Webinar #1 - Introduce Yourself
by Joanna Schimizzi 5 years, 2 months agoWhat is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
Hi -- Joanna Schimizzi (ska-meet-zee).
I am a Biology and Dance Education "expert" :) I taught Bio, AP Bio, Extended Bio, etc for years in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and now I teach for the OCS program as part of NC Virtual Public Schools.
I would love to collaborate more with folks interested in social emotional learning and culturally relevant pedagogy. I'd love to start remixing materials to be more culturally relevant and truly address the whole learner.
I am interested in social emotional learning and culturally relevant pedagogy.
I'm Jennie (pronounced Jenny) Sanderson. I am a Pre-K teacher for Greene County Schools. This is my 2nd year here, 3rd if you count an internship and semester of permanent subbing. I have over 5 years of tutoring experince of tutoring with Sylvan leanring experience.
I would love to collaborate with more people who also teach Pre-K, as well as those who use sanford harmony curriculum, and fundations curriculum. i would also love to learn more about those who are teaching culturally relevant and updated methods in their classroom.
@Joanna The Sanford Harmony is a great SEL curriculum and it's free!!
I am a kindergarten teacher. I have taught Pre-K, elementary and high school PE and 2nd grade. I have a Master's degree in School Administration and National Board certification as an Early Childhood Generalist. I am excited for an opportunity to collaborate with teachers across the state of North Carolina.
Hi there,
I'm Beka Evington and I am a K-5 district instructional coach. My content expertise is probably math, but I also *love* beginning reading.
I'd love to collaborate with other instructional coaches on the platform. I'm sure we're making things for PD that could help each other.
I can connect you with some Instructional Facilitators in our distirct - Caldwell County Schools. We will be exploring the #GoOpenNC prior to the December release date. My email is kcase@caldwellschools.com. Let me know if you want to connect. Best, Kim
Goood morning! I'm Melanie Winstead, a former high school English teacher. Currently, I am the Academic Coach at a charter school.
I would like to collaborate more with other instructional coaches to help find/provide high quality content area resources for my teachers as well as professional development resources and ideas that I can use with my staff.
I also work at a charter school and have a high need for professional development resources and ideas to use with staff. Because of budget constraints, we mostly rely on pulling from the expertise of teachers in our building, which can become a lot of work for the teacher-leaders! It would be amazing if we could build more open professional development resources that could be remixed and used by any school!
I agree completely! Quality PD is currently not free and creating from scratch is incredibly time consuming.
I am with you guys 100%. I am in a charter school also and I am exploring ways I would like to offer PD this year. I usually wind up creating from scratch. I would love to bounce ideas off of each other. I do have some PDs that I put together over the last couple years and plan to tweak them this year. I am happy to share. Once I tweak i will probably share on the OER Platform as well.
Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Spezzano. I am a 1st grade teacher currently, so I teach all content areas in Elementary.
If I could collaborate with more specific educators, it would be more elementary school teachers from all over the state. I am new to NC, and very curious to see how activities are implemented in other districts besides CMS, which is where I teach. I am looking forward to working with and collaborating with everyone on this platform!!! So excited to be a part of this group!!!!
Hi Samantha! I am in CMS too. 6th Grade ELA...
My name is Tabitha Collins. I taught in Virginia for 14 years. I taught pre-k -5th, was a reading specialist, and the last 3 years a pre-k special education teacher. I am currently teaching 4th grade again at Tyrrell Elementary School and love it.
I am also interested in the social emotionally learning collaboration.
Great to meet you, hopefully we can share resources.
My name is Daniel Helms (Mark Helms in the NCEdCloud System). I am in my 15th year as a Social Studies teacher in Cabarrus County Schools. I have taught all of the required Social Studies courses (World History, Civics and Economics, American History I, and American History II) at Regular and Honors levels. I am also in my 10th year of teaching AP Government. I have served on our district's Curriculum Review Committee for Civics and Economics, creating UbD Curriculum Maps for the county.
I am really looking forward to working with others who want to pull resources that discuss the impact of major events in history on the people, particularly minorities of that time period (including women, Native Americans, slaves, LBGTQ, etc.).
I too suffer from the plight of the middle name. Ashley here (known as Lauren in the ncedcloud. lol)
I am working with SS NCSCOS revision team. As the standards are further developed, I'd love to get your expertise to identify #GoOpenNC resources that could be linked to those documents. Once standards are made public, which is expected to be during the next few months, feel free to connect with me if discuss resources. Best, Kim (kcase@caldwellschools.com)
I would be happy to help out in any way, and would love the opportunity to discuss resources or the standards themselves.
Hi! My name is Victoria Hudson & I teach American History 2 (mostly Juniors) at McDowell High School. This is my 4th year at McDowell-- I have previously taught American 1 & Psychology. I would like to collaborate with other History teachers to share resources (activities to further classroom engagement, primary source activities, etc.)
My name is Molly Crawford. I am an ESL teacher is Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. This is my eighth year here, though two were part time after my maternity leave. I have an MAT in ESL from UNC.
Being a specialist is often isolating so I would love to collaborate with other ESL teachers.
I am also interested in collaborating with ESL teachers!
Hi Lyndsay! We went to high school together! My maiden name is Purgason. I didn't know you were an ESL teacher! That's great! Are you in Guildford County?
Oh my gosh, Hey! This is great, haha! You know, when I saw your name I thought it sounded familiar. :)
Yes, I've been an ESL teacher for the last 5 years in New Hanover and Pender Counties. This year I am the Lead ESL Teacher for Pender Co. Schools.
I am a 3-5 Science lab teacher and I get to teach every student at our school from EC to 5th grade. It is the best job I have ever had teaching. I am very excited about learning and collaborating with other professionals in NC. I was originally certified in NC and then transfered to SC Myrtle Beach for 13 years and now back in NC my home town. i teach in a high poverty area and I am always looking for diverse materials.
I too am back home but in the city I am from... wish I was more exciting. I too am look for an array of diverse material as I teach in a high poverty low income Title 1 school.
Hi Everyone,
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
My name is Leo Barthelmess (bar-thl-mess) I am a high school visual art teacher and Fine Art Department Chair in Wake County Public Schools.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would definitely like to collaborate with visual and fine arts teachers. I also would like to work with science teachers (and others) for real meaningful S.T.E.A.M. lessons and curriculum.
Hi Leo!
I am Sarah Wiles and I teach HS Science (Earth, Bio, and Chem) in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. I spent 5 years in WCPSS! I would love to work with you on STEAM. I struggle because I focus on science being process-oriented so I see it as very black-and-white. Let's face it... gram to gram stoichiometry is either right or wrong. It's a LAW (of conservation of mass). Let's talk!
Hi Leo. I work in Charlotte, NC at Northwest School of the Arts! We are a 6-12 arts magnet school. I don't teach art (6th grade ELA), but I would be happy to connect you with some of our arts peeps if you are interested?
I am Sheryl Rogers, currently employed as a 4th, 5th, and 6th grade math teacher and 5th grade science teacher. My content expertise is anything elementary. This is my 26th year in education, and I have spent the majority of that time in elementary school.
I would be interested in collaborating with math and science elementary educators, as science education is what I consider my greatest area for improvement. I am most interested in engaging, hands-on, project-based lessons.
Hi! I am feeling much better about the materials from the first webinar. I also am a "dance expert" - I am not licensed in dance but minored in performance and have even taught a few tap classes since college. I am pursuing my license in music ed. or dance ed. as an ad-on. Looking forward to the opportunity! Also, know of any opportunities with NC Virtual Public Schools? :) My master's is in Teaching and Learning with Technology and focused a great deal on the online classroom. Happy OEP-ing!
Hi Lauren. Where are you located? I work in Charlotte.
Hello! My name is Sarah Pittman.
I am a 7th and 8th grade Advanced Social Studies teacher in Statesville, NC located in Iredell County. I am completing my Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in Reading Education from UVA. I will graduate this spring as a certified Reading Specialist. I previously taught ELA for the last several years.
I would love to collaborate with a group of educators in discussing cross-curricular strategies; specifically incorporating reading strategies into other content areas. I also have a passion for multicultural learning and culturally relevent pedagogy. Engagement is crucial for student learning! We also must work to support all levels of readers in differentiation throughout every curriculum; especially by using best practices in reading comprehension, writing, and phonological skills. I hope to discuss this on all levels including local, state, national, and international to receive the widest range of opinions and skillsets.
Hi Sarah,
I'd love to collaborate on cross-curricular strategies. Every year we hear about reading across the curriculum; but implementation is harder to achieve. I believe the more we can talk about how we see engagement in our various classrooms, the more we can put in our toolkits to use with our own students.
I to would love to collaborate with cross curricular folks. We teach is isolation way too much.
I work in Caldwell County. Your introduction echoes my own interests. Let me know if you'd like to connect as we explore the #NCGoOpen platform. Best, Kim (kcase@caldwellschools.com)
My name is Beth Berkey and I am an MCL at Albemarle Road Middle School in Charlotte. I currently teach 7th Grade Honors ELA and coach the 8th Grade ELA PLC. I woudld like to colllobroate with middle school ELA teachers and leaders.
I am Dr. Gail Whisnant. My content area is English/Language Arts. I am currently an Assistant Principal at a middle school in Cleveland County Schools.
It would be beneficial to me to work with muddle school ELA teachers.
Hi there! I teach ELA in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, but I've lived in Kings Mtn. all my life! Where are you at in Cleveland County?
Hi Lori,
I was assistant principal at Kings Mountain Middle for the past two years. This summer, I moved to Burns Middle School so I would be closer to home!
Wow. I live on the road at KMHS across from the stoplight. I've often thought about applying a little closer to home too, but I love my school in Charlotte!
Hi Gail,
I would love to work with you! In 25 years of teaching, this is my first year teaching 7th grade ELA and I'm the only one at my grade level. Your perspective as an Asssistant Principal with an ELA background will be invaluable when evaluating standards alignment and potential student engagement opportunities.
Hello, I'm Shelia Campbell and I am a 15 year EC teacher. I currently teach high school students in the OCS (Occupational Course of Study) program. I love teaching in this program.
I would love to collaborate with educators who are seeking resources to connect students to a service or trade related career after high school that does not require a 4-year degree. This could be some CTE focused careers.
I'm looking forward to this collaboration.
I am Brittany Murray. I received my Masters in curriculum and instruction at MSU. I currently teach all subjects to my group of 4th graders in Wayne County Public Schools.
I would love to collaborate with educators who focus on behavioral issues and social emotional needs of students.
I did my undergrad there WAY back when! Nice to meet another Spartan! Go Green!
Go White!
Hey there! I used to live in Wayne County and was the ITF at Southern Wayne - I miss the area so much! My hubby was at Seymour!
Hello! My name is Lori Sutherland. I currently teach 6th grade ELA in Charlotte, NC and I am also a curriculum reviewer for EdReports.org. I love to collaborate with other educators, but especially with middle school ELA teachers, facilitators, etc.
Hi Lori,
I'd love to collaborate with you, even though I'm all the way in Fayetteville - thank goodness for computers! I'm the only 7th grade ELA teacher at my school. Your background with 6th grade ELA would help me with vertical planning.
Hi Candace! Here is my email: lorir.sutherland@cms.k12.nc.us I used to teach 7th grade too! We are in the beginning stages of implementing a new curriculum this year and 7th will be doing it next year. Please reach out if I can help or to bounce ideas with you!
Hi! My name is Susan Shell.
My content expertise is high school math - specifically Math 1, 2, and 3 at the moment. Currently my role is part-time math coach at Cary High School in the Wake County Public School System. I love mathematics, collaboration, and the quest for continuous improvement.
Collaborating with other secondary math teachers and coaches via this platform would be a joy!
I am Dr. Jeanette McCray and my content area is middle school mathematics. I currently teach math at Queen City Stem Academy and would love to assist middle school math teachers, especially beginning teachers.
I have several areas, but I love Math the most. I currently am an instructinal coach for middle school math. Having taught each of the levels of middle school content and delivered much worldly advise to my teachers and professioal development participants, I am always looking to collaborate from others on this content. YEAH Middle Math!
My name is Jessica Barber and my content area is Elem. Ed. K-6. Currently I teach 2nd grade in Kinston N.C. I have always loved teaching reading and collaborating with those that love teaching reading as well. Also, I would love to strengthen my abilities in the area of teaching math.
Hi! I am Anna Kennedy and I am a 6th grade teacher for Davidson County Schools. I currently teach Math and Science. I would love to connect with other middle school teachers that teach either of these two subjects.
Hi Anna!
I am in Lexington City Schools! We're neighbors!
My name is Selena Hicks. I am one of the two fourth grade teachers at Tyrrell Elementary School in Tyrrell County NC. I have experience with childred birth- fifth grade in the classroom. I have a BS and MA in Elementary Education with my minor in History for both, ( was only 2 credits short of English being my concentration). I currently teach math and science.
