think will be most crucial in the beginning for mentors/coaches/BT support to have access to are resources that will help them support new teachers in their acquisition of SEL strategies.  This is so new for so many teachers/districts and there is so much room for growth in this area.  While I'm not an expert, I do believe that it would be helpful for us to locate some basic resources to help mentors/coaches/BT support figure out how to gently start the conversation and reveal the need for these strategies to be developed and included regularly in instruction.

For this, I would recommend both review and create.  If there are current resources available on the hub that can be reviewed and assessed for implementation, that would be a great start!  If not, then creating this resource would be most helpful.  Establishing a general foundation and allowing others to modify it based on their BTs' needs would be ideal.