All resources in Building Engineers in K-12 Classrooms

6th Grade Science: This Little Light (Sphero Lesson)

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Students will demonstrate knowledge of visible light interactions with different materials and through different mediums (air, solids, and water). Students will use Sphero Bolt to create a flashlight. The goal is to create the brightest light from the LED lights on the Sphero BOLT. Students will need to understand how light interacts with different substances to successfully create the brightest flashlight. They will also test their lights in water to see how waves change direction and speed in different mediums.  The Light intensity will be measured using the function in google science journal.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: William Allred, Carrie Robledo

6th Grade Math: Camping Trip

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 This is an introductory project-based lesson. It is assumed that background knowledge of vocabulary, procedural steps, and concept have been previously instructed.  In this project, students will create a square-based pyramid net that would represent their actual tent. Then, they will need to figure out how much fabric that they will need in order to cover their tent.  Extensions are built into this activity that would allow the students to practice / explore skills with decimals, percents, and ratios.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: William Allred, Carrie Robledo

6th Grade Math: What's On the Surface?

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In this project, students will create videos that describe what surface area is, what algorithmic steps are needed to find surface area, and finally, they will show how to find the surface area of a polyhedron. Note: This lesson assumes that students have had previous lessons on surface area. This lesson is meant to be sort of a summative assessment tool in which students show their conceptual and procedural fluency of surface area.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: William Allred, Carrie Robledo

7th Grade Math: The Engineer's Triangle

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After reviewing types of angles and how to measure angles using a protractor, students will see how many triangles they can construct using an 18-foot beam.  Through this activity, students will discover the conditions that must be met to construct a triangle.  For example, the sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle must be greater than the longest side of the triangle.  They will also discover that the sum of the angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: William Allred, Carrie Robledo

9-12 World History: 3D Printing or Merge Cube Hologram Creations

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 Students will create an artifact using Tinkercad and a 3D printer.  The artifact must be a product that distinctly relates to their subject.                orStudents will create a holographic presentation using Cospace and Merge Cube.  The hologram will be representative of something distinct to their subject matter.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Authors: William Allred, Carrie Robledo