I would like to find more activities in math and science for my students and I believe this is the platform for this.I hope that there are people working in the fields adding lesson plans and activities, not just teachers- not that we're not wonderful, but it is always nice to have someone with firsthand, outside the educational field experiences.
I am Crystal Medlin White, I teach Secondary Mathematics at Robbinsville High School in Graham County (Western NC). I currently teach Math 3, Pre-Calculus and AP Calc. I have previously taught Math 1, 2 and Advanced Functions. I would love to collaborate with other HS Math teachers to share ideas.
My name is Lauren Ryan. My content area expertise is in English Language Arts. I'm currently a sixth grade ELA teacher in the Haywood County school district. This is my first year as a middle school teacher, but I taught high school for six years prior to this. I've taught most high school ELA courses: English I, English I Honors, English II, English III, English III Honors, English IV, English IV Honors, and AP Literature and Composition (three years' experience per course, since we had multiple preps). I've had to create or cobble together a lot of my own curriculum for the courses I've taught, like most ELA teachers.
I would love to work with other middle school ELA teachers. If anyone wants content for the courses I've taught before, I'm also willing to share.
I remember those days. I thought I would hate moving to a block schedule, but now I can't imagine going back to seven classes a day. Having only three preps is SO much easier. Getting new students every semester has its pros and cons, though.
Hi Lauren. I teach 6th grade ELA in Charlotte. I'd be happy to collaborate with you. I've been teaching middle school for over 10 years. My first 2 years were at 7th grade and the last 8 are all at 6th grade level.
Thanks, Lori! I appreciate the opportunity to work with experienced middle school ELA teachers. My grade-level team is great about checking in and collaborating, but it is always good to have an outside perspective. Is there a way we can exchange contact info, etc.?
Sure! You can email me at lorir.sutherland@cms.k12.nc.us
Hello, all! I am Amanda Dickens. I am in Lee County, NC (Central area of state). I was an educator for the deaf for 8 years in Wake Co. I, then, had the opportunity to be home with my own children for 6 years followed by teaching private preschool for the last 6 years. I have recently rejoined the public school ranks teaching Kindergarten and LOVING every second!
I have made almost 900 documents in my educational career. I have always said we are in a sharing and caring profession. My question or concern is that I LOVE microsoft publisher. You can make and create anything on it and most of my documents are publisher docs. Google does NOT read publisher and it distorts the document if you try to save it in google. Is there a way to share those documents?
As far as collaboration, I would love to touch base with other K teachers. It is such a melting pot of levels and experience so to bring each child to a "level playing field" takes a great deal of time preparing, finding, creating and diversifying content and instructional material.
Wow, Amanda! That's a lot of documents! Impressive to say the least.
My name is Takiyah McCathern, my content expertise is elementary education especially special education and adapting curriculum. I am a new administrator in Wilkes County Schools as a 2nd year Assistant Principal
If I could collaborate with educators more I would like to be able to learn more about what teachers REALLY need from administrators and how professional development, PLCs, and other parts of school culture should look like. I also would like to collaborate and help teachers to adapt their everyday curriculum materials and resources for students with learning disabilities, dysgraphia, or an autism spectrum disorder.
Takiyah - we went to Wilkes Central together L-O-N-G ago! Congrags on becoming an AP!
Hey lady! It has been a long time. Hope you are doing well and thank you!
I am Dr. Renee Steele. I currently teach middle school social studies. I would be interested in collaborating with social studies teachers who infuse global competencies, social-emotional learning and/or culturally relevant pedagogy in their content. Additionally, I am interested in those who are incorporating cross-curricular project-based learning.
Hi, I am Tiffany Lepock
I am a Family and Consumer Science Teacher. I teach Apparel 1, Apparel 2, Interior Design 1, and Interior Design 2. I teach in Harnett County.
I have found some of my best resources by collaborating with other teachers. I would love to see more Family and Consumer Science material in the platform.
Hello, all! My name is Kris Biddle and I am currently a Curriculum Facilitator at an elementary school in Guilford County. I have worked side gigs with the district in both math and ELA, written books for Carson Dellosa (all in ELA or Social Studies involving primary sources), and worked on the 4th grade ELA standards this past round with DPI (an AMAZING process from start to finish). Before this, I taught everything from Kindergarten to 5th grade and also as a K-8 teacher in a one-room school for a battered women's shelter (best job of my life so far!).
I would love to collaborate more with SEL, especially in regards to students that have suffered from childhood trauma. My new "love" is following Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and her amazing idea/wish to screen every student for Adverse Childhood Experiences before they enter school. She would then like to provide support for these children. Her TED talk is eye-opening, if you're interested.
My name is Ratna Sarin and I am an elementary school resource teacher.
And yes, I would like to collaborate with a fellow educator on developing resources for students with disabilities in the general curriculum.
This is Danyel Sherman. I am currently a special education teacher in an elementary school in Franklin County. I am certified in both special education (at a Master's level) and ELA 6-12. The majority of my experience has been at the middle school level in the area of ELA, but working with exceptional children has been part of my whole career.
I have been trying to incorporate the growth mindset into my classroom since working at a Montesorri school. I truly saw the benefit of this practice for all students. I would like to be able to collaborate with other teachers as to how to do this along withh all of the other demands of the classroom. I have put in place activities here and there, but I would like to do more.
Hi! My name is Elizabeth Howard. I currently teach 6th grade math in Greenville, NC. Go Pirates! This is my 6th year teaching and I have taught 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. This is my third year teaching 6th grade math. For the past two years I have been utilizing Canvas a lot more so I am excited to see how I can integrate this with what I am already doing in my class on Canvas. I am interested in working with other math teachers and sharing resources.
Hi Elizabeth! I'm an ECU alum and have also focused most of my teaching years on the upper grades, especially in math!
My name is Allyson Hill. I have taught Middle Grades ELA and Social Studies but I am currently only teaching 7th grade Social Studies.
I would love to collaborate more with other World History teachers at both the middle and high school level!
Hey! My name is Amber Meares and I am currently teaching English/Language Arts at North Whiteville Academy, an alternative placement program. I am Google certified, NewsELA certifiesd, and SMART cerfitifed. Current;y I am working on my National Boards.
I am Chris Walsh, a Civics and Economics, and Journalism, teacher at a Charter School in the Triad. I would probably be most interested in collaborating with other teachers in my specific field.
I am Kim Case. Most of my career was teaching Middle School students, but I've also served as an Instructional Facilitator for K-8 schools and have experience at Elementary and High School Administration. My current role is at the district level as the Coordinator of Innovative and Online Education.
I believe strongly that my learning should never stop and am excited to be in this group! I am interested in connecting with any educator groups who are interested in how to make educational structures more relevant to our changing world - innovations that cross subject lines is where I'd like to investigate with a team.
I am Amanda Ogle, Elementary Instructional Coach in Buncombe County. While we work K-6, this year I am working with two 5th & 6th grade (Intermediate) schools in our district, which also happens to be my area of expertise. In our district, we work with both ELA and Math.
If I could collaborate with a specific set of educators, it would definitely be other Instructional Coaches or 5th/6th grade Teacher Leaders who have a passion for strong core instruction.
Karen Franks
I am a music educator, career musician, and "expert" in brain development/structure/and function as it relates to music. I use the quotation marks because I have no credentials in the area, but it was my focus in my grad school studies, and I interned in a brain imaging lab during those studies. Currently I am an elementary general music specialist, but have also taught as a middle school band, orchestra, and chorus director and high school chorus director.
I would love to collaborate with specialists teachers on methods to bring arts into every classroom so that the brain development and brain function benefits can be accessed by all students all day long. As a Native American, I would also love to see us working together to emphasize our diverse strengths in a culturally respectful manner.
I would love to pick your brain about the effects of music on the brain of the low-performing, povertous child. I am a firm believer in the power of creating dendrites with fine arts to overcome post-traumatic disorders and those students in povertous areas.
I didn't study effects of poverty, per se, but playing an instrument for at least 10 years builds robust neural scaffolding throughout all areas of the brain. The effects begin after only a few months of instrumental instruction, especially in children under the age of nine (before neural pruning). Playing and listening to music activates the basal ganglia, which in turn activates emotional and reward centers of the brain. it is neural pathways between this area of the brain and the brain stem that are often undereveloped in children with PTSD and other trauma disorders, as best as I can recall at this moment. The pathways between the basal ganglia and the frontal lobe are often underdeveloped in children with ADHD, dyslexia, and other executive function disorders. Incidentally, some research I read while in grad school showed similar neural pathway deficits in patients with ADHD and Alzheimer's Disease.
Hi! I am Anisa Roberts from Clay County. I am a former high school social studies teacher and am now a media coordinator and ITF.
I would love to collaborate more with media coordinators and ITFs to learn ideas to help our teachers utilized OER.
Me too!!! Finding ways to help teachers utilize and model behaviors for our students to be ethical users of technology is a mission of mine.
My Name is Ashley Robinson and I am a 5th grade math and science teacher in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.
I would love to collaborae more with other 5th grade teachers who teach 5th grade math or science. I would enjoy being able to collaborate with educators from different districts as well.
My name is Kevin Endres. I am currently teaching middle school general and vocal music in Franklin County. In the spring I will be adding a course to my classload at our local high school. I have taught in multiple schools in NC, NY, and OH. I have been an EC teacher and a music teacher in my short 6 year career thus far. Currently, I collaborate with as many teachers as I can and most of it is done through social media. I enjoy collaborating with teacher outside of music because as a general music teacher I also teach about culture so that leads very well into ELA and History. I am looking forward to this experience so I can see what other teacher are doing and get a chance to bounce more ideas off other professionals. Music and the Arts are often looked at like an island and I never want to be like that in my career!
Hi all! I'm Katie Wise and I am in my 9th year teaching High School Math. I currently teach in Lincoln County Schools.I've taught Math I all 9 years and it is the curriculum I know the best! I've also added Pre-Calculus and AP Calculus for the past 3 years.
I would definitely love to collaborate with Math teachers across the state. I think we all have a wealth of knowledge in our subject areas we can share with each other.
My name is Samantha Carlson and I am currently in my sixth year of teaching middle grades math. I have experience with teaching 7th grade math, 8th grade math, and Math 1. Also, I am currently back in school getting my master's degree in education with a specialization in curriculum and teaching.
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educations, especially via this platform, it would be other middle grade math teachers. When you are trying to find resources for math, especially middle grades resources, it tends to be very hard to find.
I am excited for what is to come with this experience!
My name is Jennifer (Jennie) Durham, I am both a math and science certified teacher in middle grades. This is my first year teaching science only, I usually teach math only or both subjects.
I would love to collaborate more with STEM teachers. I love having my students work on real-life projects that get them engaged.
Hi all! I am Rhonda Benton and I am currently an American Literature/ American History 1 & 2/ Financial Literacy teacher at Anson County Early College. Social Studies is definitely more my area of "expertise". I would love to work with other Social Studies teachers that are trying to bring History back through all grades. It is often the first subject to be ignored in favor of other core subjects and we really need to recognize its importance to society.
My name is Christine Haber, I have taught 4th grade math and science for 12 years and love this grade level. I am currently teaching in Richmond county.
I would like collaborate more on social emotional learning and engaging more into culturally diverse learning. I would also leaner and collaborate more on remix and reviveing my lesson for greater engagment and rigor.
Hello! I'm Lydia. I am a Reading Specialist and instructional support team member at a charter school in Asheville. I teach mostly Orton-Gillingham with struggling readers, and I also help K-8 teachers with implementing evidence-based literacy instruction and intervention within their classrooms. I would love to collaborate on multisensory teaching resources in K-5, as not only our dyslexic children benefit from activating multiple parts of their brains! I am interested in collaborating on morphology and phonics resources that can build teacher knowledge while providing easy to implement activities. I would also love to gain more culturally responsive and relevant tools to help move my school forward in that area!
Matthew Rice here. I currently teach Honors PLTW Principles of Biomedical Science, Medical Interventions and Biomedical Innovation in Charlotte. Some years I also teach Biology, Honors Biology and AP Biology. This is my 14th year teaching.
If I could connect with other teachers it would be science teachers who teach the PTLW courses or Biology or AP Biology.
Hi Matt!
I have been teaching for 12 years and I have taught everything under the sun (AP Bio/Bio, AP Chem/Chem, Earth..). I don't currently teach with PLTW but I am familiar with it and have some experience with the curriculum. Feel free to shoot me an email and we can collaborate and you can tell me more specifics of what you are looking for!!!
Thanks, Sarah! Not sure how to connect with you, as your profile on here isn't showing me your email. You can find me at matthewd.rice@cms.k12.nc.us.
My name is Jessalyn Spell and I am the Differentiation Coordinator (MTSS, AIG, ELL) for Montgomery County Schools. I bring teaching experience in Grades 2-10, with a focus on math and science. I also have my teaching license in K-12 Dance.
I would like to collaborate with other educators in the MTSS/RTI Tier 2 and 3 lessons and activities. We need to develop a research based protocol of resources for math, reading, behavior, and social emotional needs at both the Tier 2 and 3 level.
I would like some resources for Emotional Regulation for MTSS--we are limited in what we are allowed to use (in our dictrict) and could use help finding better resources that are research-based sp we ould get them approved. We alos lack appropriate phonics resources for middle grades--we tried REWARDS and it was successful but the kids hated it. Currently we are using Corrective reading--that is a bit more well-received since it has readings that are part of the program.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Nathan Parker, I am a High School Math Teacher. I have taught Middle School and High School. This is my 6th year teaching and my 10+th year in the field of education. I have worked with a lot of different students with Math
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I want to collaborate more with teachers interested in differentiation. I love to differentiate for my students and make sure I am teaching everyone to their level. It would be helpful to see how others do that in their planning and active teaching!
It was refreshing to read that you, "love to differentiate for my students and make sure I am teaching everyone to their level." My ESL heart appreciates that tremendously!
Hi everyone! I am known as the "Thinking Teacher" (AIG Specialist) in an elementary school in Durham. While I wear many hats (testing coordinator, RTA contact, etc), the true love of my job is ingniting the love of learning and uncovering limitless potential in our underrepresented student population. I push into K-2nd grade classrooms, lead whole group/small group weekly thinking lessons and collaborate with our 3rd-5th grade teachers to serve our scholars in the upper grades.
If I could collaborate with anyone, it would be fellow AIG specialists in the elementary world, curriculum specialists and anyone with a strong interest in highlighting giftedness in underrepresented populations.
I too am looking to find giftedness in under-represented populations. I feel that many go overlooked and I work at the 6-8 level, where they REALLY get overlooked if they have not been challenged and encouraged in elementary school.
Hi Janice,
Have you found a way to identify the giftedness in our under-represented populations? I have a 27 student AIG-labeled class, wherein only 7 are identified as AIG. I hold all students to that higher standard, and know that there are students in my other classes who were not identified in elementary school. I'm not sure if I'm asking the questions correctly - help!
I am the person responsible for identifying and testing the students in my building, so I have been actively trying to do that. My distict has a rubric that we use (start by looking at Eogs and class grades--90%ile and above MIGHT qualify. 95%ile and above most definitley will qualify) and then the admin, the AIG techer, and I discuss whether we feel they may qualify based on their data. If we feel they might, then I order the CoGAT test from our district office and adminster it to them. If they score the points on our district rubric, then they are officially designated as AIG in reading and/or math. Each school system is required by state board policy have a process for identifying gifted students. Any student scoring in the 90%ile or above should be at least considered--there should be someone who can share the district's procedures in your district.
A good place to start is to sort the students by EOG percentile--how have they performed historically. I look at the last two years in case someone had a bad day.
Hi, I am Carol Overton. I have experience as a media coordinator and cte instructor. I am currently a CTE Coordinator/ITF for Camden County Schools.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would like to collaborate more with individuals who could help me prepare more personalable staff development on digital citizenship and copyright for students.
Hello! I'm Jessica Esposito from Alexander County. I am the Digital Leanring and Innovation Specialist and support all of our schools. I have taught EC, Reg ED, was a Librarian, and now all things techy and instructional.
I would love to collaborate and share lessons that can be remixed on all levels and subjects.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Hey! I'm Megan Coffey. My content expertise is in 9-12 ELA and Digtial Teacher and Learning. I am currently a Digital Learning Facilitator for Newton-Conover City Schools.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would like to collaborate with other ITFs and Instructional Coaches. I have recently moved into a new role in an elementary school, so I love working with veteran employees in this new field.
My name is Tara Stanford. I am currently a reading intervention teacher and intervention coordinator at Daniels MS in Wake County. Before coming to Wake County, I spent six years as an 8th grade ELA teacher in charter schools; prior to that, I taught upper elementary and middle school in a multi-grade Montessori classroom, focusing on ELA and social studies but teaching all subjects.
I am interested in collaborating with others to develop/locate resources that pair with the ELA standards and curriculum for grades 6-8. As a reading intervetion teacher, I am always looking for creative and engaging ways to extend on the students' core-class curriculum with the goal of frontloading to help them feel more successful.
Hi Tara,
I would love to collaborate with you - I'm a 7th grade ELA teacher and could definitely use some assistance with reading intervention strategies. Would love to share curriculum resources.
My name is Jen Keefe. I am currently an elementary Literacy Coach in Alamance-Burlington Schools. I have taught K,1st,2nd,4th, and 5th all subject areas.
If I could collaborate with a specific set of educators, it would be other literacy coaches or other instructional coaches. This is my first year as a coach, so that would be very helpful to me.
I am also a Literacy Coach in my first year and would love to collaborate as well!
Hey Jen! I recently (as in today) returned to ABSS as the Personalized Learning Coach after two years in OCS as a Digital Learning Coach. I look foward to reconnecting with you!
I'm Kara Stewart, I'm currently a 3-5 Literacy Coach in Orange Co Schools. I'm a reading specialist, master's in Reading K-12 from NCState. This is year 21 teaching for me. I've spent about 8 years coaching and the rest as a reading specialist and doing reading intervention. My content expertise is 3-5 Literacy (but K-5 is fine also), and in teaching to and about American Indians. I'm Sappony (one of NC's 8 state-recognized American Indian tribes). I have served about 5 years on my tribal council and about 8 years on the North Carolina State Advisory Council on Indian Education. I chaired the committee to create our website resources, and the self-paced teacher course available through EVAAS, Culturally Responsive Teaching About American Indians.
I'd like to collaborate with teachers interested in culturally responsive education (not just for American Indians), particularly in children's literature, and ways to make classroom discussions about race, hair, skin, etc. more accessible for teachers and students. I'm also particularly interested in dispelling stereotypes about American Indians and ensuring accurate, authentic instruction about American Indians.
Hi Kara! I share many similar interests and passions as you. Books hold so much influence in helping us understand others that may have different experiences than we have had, but also in helping us feel heard and seen when we read about others we can relate to. I am responsible for purchasing most of the books for classroom libraries in my school and would love to learn from you to make sure I'm doing so responsibly.
Hi Elaine! Nice to 'meet' you. I do have some resources I can share with you, but I'm not sure of the best way to do that (private email, this forum, another way on this site, etc.). I'm sure we'll be able to figure that out after 2 more webinars...
Hi! My name is Kathy Bosiak and I am a 23 year veteran that started my career as a lateral entry teacher. I am passionate about culture , travel and the importance of bring that knowledge to my students. I am also passionate about the environment and bringing authentic activities and relevant knowledge to my students.. I believe in the power of storytelling and that each person has a purpose. I have no particular group that I feel the need to work with.
Hi Kathy,
Your last sentence really resonated with me about "the power of storytelling" and bringing that into the classroom. I was at a high school for the past two years, and I used the TED Talk "The Power of the Single Story" with my juniors. My principal saw no purpose in it. I'd love to work with someone to develop a resource around that TED Talk.
Hi, I'm Jordan. I am a 4th grade teacher for CMS. This is my second year working for the district. Befor this, I worked on charter schools.
I would like to collabrate more with other elementary teachers about their success for struggling readers. How to support students who are far behind to grade level reading.
My name is Amber Longhi, I teach 9-12 mathematics in Gaston County Schools. I believe my context expertise would be Math 1, Math 2, Math 3 and Advanced Functions & Modeling.
As for a specific set of educators, I love real world applications of the mathematics that I teach to show students they will use these concepts in the future- so any teacher who can help me relate mathematics to the real world.
Hi, my name is Laura Long, and my content expertise would be in English Language Arts and Library Science. I am currently the librarian at Highland School of Technology in Gastonia, NC. Highland is a 9-12 magnet high school in Gaston County. Additionally, I am President of the NC School Library Media Association, so I am focused on all things library related.
If I could collaborate more it would be with ITF and librarians working together to provide instructional technology lessons and resources for students and to share PD for school staff related to the DLCs. I also love collaborating with teachers to bring literature alive for our students.
My name is Barbara Yenner. I am an Instructional Facilitator for Wake County. I have 19 years of classroom experiences in grades 3-5 as well.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Hi, my name is Tyler Callahan and I am a Digital Integration Facilitator (known as ITF's almost every else) for Moore County Schools. I am currently in my 13th year of education. I spent the first 7 years teaching science (Biology, Earth/Environmental, Physical Science) and coaching (football, basketball, and baseball) at Union Pines High School. For the last 6 years, I have been a DIF that provides job-embedded PD for teachers to increase the effective use of technology in the classroom. This year, I support three schools (North Moore HS, New Century MS and The Community Learning Center at Pinckney). I am the FTC Robotics coach and the CyberPatriot Mentor/Coach at North Moore HS.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
It would be nice to collaborate with high school science teachers and Technology Facilitators in the group. I feel like we would be able to bounce ideas around and grow as professionals.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
My name is Kristine Groves and my background is in high school mathematics. I am currently an Instructional Lead Teacher in my high school for all subject areas.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I want to collaborate with everyone! I want to be able to help my teachers collaborate with other subject-area experts from across the state, I want to be able to connect with other Instructional Coaches on Professional Development and Virtual/Augmented Reality use in classes, and I want to collaborate with EC and ESL teachers on remixing lessons for all students.
I am Lesley Holley, and instructional math coach at John Small Elementary in Washington, NC. (Beaufort County). I taught math for 18 years and am now in my 4th year as a coach. Elementary math is my passion!
I would love to have more opportunities to meet with and/or collaborate with other elementary math coaches. I am the only one like myself in my county, so having others to bounce ideas off of would be awesome!
My name is Melissa Briggs, I am an ELA teacher who has taught 6th grade for 6 years. I was originally a teacher from Delaware.
I would love to be able to collaborate on a more standard specific context that focuses on skills and strategies to bridge the gap that I currently see. Also, I want to be able to collaborate on novel specific resources as well.
Hello- Ashley Holloman.
I am a Life Skills (Extended Content Studies) Teacher for Johnston County Public Schools. I have been an inclusion teacher for grades 6-8 for Language Arts and Math. I have been an Exceptional Children's Coordinator for an Alternative and Therapeutic School (which I loved, most!)
I would love to collaborate more with others interested in therapeutic learning (i.e. art therapy) as that is a passion of not only myself, but also my kids, as many in my class (and others) cannot "express" themselves, but can communicate through various avenues, one including their artistic outlets with painting, drawing, etc.
Hi All,
My name is Amit Kaul (A-myth Call) and I am a CTE Business, Finance and IT teacher at Phillip O Berry Academy of Technology. My area of expertise is in MS Office, Adobe Digital Design and MultiMedia and Web Design (MaWD).
I would love to collaborate with other CTE Teachers.
Good Afternoon,
I am currently a CTE Career Development Coordinator and have been in this postition for a year with Guilford County Schools. Previously, I was a CTE Business teacher for 16 years in North Carolina. I taught Principles of Business and Finance, Business Management, Entreprenuership, Personal Finance, and Fashion Merchandise in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System. I would like to collaborate with curriculum facilitators on more relevant curriculum materials for high school teachers.
Hello! My name is Autumn Ginn. I am a fourth grade teacher and I teach all four subjects. This is my second year teaching; however, it is my first year in fourth grade. I would love to collaborate with other 3-5 educators that could help me learn what my students have learned, what they are learning, and what they will need to know.
Hello everyone! My name is Kasey Kuzma. I am an elementary (4th grade) teacher in Harnett County. I would love to collaborate more with other elementary teachers, specifically those who teach 3rd grade and 5th grade, where some vertical planning can be done!
Hello Kasey!
I teach 3rd Grade in Ashe County. I would love to collaborate!
Yes, I would love that!
My name is Kelly Maxson and I am currently a high school Earth/Environmental Science and Physical Science teacher at Vance Charter School in Henderson. I have taught middle school science (mostly 8th) and some 7th grade math in traditional districts (Granville and Durham) for most of my careeras well as having been an assistant principal at a charter school for a few years.
I really would like to collaborate more with high school earth/environmental and physical science teachers, as well as some STEM/STEAM educators. I have a background in curriculum development as well, so collaborating with curriculum specialists would also be nice.
My name is Kristana Rogers and I am currently serving as the Sr. Administrator for Secondary Science in Wake County supporting the curriculum and instruction for grades 6-12 science. I have served in the role of HS Science teacher, HS Assistant Principal and HS Principal in the past. My degree is in Chemistry and feel like my greatest content knowledge is in the physical sciences.
If I could collaborate with anyone, I would love to hear from other content specialists at the district level around their ideas of how to use/support this resources. Also would love to hear from 6-12 science teachers regarding how they envision the use of this resource.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Ann Hamrick, elementary PE, elementary PE teacher
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would love to be able to collaborate with other elementary PE teachers.
I'm known as Dr. Souther at my school, simply because we have a kindergarten teacher who is Mrs. Souther. There is no relation between us. I am currently an Instrutional Facilitator at a Title One elementary school and a district Math Foundations trainer. My expertises are varied, but include math grade K-9, reading K-5, and music. If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, I would love to stick with elementary education folks, including any administrators and curriculum coaches.
My name is Elaine Shobert. I enjoy my role as a curriculum coach in a Title I school in Union County. I work with mostly grade 3-5 teachers, specifially with ELA and also work with the principal to plan and facilitate our in-house professional development for the entire staff.
Staying up to date on current research and effective practice is very important to me in my role. Collaboration with others who share the same core values as we do at my school is quite beneficial and I look forward to seeing how this platform will provide this type of opportunity.
Hi, I am Ena Wood. I am an HS library media / IT facilitator with Caswell County Schools (Bartlett Yancey HS). Most of my experience is in K-8, instructional technology, and online adult education / PD. I became interested in OER while employed with Arlington Public Schools, Arlington, VA as an ITC for the district. We exploded with laptops, devices, coding/robotics, STEAM exemplary projects, and interactives. I was constantly looking for free and open resources where students could collaborate with developers such as Scratch and Scratch Jr; Python, Hour of Code, primary resources with the Library of Congress, free bridge-building software, etc. I love the fact that Destiny Discover also has free open educational resources. Good, vetted, free educational resources can only help teachers in their search for up-to-date and current curriculum needs. I am excited to be back in an environment where I can pull on these resources and impact student and teacher learning.
I am Lisa Andrews, a 22 year teacher here in NC. I am certified K-12 Music and love working in Union County Schools!
I am Debra Sauls. I teach Special Education Reosurce to students in grades 4 and 5 at Northwest Elementary in Wayne County.
I would love to colloborate more with Special Educators across the state.
Hello! My name is Rachel Nave-Lewis. My undergrad is in Music Education, and I taught music for seven years in the elementary setting. I wrote music curriculum for the NC Governor's Teacher Network. In my third year of teaching, I persued my graduate degree in Curriulum and Instruction and completed my National Boards in Middle Childhood Generalist. This is my first year teaching third grade!
I would love to collaborate with more elementary school teachers in order to better serve ELs and Below Grade Level Readers!
Good afternoon! My name is Kimberly Burnette and I am currently a Literacy Coordinator for K-5 but moved to this position from Media Coordinator in Elementary. Literacy is my expertise but with the desire to collaborate and be a resource for classroom teachers, a need to look into science, social studies, math etc..
In the beginning a small group of K-5 teachers would be a starting point to collaborate. I also feel that media coordinators need a solid understanding of this resource so that they can be that support within their schools.
Hello Joanna and Colleagues,
My name is Daphne Terry and my "content expertise" is Social Studies, ELA, Science and Math. Currently, I am the K-5 Instructional Program Facilitator with Chatham County Schools.
In response to the colloboration question, I would like to colloborate more with educators that teach Social Studies.
Hi everyone! I'm Christine Mitchell and I currently serve as an Instructional Technology Facilitator for Wilson County Schools. I previously taught middle school math and science for 5 years before finding my passion in educational technology and shifting into my current role.
I would like to collaborate specifically with educators that work with elementary and middle school students that are fellow ITFs, instructional coaches and teachers that may have experience with implementing and planning project based learning and STEM activities in their schools.
My name is Megan Smith and I am the lead AIG specialist at one middle school in Asheboro City Schools. I currently work with AIG and other high achieving students in ELA and Math for grades 6-8.
I would love to collaborate with other AIG specialists across the state because I'm the only one in my building who serves in this role. I'm also looking for enrichment and standard extension lessons that will benefit AIG learners in all content areas.
Hi Megan,
I'd love to collaborate with you! I have one AIG class and would also like to find extension lessons, especially for my students who are not AIG-identified but would do well with the challenge.
I am Mallory Strelecky and I teach Biology and Earth/Environmental Science at Granville Central High School in Stem. This is my seventh year teaching and the third school I have taught in.
I would like to collaborate with other Biology teachers. I am particularly interested in resources that improve student engagement and increase EOC scores.
Jacob Sanford
Elementary and Middle School Science and Digital Learning - Currently a Digital Learning Coach
I would like to collaborate more on instituting blended learning (K-8) to create differntiated, student centered learning environments that run efficiently in the classroom.
I am from the Nash-Rocky Mount Public School System. I have had the pleasure of teacching for 20 years in a middle school in our district. In 2010, I received my Master's in Instructional Technology and was given the opportunity to become an Instructional Technology Facilitator. For 5 years, I visited classrooms and teachers impacting learning through technology. For the last 3 years, I have been an Instructional Coach at 2 high schools. They are Rocky Mount High School and Northern Nash High School.
My content expertise would be in Middle School Math as I have spent 20 years as a mathematics teachers. With my current position, the high school math curriculum has been dove into as we are creating pacing guides to n=match our new resources.
In my current position,I would like to see what other high school math teachers are using and see what trends they are noticing with current students, expectations and testing.
Hi! I am Kathie Davidson. World History (Honors, Standard and ESL Newcomers Inclusion) teacher in my 27th year with Durham Public Schools. Additionally, I teach Honors Peer Group Connection Leadership and Honors International Relations.
I would like to collaborate with WH teachers who are intersted in developing relevant lessons that can be scaffolded, adapted and actually used in a real world World History class!
My name is Caitlin Williams. I taught 6th grade reading and social studies for 2 years in eastern North Carolina. I have taught 5th grade for a total of 4 years. I originally taught 5th grade in Arkansas through Teach for America, with a focus on social justice and equity. I am currently a 5th grade reading and social studies teacher in Franklin County.
I would specifically like to collaborate with other 5th grade reading teachers who also like to focus on social justice and social emotional learning.
Hi, I am Laura. I teach first grade in Wake County. I feel very knowledgeable on ELA and Math resources. I would prefer to collaborate with other K-2 teachers.
Hey... I am Sarah Barnes, I too would like to learn more about ELA and Math resources for K_@. I taught 1st grade for 4 years and currently have a first grader at home!
Hi Laura,
I have taught first grade for 7 years before becoming a K-2 EC Resource Teacher. I would love to collaborate with other K-2 teachers as well to see what materials and resources they have been using to teach the standards! It will be so interesting to compare the resources that we have been using to teach the same content!
-Melissa Daily
My name is Karen Guzinski and I teach 7th grade Math. I am interested in collaborating with other 7th grade math teachers to share resources. I am also interested in collaborating with 6th and 8th grade teachers to find resources for tiered instruction and provide support and enrichment.
Hi all! My name is Myah Davis and I work with CMS. I am currently an elementary adminstrator in East Charlotte. I have experience with K-8 working in various capacities. I am really interested in Culturally Relevant and Responsive Pedgaogy and consider myself very knowledgeable in the area. My subject areas of expertise are ELA, elementary math, and social studies. I am excited to be apart of this group.
My name is Sarah Barnes. I am a 1st grade teacher who miagrated to 5th grade. I teach the ELA and Science/Social Studies block at school. I would love to collaborate and more insight on digital programs used as well as lessen that differentiate reading/writing for learners who are not on grade level.
Hello. My name is Genea Kornegay. I am a third grade reading remediation teacher in Pitt County. I have been in this position for almost two years. I would like to collaborate with third grade reading teachers, third grade Instructional Coaches, and third grade remediation teachers who teach reading.
Hi I'm Kellie Toney. My expertise is with preschool age children in Head Start and NC-PreK. I am a Head Start teacher with Cleveland County Schools.
I can't wait to collaborate with other preschool teachers. Many of my materials now are self-made or inspired by pinterest. We utilize Creative Curriculum and Second Step which provides many useful resources, but I like to "supplement" it with culturally responsive content and activities.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Danielle Crosby
9-12 Social Studies Teacher in Guilford County Schools
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would like to colloborate across other content areas to implement SEL (social-emotional learning) lessons. I see the need to bring awareness to SEL and can easily observed how this concept is present in history. It will be great to help build resources and lessons to effective teach SEL concepts.
My name is Kelly Kiker. I have been teaching 9th grade Earth and Environmental Science in Davidson County Schools for the past 10 years.
I am interested in collaborating with other Earth Science teachers. I am especially excited to learn and use new activities and ideas gained from this experience in my classroom.
Hi all! My name is Hope Murphy, and I work with Pitt County Schools as an Autism Center Based Program/Exceptional Children's teacher. I would love to collaborate with other EC teachers as well as general education teachers providing math and language arts instruction.
My name is Deidra Adams. I have taught Kindergarten for 8 years and 3rd grade for 1 year in Pitt County schools. My current role in education is I am a Kindergarten teacher in Guilford County.
If I had the ability to collaborate more with a set of educators, It would be other kindergarten-first grade teachers who teach in a Title one school and see how they handle some of the challenges faced in a low income area.
Hi Deidra,
I love that you would like to collaborate with teachers that work at a Title I school! Some people hear about Title I schools and the challenges they face and turn away! Title I schools often times have access to many different great resources!
-Melissa Daily
Hi Deidra,
I don't teach kindergarten, but I'd love to collaborate with you about Title I schools and the challenges faced at those schools.
My name is Tracy McKee and I teach Kindergarten in Chatham County. I would love to collaborate with other K teachers on curriculum, social/emotional needs, Istation.
Hi! My name is Nakita Thomas, this is my 21st year in education 19 in the public school. I am currently a special education teacher and would like to collaborate with other special education teachers to build resources in the Exceptional Children's Platform.
1) My name is Thomasine Oglesby-Keaton-El.
I have taught all coursesin 9 - 12 Mathematics except AP Statistics. In science, I have also taught Biology, Physical Science, and Chemistry.
My current role is a 9 - 12 STEM teacher, teaching both Earth/Environmental Science and Math 2 together.
2) If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, it would be school counselors because I will complete my certificiation and Master's degree program in May.
I am CarieAnn Morrissey, NBCT. I have a M.Ed. in curriculum and supervision and certification in educational administration. I am currently teaching 5th grade math and science, and do not have formal curricula so I have to create or find my own teaching materials.
I would like to collaborate more with 5th grade math and science teachers, math teachers in grades 3-5, and math coaches.
Hello. I am Stacey Shaddix. I have served in various roles in both elementary and middle school. I have worked as a teacher, interventionist, instructional coach and district curriculum support. I would like to collaborate with middle school ELA instructional teachers/leaders.
My name is Melissa Daily and I am currently a K-2 Resource Teacher at an elementary school in Brunswick County, NC! Before I became a K-2 Resource Teacher, I was a first grade teacher for 6 years in Frederick, Maryland and then taught another year of first grade when I moved to North Carolina.
If I could collaborate with a specific set of educators- I believe that it would be Pre-K through 3rd grade teachers. I would love to take a close look at and repurpose and remix materials that would allow teachers to differenicate the same activity for different learners on different levels. I would also like to take a closer look at social emotional and behavioral resources!
Hi, I'm Mandi Whatley. My content expertise is World and American Literature especially focused on utilizing project-based learning units to teach all ELA standards. I serve as both an English teacher and a Teacher Leader at my school.
I would love to collaborate with teachers who are both novice and expert at implementing project-based learning into their content. I am always looking for ways to streamline and manage my projects more efficiently while retaining the level of rigor necessary for standards mastery. I would love to pick the brains of those who have used PBL successfully. Additionally, I enjoy helping others get over the bumps and obstacles that come with trying PBL for the first time.
My teacher team (which is just me and one other teacher) increases our uses of PBL yearly - or at least tweaks/expands what we already do. Would love to talk to you about what we do and what you do! :)
Woohoo!! That would be amazing! What contact information do you need or prefer?
I would love to collaborate with you! I am learning about PBL so that I can implement it later this year.
Fantastic! My email is amanda_whatley@uwharriecharter.org. Looking forward to collaborating!
hi all!
I am Janna Tolleson from Monroe,NC-Union County-Wingate Elementary. I am a 5th grade teacher and I am in my 29th year. I am teaching a unique class this year...we are operating in a middle school model with different teachers teaching different subjects and lots of push in support. The students in my class have been "selected" based on academic/behavioral needs. It has been an active and BUSY first 40 days! I am excited and grateful to be a part of this project!
Follow me on Twitter! @JannaTolleson
Looking forward to learning from and with you all!
Hello! My name is Ray Grace and I am currently a 3rd grade ELA teacher in Hoke County. I am new to this profession. This is only my third year teaching. Previously, I spent 21 years in the United States Army. After retirement, I accepted this position to help my wife's principal. After spending 10 years telling my kindergaten teaching wife my job was harder, I didn't think before I leaped. In the short time I've spent in this profession I've received my Master's in Elementary Education and Doctorate's in eating my words. If I could collaborate with any group of people, I would like to discuss how to progressively engage students from low socioeconomic communities. This is a topic that I face every day and at every data meeting I attend.
I look forward to being part of this forum and learning from others.
Hey everyone! My name is Kinsi King, and I currently teach IB Middle Years Program sophomores English 2 and IB DP seniors language and literature classes at South Iredell High School. Prior to my 8 years in ISS I taught 5 in CMS. I got my masters in Curriculum and Instruction from App State, and I am a United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Teaching Fellow (2018-2019).
I would like to collaborate with anyone working on implementing mental awareness into their classrooms as I am seeing a huge spike in anxiety with my students. I also would love working with anyone who would like to integrate sound Holocaust teaching into their classrooms.
I teach both inclusion and honors World Literature courses and I specifically focus on the Holocaust and other genocides of the 20th and 21st centuries. Would love to collaborate and learn more from you!
One of our biggest and (I think) best PBL comes from our unit on social responsibility which is where my Holocaust unit is embedded. My email is kinsi_king@iss.k12.nc.us if you'd like to reach out, and we can talk! :)
Wonderful! Thank you!
I'm Chiayang Lee-Fitzgerald. I have been teaching Chinese in Wake county for 5 years. For the first three years, I have also taught Chinese history as electives. I would love to collaborate more with other Chinese teachers about higher-level class.
My name is Laurie Newhouse. I am a Second Grade teacher in Wake County. I would love to collaborate with primary teachers.This is my 26th year in education. I have a dual degree in Elementary and Special Education and a Master's in Curriculum and Instruction. I just recently renewed my National Boards. I am very interested in global education. I traveled to Uganda in 2018 and volunteered as part of a teaching team writing curriculum for an organization called LRTT. I am very passionate about teaching. I love sharing ideas. I am excited about this platform. I would like to see curriculm more integrated. I look forward to receiving and contributing resources.
Hello! My name is Heather Vivona. This is my 13th year teaching third grade in the Wilkes County School system. We are a very rural, very economically disadvantaged area. My content expertise is math education. I am very passionate about math and about math instruction.
I would love to collaborate with educators who are 1) managing read to achieve without it running the classroom and 2) wanting to implement more project based learning into their classroom.
Melissa Larkin, Chapel Hill-Carrborro City Schools, 3rd-5th Instructional Coach
I taught 5th and 3rd grade in Wake County before moving to Chapel Hill when my husband started medical school at UNC. I taught 4th grade in CHCCS before making the transition to an instructional coach. This is my second year as a coach and I love working toward solutions/ better educational experiences for all.
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, it would be upper elementary literacy teachers. I would love to see how others teach ELA standards without over-doing it with passages. I want students to interact with texts in authentic ways while still loving reading. Plus with everything with licensing, I am extremely intrerested in how this looks.
I'm a literacy coach in ABSS, and most recently was a 4th and 5th grade teacher. I'd love to collaborate!
Would love to! My email is mlarkin@chccs.k12.nc.us :)
I am an Assistant Principal in an elementary school (grades k-3). I also work as an instructional coach. I am very interested in learning more about #GoOpenNC to assist the teachers in my school with resources and curriculum materials to assist students in the classroom. With over 28 years in the classroom, I know how important it is for teachers to have access to resources and support in the classroom.
Hi! My name is April Jones and I teach AP Environmental Science and Earth Science at Athens Drive High School in Raliegh. I would love to collaborate with other APES teachers, especially on the topic of energy, air pollution, and climate.
Hi! My name is Claire and this is my 12th year as an elementary school teacher. I am currently teaching first grade but have also taught kindergarten and third grade, too.
I am very interested in helping my students become more globally competent. I would like to collaborate with other elementary teachers to learn ways that you are helping your students understand the four domains of global competence. I would love to know what is working for you (for your young learners) and share ideas for great books, projects, lessons, etc!
Hi I'm Stephanie Lachmann. I'm currently a STEM specialist in an elementary school. I'm just finishing up my elementary math specialist certification graduate work at UNCG,and I'm an NCSIP Foundations of Math trainer -- so elementary math is my passion.
I would want to collaborate with math educators that are trying to make the shift from teaching math as rote steps and procedures to teaching math as a creative subject with conceptual and visual connections. I would also want to collaborate with other STEM specialists.
My name is Beth Rickerts. I have a BS in elementary education with a SS and ELA specialty and a M.ed in curriculum and instruction, with a middle school math emphasis. I've taught in California, Oklahoma and North Carolina in elementary level as well as middle school math, science and social studies.
I am currently teaching 7th grade World History in Guilford County where I am the SS chair. I have recently been working with leaders on our district's curriculum redesign and am a reviewer for the new state standards. I have also been fortunate to work with DPI as a test item writer, which I really enjoyed. I enjoy learning and working with educators.
I would enjoy working with my peers in middle school social studies, 7th grade if possible. I am interested in differentiation and 1:1 ideas.
Hello, my name is Brittany Williams. My role in education is elementary education teacher. I have taught Pre-K - Fourth grade. My main area of expertise is Pre-K -Kindergarten. If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, it would be basically elementary teachers in general.
My name is Haniah Lerner. I am a first grade teacher in Wake County. I have previously taught second grade at a private school in Durham and first grade at a charter in Durham before transitioning to public.
I would like to collaborate with other K-2 teachers to see what other great ideas I can use to cover our same standards
Hi, I'm Kim Hash. I've taught elementary as well as SLD and SED resource. Currently, I am an EC Specialist. Collaboration with other EC teachers would be welcome. Anytime teachers connect, I feel ideas expand.
Hello all! My name is Shannon Kittner and I am in my 3rd year of teaching. I teach Physical Science (my primary subject), Earth and Environmental Science. and AP Environmental Science at Concord High School in Cabarrus County, NC.
I would like to collaborate with other physical science and earth science teachers via this platform to share our resources and discuss what works best for us in the classroom to help our students master their standards.
I am Rhonda Burgess and I teach third grade in Burke County Schools. I would love to collaborate with those who teach the gifted students in the areas of reading and math. I would also like to implement more project-based learning methods for my regular classroom too.
Good Morning!
I'm Karen Bolick, and I teach a 3rd / 4th Combination class at West Lenoir Elementary School in Caldwell County. This is my 6th year of teaching, but the first time I've had a combination class! I've spent the past 4 years in 3rd grade teaching all subjects.
I'd certainly like to collaborate with other elementary teachers who have taught or are teaching combination classes to get your insights. Additionally, my school population is highly transient and very high poverty. I'd like to work with teachers who face these same challenges.
My name is Mary LaBianca and I teach dance to grades 6-12 in Henderson County Schools. I have worked with teachers in a variety of subject areas k-12 to integrate dance into their curriculum. Now my focus is teaching dance but I like to continue to make connections outside of the dance world with my students to deepen our learning. I would love to be able to collaborate with Social Studies teachers at the HS level,and Science and ELA for MS. While I do not teach elementary school now, I have a lot of experience with dance and math, especially for k-2 and would be happy to collaborate in this area also.
- Mary
My name is Merry Noyes and I've been teaching 9-12 English for 16 years. I've taught all levels including Paideia, AP, and electives such as Creative Writing and Public Speaking. I'm hoping to collaborate with educators who are looking to innovate and create, as opposed to simply post lesson plans that have been online for ages (I noticed a lot of this in the ELA collection).
Hi Meridith,
Though I'm teaching 7th grade ELA this year, I've spent most of my career at the high school levels you mentioned you have taught. I'd love to collaborate with you about those innovative and creative resources for middle school and high school ELA classes.
My name is Kristin Kelly and I teacher all subjects in 4th grade in New Hanover County. I have previously taught 4th grade in Tennessee and 3rd grade in Georgia. I'm in my 12th year of teaching.
I would love to collaborate with teachers that are seeking resources to deepen students' undersatnding of our content. I love searching out word problems and real-world lessons that take the standards deeper and help create a sense of ownership for the students.
My name is Payton Dockery and I am currently a 4th grade teacher of reading and science in Guilford County Schools. I have taught kindergarten, first, and third grades as well. I was a participant in the Governor's Teacher Network and performed action research regarding explicit comprehension instruction in the lower grades. I am also a brand ambassador for Carson Dellosa Education.
I would love to collaborate with other 4th grade teachers, especially those who use ARC.
Hello, my name is Lauren Boucher (like Bobby Boucher from the Waterboy 🙃). I taught 3rd grade for 4 years, AIG K-8 for 2 years, and I have been a Digital Teaching and Learning Coach for the past 7 years. I LOVE my job!
I would really love to connect more with the other ITFs across the district, especially those at the district level. I would love to hear how they are addressing the needs of multiple schools (I have 22), and I am excited to share the PD resources we're creating in our district.
Hi Lauren! I just started as the Personalized Learning Coach for Alamance-Burlington Schools. I would love to connect... I am supporting 36 schools with personalized learning and the NC DLC's. Today was my FIRST day and I am trying to figure out how to scale this work and make a positive impact on schools across my district!
Hello All
I am an Instructional Technology Facilitator at Uwharrie Charter Academy. I am so passionate about helping educators become comfortable with blend digital tools and resources into thier classroom.
I am looking forward to connecting with other Tech Facilitators and Curriculum Facilitators to bounce ideas back and forth about gathering resources and best practices on sharing these resources with our educators
My name is Deanna Wiles. I am a district lead teacher for elementary ELA and SS. I also love math, and got my masters in elementary mathematics.
I would love to collaborate with others at the district level who are trying to help teachers find great resources.
My name is Christine Condon. I have a MEd in Special Education and am certified in Social Studies, Math and Special Education (cross categorical). I am currently working on a Doctorate in Educational Psychology. I love seeking out new resources for classes and ways to differentiate instruction for both our special needs population and struggling students.
I am very excited to be a part of this. I currently teach inclusion Math 2 and 3, Reading, and Inclusion 3/4. I would love to collaborate more with individuals on differentiating instruction, interventions and upcoming MTSS concerns.
Hi! I am Holly Fishback, currently a third grade teacher in Durham. I would love to collaborate with elementary teachers, specifically those in the upper grades (3-5).
My name is Josh Miller, my content expertise is technology and I am a Digital Learning Coach
I would like to collaborate more with any teachers that are interested in infusing technology into their classroom, especially teachers that are typically thought of as not being able to use technology in their classes (cultural arts, PE, some CTE classes and others).
My name is Leyauna McGriff and I am a current 6th and 7th grade ELA teacher and Middle School Team lead with 9 years of ELA and Social Studies teaching experience.
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, I would like to find more interactive, engaging and aligned online resources to use as my school has gone 1:1 with technology and now uses Google Classroom exclusively.
Hi Leyauna,
I'd love to collaborate with you! I love to use Google Classroom, but unfortunately our school isn't quite to the 1:1 level. Not only do students love the autonomy of working in Google Classroom, but I find that giving feedback is faster and actually looked at by students.
Definitely, using the forms and rubrics within the assignments have streamlined my grading and feedback so much! Email me and I am open to sharing and working with you! leyauna.mcgriff@charlottesecondary.org
My name is Brianne Wooten. I am currently teaching 3rd grade but I've taught in EC pre-k before this. I teach in Granville County in one of the year-round pilot schools for the county. I am certified in EC and Google, I am currently working on being a model 21st century classroom though a Gold Star Classroom grant.
I would love to collaborate with people who use technology in the classroom. I currently use a lot of different sites like Freckle, Flocabluary, and Epic for just a few examples. I would love to get more resourse such as worksheets that can be used though Google Classroom without having to open a second app.
Hi! My name is Lyndsay Bloech. I am currently in my 13th year in education. I have taught 1st, 4th & 5th grades (all subjects). For the last 5 years, I have been an ESL teacher focusing in grades 3-5. My current role is as an ESL Lead Teacher & Literacy Coach for my county.
I would love to collaborate with more ESL teachers!
Hello everyone,
My name is Tiffany Boston and I presently teach English in Durham at Hillside New Tech High School. This is my 10th year teaching and I have taught everything from middle grades, to college freshman at NCCU. I'm so thankful that I have a diverse foundation.
My goal by the end of this school year is to be prepared for a position outside of the classroom in curriculum or administration. I am passionate about multicultural literature and positive identiy formation because I feel like those two elements can help promote student success; especially for students of color. I would love to collaborate with more instructional or curriculum coaches, or administrators to contribute to the conversations about the materials that are used to assess high school English standards.
Hello All! I am Julie Grindstaff. I teach at American History 1 at McDowell High School. This is my first year in McDowell, but my 7th year in K-12, and my 10th in education. I taught in Georgia, was a Media Specialist, taught a middle school STEM/Service Learning Course, and was a testing coordinator. I also have a background dealing with students with trauma.
I would love to collaborate with other social studies teachers and Englsh teachers to create strong cross-curricular tie-ins.
Hi! My name is Morgan Robinson and I am transitioning into a new role as Personalized Learning Coach for Alamance-Burlington Schools. My teaching background is in ELA and most recently I served as a school-based Digital Learning Coach in Orange County Schools.
I would love to collaborate with other district-level coaches to learn more about what's happening in other districts as I make this transition!
My name is Marie Vrablic. I have been a Math 1 teacher for 15 years. I am certified 6-9 math. I currently teach Math 1 at Central Cabarrus High School in Cabarrus County.
I had the opportunity several years ago to visit schools around Belgium, The Netherlands, and Germany. I think it would be awesome if there was a way to set up this platform to be able to collaborate with teachers around the world and to be able to bring that knowledge and those resources into our American classrooom.
Paula Hennon, retired government climate scientist/atmospheric physicist now teaching Math 3 and Stats at Buncombe County Early College.
I'd like to collaborate with educators who are dedicated to open ed. especially to share investigations, problem-based inquires, and materials that would be very difficult to create individually. I'm all about authentic engagement and relevant instruction!
My name is Elizabeth Dawson. My content expertise is K-2 reading and math. I am currently an EC resource teacher for K-2. I have also taught regular education in grades PK-2. I would like to collaborate with other elementary EC teachers.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
I am Marcy Keener, Instructional Coach for NRMS in Nash County. My expertise, in my eyes, is Middle Grades math and science, however I do have some experiences with Middle Grades ELA.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would be interested in collaborating with math and science middle grades educators. Being NBCT, I would consider Science as an area where I can invoke greatest area for improvement. I am most interested in engaging, hands-on, project-based lessons
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
My name is Danielle and I has experience with reading and gifted education. My current role is an AIG specialist.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
The educators I would like to collaborate with are ELL resource specialist. Ensuring the platform is user friendly for ELL students is important for bridging the academic gap.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Joey Chapman, Social Studies, Science, ELA, and Math Grades 5-9, Currently Teach 7th Grade SS
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
Inquiry based SS lessons for middle school students
My name is Lauren G Schaefer, I teach World History and AP World History, I am a teacher leader in Charlotte Mecklenburg County. I would love to collaborate with other WH AP teachers and Social Studies teachers who like to provide choice and create standards based inquiries.
Hi, I'm Jill Grossoehme. My husband tells a story about how he was a pudgy little kid and the older kids used to make fun of him with his last name and say "Ew, you're gross-a-me out." And that's how he gets people to remember to say out last name.
I am a high school English teacher for Union County Virtual, a part of Union County Public Schools. I've taugh high school English at all levels. I've also been an instructional technology facilitator for 6-12 and an instructional designer for higher ed.
I would like to collaborate more with other virtual teachers, especially English teachers.
I am Sarah Wiles. I currently teach Chemistry at North Mecklenburg High School (well, I am teaching Earth/Environmental for a semester because we had a larger than anticipated Freshman class, but...). I have taught EVERYTHING. Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and every level from "intervention science" to AP. I'm in my 12th year and I just like teenagers. My favorite, and I hope what I am best at, is Chemistry and AP Chemistry.
I would love to collaborate with any high school area. I am most interested in vertical alignment... what can I teach my kids now that will help them in the next class?
I just came back to public school after five years teaching in private schools and I am excited about the tools I learned there and adapting them to the public classroom.
Hello my name is Tracy Sheradin. I have 2 bachelor's degrees (elementary/special education), 2 masters degrees (elementary/Reading education) and a PhD in Special Education as well as being a National Board Certified Exceptional Needs Specialist. I have been a Special Education teacher for 20 years, and have taught everything from pre-k to 12th grade and all subjects in between. I guess you could say that I am a jack of all trades and a master at modification!
If I could collaborate more it would be with those at the elementary level. I understand the standards, but do not have time in my schedule (I do not have a planning or lunch time) to work with the general education teachers, to plan and support my Exceptional Education students within their grade level curriculum as much as I would like.
1) My name is Allison Shoemake. I am a 5th grade math and science teacher in North Carolina. I have taught grades 4 and 5, and have worked with other students from Pre-K to grade 8. I am a national board certified teacher in the area of middle childhood generalist.
2) I would like to collaborate more with teachers within my school, including varied grade levels, specialists, and interventionists. I like the idea of sharing a new, easy to use, platform of rich materials that can be used and catered to student need.
My name is Dr. Marquis Grant and I am a special education at Montlieu Academy of Technology in High Point, NC. I have been an educator for the past 14 years, starting out as a reading/English high school teacher in Jacksonville, Florida. I have also taught at the middle school as an inclusion teacher in Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools. My content expertise is special education, which I spend a lot of time research and writing about. I am also an adjunct professor in the College of Education at Grand Canyon University.
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, I think it would be regular education teachers. I feel that there is a huge disconnect between regular education and special education, which has a devastating impact on our students. I think working together to bridge the existing gaps between the two worlds would be amazing!
Hi, I am Laura Hildebran. My content expertise is High School Business and my role is teacher. I would love to collaborate with other Business Teachers or Career Management teachers.
Hi, all!
I'm Lauren Casteen. This is my seventh year teaching and second year in Durham Public Schools (I was in Johnston County before that). I have taught a variety of humanities and CTE subjects, but currently teach World History (standard/honors) and American History II (standard/honors), with a hope of picking up some additional classes in the future.
I would love to collaborate with educators who create relevant lessons (ideally incorporating PBL, service-learning, other other experiential learning) that still accomplish the goals of the course. Bonus points if those resources can be scaffolded for EC and EL learners!
My name is Karen Kimber. I work at a charter school in Durham as an exceptional children's teacher K-3, and have been for the past 5 years. I do mainly pull out for reading and math.
I am interested in collaborating with other EC teachers, as well as elementary school teachers!
Erika Whitesides
Academic Faciliator Central Office Gaston County
I would love to collaborate with more literacy lovers. :)
Hi Erika!!!
Literacy is my life!!! I would love to collaborate with you!!
I am Rebecca Simmons (Graf). I am in my twelfth year as an educator. I currently teach 6-8 self-contained/inclusion at a small, rural alternative school.
I would most like to collaborate with groups that are focused on Social Studies, which is my licensed area, but I am open to all kinds of areas. I am also interested in the other main content areas, computer science, social emotional learning, diversity, and everything in between.
My name is Colleen Moss, I am primarily a K-2 educator. I have most of teaching experience in first grade. In NY I worked closely with The Teacher's College and miss chatting with fellow educator's about the RUOS and WUOS. I would love to be able to collaborate with other educators who align their teaching and Literacy Block with these workshops.
Hi My name is Ellen Scherr. I am currently teaching 5th grade in NC after teaching for 25 years in NJ. I have an elementary certification as well as social studies 6-9 and 9-12. I would like to collaboate with teachers who have experience with teaching ELL students within their classroom.
Hi. I'm Lorrie Brandt. This is my 20th year of teaching 3-5 AIG students. Before that, I taught 6-8 (but most 8th) gifted students in American History, Humanities, and English Language Arts in Gainesville, Florida. I am the curriculum lead for AIG 3-5 teachers in Cumberland County, so anything I can get for our teachers would be great.
I am Cary Ellen Brown. My expertise is in middle school math. I am currently a math impact teacher at Jamestown Middle in Guilford County. I have the opportunity to work with individual students, small groups, or in math classrooms to support, instruct, and remediate.
I would like to collaborate with middle school math teachers using problem-based learning, particularly Open Up Resources. I would also like to collaborate with teachers who incorporate technology in unique ways and have experience sharing their expertise in technology use in the classroom.
My name is Katie Mixon and my background is in upper elementary. I have a masters in Curriculum and Instruction and hold a reading specialist licensure. I am waiting to hear back from my National Boards (in Early Childhood Generalist)!
I am currently serving as a 4th grade all subjects teacher in Asheville City Schools. I would love to collaborate more concerning social emotional learning and balanced literacy.
Hello! My name is Marie Langevin. I am a Media Coordinator in Union County. This is my 13th year in education and I've carried several different roles including classroom teacher.
I think I am always most interested to see what other media coordinators are doing. We tend to work alone as the only one in the building so we don't have others to bounce our ideas off of quickly.
Hi, I am Nikki Breidegam or Ms. B to my fellow Ravens at Rocky River High School. I am currently in my 2nd year as a Chemistry teacher, though I don't feel like an "expert" most days as I am learning along with my students. I taught middle school science prior to moving to high school and study Biology in undergrad.
I would love to work with more Chemistry teachers to beef up my content. I would also love to start networking with AP Chem teachers as I will be adding that next year. Finally, my school is an AVID school so I would love to work with teachers trained in AVID to enhance my arsenal of AVID strategies and activities.
I am Stephanie Hutchinson. I am currently the Library Media Specialist in a middle school. I have been here about 13 years. Before that I was in the same position at a high school. My first teaching certificate is in Theatre. Several years ago our superintendent recommended that we work on expanding our skills so that we can bring more expertise to our school. I jumped into poetry performance and evaluation as a monthly lesson for all our ELA classes.
I would love to collaborate on lessons that cover poetry analysis, creation, and performance. I want to get students involved with text, help them to experience the magic of putting words together to express thoughts, and the statisfaction of performing well.
Hi Stephanie,
I'd love to collaborate on poetry lessons with you. I've found that once students get started with poetry, they enjoy it, but getting them in there is sometimes very challenging. As for performing - ALL FOR IT!!!
Greetings, my name is Stephanie Brock and I am a 17 year veteran teacher with most of my experience in upper elementary grades. Currently I am working in intervention in Durham County. If I could collaborate with a specific group of educators, I'm sure it would be EC teachers who could really benefit from the wide array of grade levels and ability to search extended standards.
Megan Mueller Havjok, Middle School Math Teacher. I current;y teach 7th and 8th grade math as well as computer science. I would love to collaborate more with middle school math teachers who use project based learning in their units.
I'm Renee and am currently an EC teacher (mostly inclusion) for middle school in ELA and Math. I am certified in all middle school content subjects and have taught them all. I would love to collaborate with other EC teachers specifically on teaching grade level content on a modified level. Finding 8th grade science, etc. on a primary reading level is impossible.
Hey everyone! My name is Patricia Ratcliff. I teach 7th grade math at Washington County Middle School. This is my first year and I taught 6th grade Social Studies for 3 years before, this is my 4th year teaching.
If I could collaborate with specific teachers on the platform it would be middle school social studies and math.
My name is Kelly Cave. I currently teach Math 1 and 8th Grade Math at J. Sam Gentry Middle School in Surry County Schools.
I want to collaborate with other middle school math teachers especially those who serve students who receive EC services. Additionally, I want to collaborate with other Math 1 teachers.
I am Heather Richmond and I teach 4th grade in Charlotte.
I have 28+ years experience, most recently 4th, but I have many years experience in 1sr and 3rd grade as well.
Undergrad, UNCW 1988
Masters in Curriculum & Supervision, UNCC
Admin degree, Gardner Webb
NBCT in Early Childhood
I have a lot of ELLs in my class and would like to collaborate with others on how to best engage non-English speakers.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
My name is Cathy Oliver, DBA (ABD). My content expertise is Business, Information Technology, and Finance. I am also a certified Career Development Counselor. My current role is Business, Finance, and Information Technology teacher.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, it would be other BFIT instructors and Math and English teachers to collaborate on common standards. I would also like to collaborate with ELA and Math teachers - coding requires me to teach ordered pairs and use ordered pairs when working with objects to create the illusion of movement (along with other math concepts). Business requires me to teach proper use of various punctuation, including dependent and independent and proper use of infinitie phrases (along with other grammar and writing concepts i.e. paragraph writing).
My name is Megan Phillips. I teach English II and have been teaching for 12 years.
I would like to collaborate more with other teachers also teaching in poverty and with students that do not read on grade level. I have issues with addressing rigor and reading comprehension gaps.
My name is Summer. I teach English I and English II in Duplin County.
I would love to collaborate with other English II educators, particularly those who teach AIG students and ELL students.
Hello, my name is Fannesha Coltrane. I am a first grade teacher. I am a veteran teacher in grades K-1. If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators it would be those who teach grades similar to me so that I can get more resources and content specific activities and ideas.
My name is Shannen Bailey. I am currently an 8th-grade exceptional children's teacher. My content expertise in teaching is my ability to administer assessments, determine strengths as well as areas for growth, and implement research-based interventions to meet the needs of our students with an emphasis on strengths. I would love to collaborate more with EC and ELA teachers because these two areas are my passion.
Hello my name is Kalisha Gorham. I have been teaching for ten years.I have a 4 year degree and Family and Community Services, Degree in Birth-thur Kindergarten. Current working towards adding on Elementary Education to my license. I am currently teaching 1st grade. My content expertise would be Elementary Education. I would like to collaborate with someone that have experience in Elementary Education for Reading and Math.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Hi! My name is Kat Patterson. I currently teacher 7th grade Math and Science, but spent most of my career in a middle school self contained classroom. I have my current NC license in Math, Science and Special Education.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would love to work with fellow middle school math teachers or science teachers.
I'm Mary Catherine Huss and I teach 7th grade math and advanced math. I would love to connect with educators more interested in Inquiry Based Learning for middle school classrooms.
Hi! I am Katie Linker. I am an elementary instructional coach in Rowan Salisbury School system. This is my 27th year as am edicator. Previous to my role as a coach, I was a reading specialist for 20 years. I would love to collaborate with other instructional coaches.
My name is Mandy Bailey. My content experience is with general music in grades K-5. While I teach elementary, I have instrumental experience teaching private flute lessons. My current role is Music K-5 teaching general music. I also serve as Education Chair for my community's orchestra. In this role, I prepare materials for students with recorder lessons and lessons on composers and specific music for the educstional concert.
I enjoy collaborating with other music educators and also have a love of literacy and music connections.
Hi I'm Namra Ahmed, I teach kindergarten Dual Language and teach all content areas.
I would love to collaborate more with ESL teachers
Hello Namra! I'm Gwendolyn and I teach ESL at Lee County Schools!!
Hello Everyone!!!
My name is Gwendolyn Quadri and I am an ESL Specialist in Lee County, NC. This is my 9th year teaching ESL. I currently work with grades 6th-8th teaching content-based ESL and a newcomer's class. I hope to collaborate with all teachers but especially other ESL/ELL/ELD teachers who don't mind sharing their ideas.
Erin Shoemaker, Digital Innovation and Personalized Professional Learning
Any and all! I think everyone has a great perspective to share and the more we work together, the more we learn and grow. Thanks!
My name is Erika Schantz and I have a Masters in Elementary Education. I currently teach 2nd grade and love it!
I would like to collaborate with more elementary level colleagues!
Hello, My name is Margaret-Jean Rutkowsky but I go by MJ. I am an ELL teacher in Wilkes County at West Wilkes Middle and West Wilkes High School.
I would love to collaborate with teachers or counselors that have experience working with ELL students.
I'm Courtney Bratcher and I teach 6th grade ELA.
I'd like to collaborate with the people who choose the ELA curriculum for our middle schools and those who are responsible for making sure teachers implement it.
Hello, Candace Hamilton here. I am a 7th grade ELA teacher in Fayetteville. I have 25 years worth of teaching experience and it is pretty much split between middle and high school English. I have taught all grades from 7 - 12, English, Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, AP Literature and AP Language.
I would really love to collaborate with a group of 7th grade teachers on this platform.
My name is Tsianina Tovar. I am an EL Instructional Coach with 19 years experience in ESL K-12. I love classroom constructive conversations, developing academic vocabulary and training in the use of graphic organizers to support comprehension and writing for all students. I am an NC Globlal Educator and would love to collaborate with ESL educators and those interested in Global Competencies and 21st century skills.
I am Kimberly Bandy. I specialize in literacy and ESL . I am a Pre-K teacher but have also taught K and 3rd grade.
I would like to collaborate on best practices to teach reading and wriiting effectively to the general education and exceptional children with emphasis on the Extensions Program.
Penny Wolff, elementary science I am currently teaching 3rd grade. I am the lead science teacher at my school, head coach for our Science Olympiad team. In the past I have written and reviewed test questions and I worked with the state selecting text books for science.
I would love to connect with elementary science teachers.
My name is Christy Fipps-Todd, and I am on year 17 of teaching in southeastern NC, with the last 8 years in Columbus County. Content experience is Middle and High School, with the last 15 years in HS. Currently I teach 9th and 10th grade English standard, as well as a honor section of English II every spring semester. I am actively seeking AP positions in my district.
Specific collaboration wishes include 9th and 10th grade English teachers.
Wendy Willard
K-6 educator, taught everygrade Pre-K through 5th grade, 25 years experience, came out of classroom for 4 years as an administrator/coach, love all subjects, lots of extra training in literacy, STEM and Engineering, currently Reading Impact Teacher
Collaborate with STEM educators who teach K-2, literacy coaches, MTSS support staff
My name is Carlen Burch, I am certified in Elementary Education (K-6) and have a concetration in ESL (content expertise). As of now, I am a Kindergarten Instructional support co-teacher.
I would love to connect with more ESL teacher/educators on this platform, learning new tactics and strategies for students who don't initially speak English as a first language. I would also like to connect with curriculum developers and experts of K-6 Elementary Education to learn more about vertical alignment and standards of NC CoreCurriculum.
Hi! My name is Andrea Garrison and I am a General Science Educator that currently teaches Biology, Honors Biology and AP Biology in Jamestown, NC at Ragsdale High School. My current role in education is to build the minds and intellectual muscle of my students by teaching them critical thinking skills, grit, literacy skills and self-esteem building so that they can give themselves the permission it takes to be a competent and community contributor.
I would like to collaborate more with LEA leaders and specifically Principals and Area Superintendents or Regional Directors (whatever verbiage is used) so that we can use a backwards design as to how we can dessimenate this information in the way that is most aligned with District standards.
Hello! My name is Rita Rathbone and I have 20 years experience teaching the visual arts and I am NBPTS certified in EAYA Visual Art. Currently I teach AP Art History and Visual Cutlure Studies at The School for Creative Studies, a 6-12 magnet school in Durham Public Schools. I am in a hybrid role and I also serve as our school's magnet cooridinator and curriculum specialist.
There are a lot of resources for AP teachers out there in other spaces (social media groups, Collge Board discussion boards, shared Google Drives, etc). This will be a great tool to consolidate a lot of these resources.
My name is Queen Silver. Business/CTE Teacher.
Amy Thompson, ELA 6-12; currently teaching 7th grade ELA in Perquimans County.
Would love to collaborate with middle school ELA teachers and educators who are passionate about using technology as well as differentiating curriculum.
Hi Amy,
I'm teaching 7th grade ELA for the first time in my 25 year career. Would love to collaborate with you about technology and differentiating curriculum, especially in the AIG classroom.
I'm Brian Jones from Ben L. Smith High School in Greensboro, NC. I am in my 18th year of teaching Social Studies. My specialization is Civics and AP Government. I'm a political news junkie!
I'm always looking for new resources and lessons to make learning about government and politics more fun and engaging for the kids!
Hi! I am a third grade teacher in Cleveland County Schools. This is my 20th year of teaching, but my first year in 3rd grade! I have taught 5th grade for most of my years. I have my masters in instructional technology and curriculum design and National Boards in Early/Middle School Literacy: Reading-Language Arts. Fifth grade science content is where I have spent more than 15 years studying/designing currciulum for my teaching and teachers in my district.
I would love to collaborate with 3rd grade educators in the area of reading instruction and overall student engagement.
I am excited for this opportunity!
Hi, my name is Brittany Gendron. Content Expertise in English Language Arts, Instructional Tech, Instructional Coaching, and Media Specialist.
Current Role - Media Specialist & Literacy Coach
Collaborating with fellow Media Specialists, Coaches, and Literacy teachers!
My name is Hannah Hill and I am an 8th grade teacher in Onslow County. I teach World History and ELA. I have taught all levels in middle school and this is my 7th year. I am also the Instructional Framework Champion at my school. This means that I am giving professional development ion high-yeild strategies to the staff at my school.
I would love to collaborate more with teachers that teach World History on the middle school level. I am the only World History teacher at my school and it is sometimes hard to plan by myself for this high school course.
My name is Nicole Crites (Patricia Shelton) I have been a first grade teacher for seven years. I have a concentration in child studies. I love teaching small groups reading and math.
I would like to collaborate more with K-2 educators from different districts. I would also like to work more with reading and math specialists.
My name is Michelle Von Hoene. I am in my 17th year of teaching in public schools in North Carolina. I have taught every English grade level, from first year college English down to 6th grade ELA, which is what I teach now.
I am very interested in exploring literacy and cultivating connections between grade levels. I would love to communicate more with ELA teachers who read current research, want to try new things, and believe in the power of reading.
Hi Michelle,
I'm not sure my original reply went through, so I'm resending.
I'm teaching 7th grade ELA this year and have taught all English classes from 8 - 12th. It would be great to have someone/a group to talk about current research in ELA topics and I am definitely into THE POWER OF READING and would love to bounce ideas around about how to up engagement.
Hi! My name is Mary Phillips! I am currently a K-5 District Instructional Coach from the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. I am passionate about curriculum and love collaborating with other educators. My areas of expertise are K-5 math and literacy. I have a special spot for EL learners as I was born in South America and grew up as one myself. I am looking forward to collaborating with other K-5 educators!
I'm LeAnne Hilderbran. My content expertise is upper elementary and middle school math. Currently, I teach 7th grade advanced math and 8th grade Math 1 in Watauga County.
Collaborating with educators and reviewing curriculum are exciting opportunities. I welcome the opportunity to work with other math teachers at elementary, middle and high school levels. The more you know the more you grow and the more I know the more I can grow my students!
Jennifer Wells, K-6 educator with over 25 years of experience in education; content expertise is K-6 Social Studies, Science and ELA; currently teaching 6th grade Social Studies in Graham, NC.
I'd love to collaborate more with other 6th grade Social Studies teachers.
I am Tracy Miller. I am certified in middle grade math, science and social studies. I am an NBCT ( middle childhood generalist). I taught math and science in middle school before I became ah advanced learner specialist. I have been teaching for the last 12 years as an AIG (gifted) specialist and I work with 5th - 8th grades in math and reading. I gues Math is my passion though I love so many areas of study. I would love to work more closely with colleagues in my district (chatham county) and also AIG teachers or math teachers or people who do integrated interdisciplinary content and projects. I love labs, interactives and hands on things. I love modeling and accountable talk activities. I am excited to check this out.
Hi! My name is Holly Moran-Bates, and I teach 7th grade ELA and Social Studies. Language Arts is where my expertise lies, as I am new to Social Studies this year. I have taught at public, private, and charter schools throughout my career, and I have also taught elementary, middle, and high school. I feel that I have found my niche with middle school :)
I would love to collaborate with both ELA and Social Studies teachers, but I would also love to connect with ESL/ELL teachers. We have a number of ESL/ELL students at our school, and I am still learning how to best serve their needs.
Additonally, it would be really beneficial to connect with teachers who have used or are using the EL curriculum from NY Engage and who have used IDM in their teaching.
Equity in teaching in a huge part of my personal professional development, and I think connecting with others to share resources and ideas would be invaluable.
Hi Holly,
I'm teaching 7th grade ELA this year for the first time. I'm loving it!
I haven't used the EL curriculum from NY Engage, though I did work with Kate Kinsella's curriculum - it was really beneficial to my students in California.
I would love to work on equity resources/lessons geared to middle school students.
Hello, I am Diane Renck. I currently teach Math 3 and Precalculus at Nash-Rocky Mount Early College High School.
I would enjoy collaborating with other Math 3 teachers and also any math teachers that teach in an Early College setting.
Hi! My name is Katie Blanchard and I teach 3rd grade at Nags Head Elementary School in Dare County. We are self contained, so I teach ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
If I could collaborate with a more specific set of educators, I would like for that group to be elementary teachers who use hands on and engaging strategies, differentiated groups, and who focus on teaching the WHOLE child. I am also gamifying my class this year (based on the work of Michael Matera) and I would love to chat with others who are interested in this concept!
I am LaShonna Smith. I am a certified K-12 special education teacher and K-6 elementary teacher. 90% of my career has been in special education as an inclusion teacher, co-teacher, or resource teacher. I am currently in my first year as a middle school special education teacher while my previous experiences of 7 years has been on the elementary level in special education.
I would like to collaborate more with special education teachers finding resources to provide access to struggling students in the middle grades for content standards (science/social studies/electives) that are user friendly.
My nWest Brunswick High School. I specifically teach Health Science 1 (anatomy & physiology) and Biomedical Technology 1. I have also taught Health Science 2 & Biomedical Technology 2 several years ago.
I love collaborating with other Health Science teachers especially in my specific content area. Also I love learning and collaborating in general so more varied groups are fun too as you can learn things from different perspectives and broaden your perspective when teaching your content.
Hi! My name is Ashley Shepherd (the dicussion post says Lauren, because Lauren is my first name but I am known by my middle name.) I have lots of areas from teaching experience and coaching experience - like k-3 and 6th grade Language Arts, 3-5 science, 5th grade math and instructional technology, however, I pride myself on my current content 5th grade Math and Science. I am a 5th grade teacher in math and science and love my school! I am pursuing music and dance to be adding to my license and I would love to see the arts returning to our schools.
I would love to collaborate with other 3 - 5 math teachers, especially linearly! I would love to see and understand the many approaches, models and strategies from 3rd and 4th grade math.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Greetings! I'm Walter Harris and I'm experienced teacher of elementary grades K-5. I've taught in Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. I'm passionate about science and getting children interested in science. Currently, I am the elementary science coordinator for the Wake County Public School System.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I would like to collaborate with fellow elementary teachers in the area of K-5 science - classroom teachers, district science coordinators, STEM coaches, science specialists, etc. I'm also interested in collaborating with specialists (arts, music, PE) because science is everywhere!
Hello! I currently teach at Orange High in Hillsborough (near Chapel Hill), This semester I am teaching English I Honors, English IV Honors, and journalism; next semester I'll teach AP Lang and journalism. I've been teaching since 1991, but this will be my first year teaching AP.
I'm interested in collaborating with colleagues who are teaching AP Lang, English I Pre-AP, or any content related to Shakespeare.
Hi, My name is Veronica Terrana. I'm a literacy facilitator in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools, so my expertise would be literacy...although I still miss teaching math! If I could collaborate more specifically with others it would be other LFs or coaches in elementary grades around literacy- all topics. I am ever reading and growing in my chosen slice of the education field!
My name is Elizabeth Neuendorff (9dorff). I consider myself a EC-6th math guru. I currently teacher 6th grade. I would love to collaborate with teachers that love to teach the whys of math with manipulatives and visuals. I would also love to collaborate with others that have similair experience as I have taught in several different school systems in other states.
Hi! My name is Ashley Rhodes and I am a digital learning and teaching facilitator in Onslow County. I taught first grade for 5 1/2 years before transitioning to this position and have supported all the levels from pre-k to high school for the last 14 1/2 years. My content expertise is at the elementary level, especially K-2.
If I could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, they would be looking at the technology integration of the lesson including interactive websites that would be appropriate both for 1:1 devices as well as others that could be used as a whole group since you never know what kinds of technology is in someone's classroom.
My name is Kimberly (Kim) Mayes and I am a middle grades science expert currently acting as a seventh grade science teacher. If I could collaborate with anyone it would have to be educators who subscribe to the 5E models of teaching. I just started implementing it with fidelity and could use some thought partners.
Hi my name is Ashley Baughman now Ashley Holderfield, I would say I am an elementary Science expertise, however my current role is a 7th Grade science teacher.
I would love to collaborate with other teachers in the field of science in the same grade level. We could talk about strategies they have tried before that have worked, and havent worked. In both the elementary school I used to work at and the current middle school I work at, I have always been the only teacher who teaches my subject for my grade level and there isn't much oppertunity to collaborate with others.
Hi! My name is Mary Doggett and I work with secondary math and science teachers. I would love to work with middle school math teachers who agree students need conceptual understanding, procedural fluency and applications to become dynamite lifelong mathematicians.
Being a middle school science teacher, I would love to be able to collaborate with high school science teachers and CTE teachers. Science is such a broad content area that we could co-plan some really amazing lessons together. I would also like to pick their brains as to what skills they need from 8th grade students coming to the high school.
Hey! I am so glad to be here--no seriously, I am. It has been a wild ride with NC for me since 2005--that is when I relocated here from Florida. I have always been interested in supporting our students with multimedia and out of the box participatory learning activities, which, eventually led me here, to North Carolina. Here I was happy to add problem-based and flipped classroom learning to my teaching style and never looked back. I have my 079 and 077 along with my Elem. Ed certification; and, I currently serve as the School Librarian and Media Coordinator (SLMC) at Watauga High School -- Watauga County Schools-- in Boone, NC.
Collaboration is important for me across all content areas and grades as I am a certified K12 SLMC and need to be able to work at all levels. In this platform, I would like to collaborate more with secondary teachers as I am still new to the 9-12 arena and would like to strengthen my content area knowledge through working alongside teachers and help them to understand the benefit of working collaboratively with others, especially their SLMC and DLC. :D
I'm Stephanie Orosco
I'm a 5th year teacher at Goldsboro High School in Goldsboro, NC. I teach American History I & II Honors, African American Studies, and A.P. U.S. History.I also serve as our schools Social Studies department chair. I worked with the GoOpen program last summer and I loved reviewing the sources! It definietly honed in on my ability to see what sources were aligned to the standards and improved my own understanding of the American History sources.
my school is a high povery low performing school and I would LOVE to collaborate with some middle school and even elementary ed teachers to better understand how to teach basic comprehension skills at the high school level as a lot of our students are reading severely under grade level. I also would like to work with more American History teachers to see what sources and projects have worked in other classrooms.
I am Janice Bernier, Academic Facilitator at South Charlotte Middle in CMS. I have a Masters in Reading Education and a BA in English. I am certified TD K-12, Reading K-12, K-6 General Ed, 6-9 ELA, and 9-12 English--let's just say I love school!
As AF, I am the MTSS Coordinator, TD Coordinator, English Department Chair, Math Lead, and teacher coach.
I wold love to collaborate with other teacher coaches--those who have to find resources for other teachers in all content areas at all levels of readiness.
Hi. I am a K-5 ESL teacher in Wake County. This is my 12th year in Wake County as I taught Spanish at the elementary level my first 4 years and was then blessed with the opportunity to teach ESL. I received my ESL certification from NC State University and I also have a Masters in Intercultural Studies. Although I teach students from many different language and cultural backgrounds, I have a special place in my heart for the Hispanic community. In the area where I teach, I've seen a discrepancy in socioeconomic situations, academic growth and language acquisition. It is my desire to see more equity and for teachers to have access to a greater variety of usable resources to reach students who need more opportunities to develop foundational language skills instead of immediately thrusting them into the world of high standards, pre-selected ELA curriculum.
It is my desire to collaborate, discover and share curriculum with other ESL teachers who face the similar challenges of meeting the needs of students across socioeconomic and educational barriers.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Hola! My name is Mercedes Hopkins and this is my fourth year teaching 2nd Grade in Wayne County. Along with teaching I serve as the grade level rep on our school's PBIS comittee.
I would love to collaborate with more beginning teachers as it can be a bit hard being new and trying to figure out everything.
Hi! My name is Katelyn Gardepe. I work in Charlotte, NC as an elementary school Math and Science teacher. I would love to collaborate more with elementary math teachers.
Hi, my name is Valerie Person. I teach English II and AP Literature and Composition at Currituck County High School in Barco, NC where I've been my entire carer. I have taught English II most of my 26 years, so I am probably most "expert" in world literature. I would be very interested in collaborating with English II teachers (academic AND honors) plus I would love to collaborate with AP English teachers. I serve as one of the AIG coordinators at my school, so I'm very interested as well in collaborating with AIG teachers or looking at resources for AIG students in all disciplines. Glad to be on here.
What is your name, content expertise, current role in education?
Hi I'm Amanda Dellinger! This is my 1st year teaching in NC. I have 10 years of expertise teaching in WV. I have a BA in Math and a MA in secondary education. I also hold an Educational Leadership certification. I've taught everything from 9th math, inclusion, technical readiness math, AP Calculus, and WVU college calculus. I event spent a year as an assistant principal.
I was active in WV with developing curriculumn across my county and sometimes even at the state level.
I am currently teaching Foundations of Math 1 at TC Roberson High School in Asheville.
If you could collaborate more with a specific set of educators, especially via this platform who would it be?
I am just interested to learn more about the NC curriculum and standards as I get my bearings being back int he classroom again.
My name is Rebecca Burry! I am a K-5 STEM/Technology Instructor in Iredell-Statesville Schools. I currently work at Lakeshore Elementary located in Mooresville, NC.
Being the only STEM/Technology teacher in my school building I miss on being able to discuss strategies, lessons, best practices, ideas, etc. I would love to have a place to collaborate with other elementary technology/STEM educators across the state.
Hi! my name is Seema Anand. I am certified in middle school science and high school Biology. I am the gifted specialist in Chapel-Hill Carrboro City Schools.
I would love to collaborate with middle school science folks in differentiating tasks for various learners. I would love to address cultural aspects to science curriculum.
My name is Ashton Allgood. I teach Chemistry and AP Enviornmental Science at a school in Richlands, NC. This is my 9th year as a high school teacher in NC. I would love to collaborate more with other AP teachers to increase the effectiveness of my course, and I will also be teaching Earth Science for the first time so I'm excited to use this platfrom to get more materials for that course.
My name is Terri Payne Johnson and I don't really have a content expertise, I just love curriculum and the process of learning. My current role in education is Dean of Students. I have a k and 2 math plc.
I would love to collaborate with educators with like minds and want to see students and educators operate at their full potential.
Krystle Herrin, Literacy/Lanuage Arts, currently an English Inclusion Special Education teacher
Hello, My name is Shaftina Snipes. Feel free to call me Shaft. My content expertise is in Language Arts/English 6-12. Currently, I am an Academic Facilitator, but my love is curricular design.
Bambie Evans
Middle School Math and Science
Math/Science Instructional Coach and MTSS Coach
Teachers, NCTM
Hi everyone,
I am a language arts teacher for 7th grade. I am also certified to teach social studies, science, reading, and AIG. I received my masters degree in Curriculum design because I have a passion for planning.
Kristin Pfeifer
I am Denise Sears, and Instructional Coach K-6. I also am the AIG Specialist. I have taught K-6, with specific expertise in 3rd grade Math and ELA. I would love to collaborate with other Instructional Coaches as well as mentors of beginning teachers.
My name is Sonya Brown. I am a K-5 Literacy Coach. I would want to collaborate with other literacy coaches in NC.
i am an assistant principal however I work closely with students and teachers by co-teaching and providing resources. I would like to work closer with EC teachers to learn more aboout how to deal with students with high emotional and behavioral needs.
Hi! My name is Jenni Greene. I am Director for Secondary Curriculum for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. That means I support Grades 6-12 in ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science, and World Languages. I started my career as a high school English teacher but have also served as a K-12 Literacy Facilitator. So: I have DEEP knowledge of ELA standards 9-12, good knowledge of ELA standards K-5 and surface knowledge of standards in science, math and social studies throughout grades 6-12.
I would cherish the opportunity to collaborate with other educators interested in cross-disciplinary standards or those that would like to deep dive into Literacy Core Actions (that also address mutliple content areas).
Hi My name is Tania Monsalve and I am a full time High School Spanish teacher. I taught all levels of Spanish from exploratory to Ap Spanish. My current role is World language Liaison teacher for Union County.
I would like to collaborate with World language teachers.
I am a Media Coordinator and have experience with Exceptional Children. I am interested in a wide range of subjects as I can apply them to help all the teachers in my building. I want to really understand how the site works and verifying the quality of the Go Open resource to be able to recommend it to them.
Media Coordinators!
Hi, My name is Berma Rouse. I am a 7th grade ELA teacher. I would like to collaborate more with 7th grade ELA teachers to discuss resources and strategies used for a diverse population of learners.
Hello All..
My name is Lucretia Smith and I am currently a Upper School (Middle school level) Science teacher at a charter school in Durham, NC (7th and 8th grade). I feel if I am ale to collaborate more with a set of educators, I would love to work with more of those who are more STEM based school because I am aiming towards building my scholars into a more STEM based school. I am new to teaching middle school Science so I am aiming more for who are Science "wiz" and able to bring and network more ideas to build this culture for me as a BT.
Hello... I'm Todd. I have been teaching a 4th level math course for a few years now and have been participating with App State to introduce the new standards. I would like to collaborate with others who are teaching Math 4, Discrete Math (my favorite) and Pre-Calc.
I am an instructional coach from Alexander County. Currently we are working on writing lessons using OE resources through a Learning Focused School framwork. I am excited to find more free quality resources that we can use and add out resources to the mix.
I would love to see as much elementary participation as possible.
My name is Natalie Waldrop. I am a 2nd grade teacher at Whitnel Elementary School. I have taught for the state for 16 years and out of those 16 years, I have spent 14 years at Whitnel.
I would love to collaborate with teachers who have more experience with phonics based lessons because, even though I have taught a long time, this is only my 3rd year teaching second grade and I am finding that I am having to teach kindergarten and first grade standards as interventions and often have trouble finding good resources that are engaging, fun, and can be done withing 15 minutes for small group times.
Hello. I am Danielle for Durham Public Schools. I am an Specialist. The set of educators I would like to collaborate more with are ESL teachers. I am at a schools that has 45% ESL learners.
Hi! I am Natalie Stanley and I am a library media specialist in Guilford County for two public separate, 100% special education schools serving students ages 5-22 years with significant cognitive disabilities. My school uses an adapted curriculum, and, for the most part, the highest cognitive level would be 2nd grade however, we are to use the extended state standards and teach to the grade level, with adaptations.
I would like to collaborate with other adapted curriculum teachers as well as library media specialists to learn more about adapting curriculum to meet the needs of my students and to expose them to all of the many areas that typically developint students are able to participate in and with.