by Joanna Schimizzi 5 years, 1 month agoHello - this is a place for folks to post questions they have for discussion within our group.
Just reply to this comment and start a new thread for each question.
Just reply to this comment and start a new thread for each question.
Here’s a question: if we find a resource thatzbwen aligned to another discipline than we teach, would we be able to review it and include the standards it aligns with in the discipline we do teach? I’ve found some excellent high school social studies lessons that I would love to use, with diff standards, for ELA classes. It might need a couple of tweaks, but so many are excellent interdisciplinary resources. Valerie Person
I love that idea!!!
I don't know why not - in fact we are encourged to make those cross-curricular connections!
I would think yes! Content integration is a wonderful thing!
I would love to offer cross curricular advice to teachers who are reviewing a resource. We are always encouraced to collaboate vertically and horizontally and create interdisciplinary connections in our classrooms. This is super important in connecting content to reading standards.
What would you think about making a group/Hub/project/CEU experience to encourage/support this? :)
YES! As Wendy, Karen, Erika and Tricia mentioned, this would be awesome! As long as the license allows for remixing, YES, YES, YES.
It might be cool to even start a group that like-minded folks could join??
Great idea!
This sounds like a great way to connect across the curriculum! I'm sure others in your position would appreciate that kind of alignment conversation.
Maybe the resource can just be published multiple times - once for each discipline?
Alignment of resources across curricul supports how skills & knowledge may be used in various fields. Aligning resources in the platform will definitely be an asset, especiallyl for those of use who teach multiple subjects.
If we have created documents, plans, worksheets in microsoft publisher (I have almost 900), how cna they be put on the platform? I love publisher because you can do so much with it and it is easy to maneuver, BUT it does not save in google docs. HELP!
Have you tried saving it as a PDF and then sharing it? It may change the licensing that you want to use but it would be available for just about everyone to open without having MS Pub program. PDF is also compatable with all things google.
I have a question about reviewing a resource's alignment to NC Standards. I understand that we probably won't use the first comment unless it's a unicorn resource. However, if I have a resource that has 3 standards included and it does a great job of aligning to all the standards, but it wouldn't be the only lesson I use to teach the whole standard, could I change the second comment from the rubric to
"Partial alignment of standards (ex. 2.1.4)"
In other words take out the "full alignment" piece out completely?
I struggled with this, as well. My understanding is that complete alignment means that the resource definitely hits on all components of all listed standards, not that it would be the only resource used to teach them all.
I reviewed an animation for Math 3 that is a perfect illustration of the math concepts included in the standard but it contains no learning targets, lesson plans, or assessments. It's a great resource but needs "all the things" built around it -- So I used the sentence stems and made the Strengths/Weakness comments - and left a star rating.
What do we do with a nicely aligned resource that is NOT meant to be an entire lesson? I'd love to see collaboration on the platfor when someone uses it to add what's missing. Is that hte intent?
I was in a similar boat. I originally shared into our group a guide/alignment document that shows how to use the materials on the Louisiana Believes site, which is an excellent site that I think everyone should use. The site has resources for all ELA standards and is a great resources, but the guide posted didn't include any learning targets/plans/assessments.
I think it's fine to give a 5 star rating for something, but also note that it needs 'all the things' built around it.
Question: I just recently started using google classroom in the science lab for the technology station I have in the lab do you find it is easy or hard to add resources for assignments? I have not tried many things yet.
I love using a Google classroom. Resources are easily posted and can be created for all students. I keep a digital journal that I update weekly. My students get to take notes and view my slides all at once.
So my first choice of resource didn't have any standards assigned to it, so I did a different one. Should we be adding the standard if it doesn't exist?
Great question, Rhonda. I ran across that as well.
Hi! Rhonda,
You can still add the standard - it may align to some grade level - if it does not align to any - then you can inform the users so that they don't use it.
If our resource is a Google Doc, do you have to upload it, or link it with the "Submit" option?
Hi! Lauren,
You can always make it as a pdf and upload it.
Question: How are you guys going to present this resource within your schools? PLCs? Staff Meetings? Department Meetings?
I am going to start with asking it to be added to a PLC agenda and then taking direction from admin as to when/how they would like the information shared (staff meetings, etc.).
I have taken notice to the authors of the resources I have been searching. Some authors seem to be teachers, while other authors are organizations that a lot of use are familiar with (Lakeshore Learning, Illustrative mathematics, Study Jams, etc). Is this platform open to any organization/online sites to submit resources of their own? If so, my opinion would be that these materials need to be prioritized in the reviewing process because of the fact that these are nationally used sites, not sites specifically creating resources aligned to the North Carolina standards. Some clarification on WHO has access to submit materials would be helpful in helping me understand this. Is a NC login necessary for submission of resources?
I think that clarification would be great! I completely agree that out-of-state/national resources should be prioritized in reviewing because you make a great point that they are not aligned to NC standards. Most are common core! NC standards will probably need to be tagged.
Your comment also makes me think about who posted the national resource and who is reviewing those postings to make suggested edits? I would think that national sites like Illustrative Mathematics would not edit their content based on our reviewing. I guess that is where the remix button comes in.... that is only if the resource allows it though!
Great food for thought!
I had an unexpected situation last night and was unable to get home in time to participate in the webinar. I went to the resources section and clicked on the recording, but when the recording comes up, it is just a spinning circle; the video never begins. Any suggestions on how I can better access the video?
try again. It did that for me at first, but when I exited and tried again, it worked.
Curious if GoOpen will ever align with NC Foundations Early Childhood standards in addition? Many of the Kinder/1st grade resources absolutely align and work with Pre-K classrooms.
I am having a difficult time finding resources with a "remix" button. Is anyone else having this problem? Help!
I am struggling with this too. Have you received any help on it yet?
Not really, but I searched for "remix and share" resources and then clicked only on resources with specific authors, not from sites like Illustrative Mathematics. I ended up finding a few resources to remix that way! I was worried something was off in my settings, but it just took some trial and error!
I am trying to complete my assignment by adding a lesson plan. Everytime I click on "publish" the platform refuses because "You have reached the maximum number of characters for your resource overview. Please note, your resource content should be created by Adding Tasks to your resource. For more information, visit our Help Article."
The Help Article does not exist!
Can anyone help?
At the end of the remix posts, a suggestion was made that a listserv be created for this Academy. That would be hugely helpful as I am trying to connect with some individuals, and I can't find their emails easily. Is a listserv a possibility?
I've been discussing the platform with teachers at my school and many of them have responded with, "This is just like _________ that they tried _______ years ago." Any suggestions to how I can clearly explain the benefits and differences in this platform as opposed to Schoolnet and other lesson-cache sites they may have seen or used?
Im following this....great question!!!!
Perhaps I'm stressing over nothing, and perhaps I just need to take down the resource. :-) I'm hoping this group can help me:
So I decided to add a resource that is openly posted on the usa.gov site. I added it, but I am having a really tough time with the fact that I am shown as the author. I am obviously not, I'm just posting a resource that anyone can access. Am I doing this correctly or is there something different I should be doing? TYIA!
Hi Marie --
Sorry for the delay in replying! I love that you added it so that it could be remixed. :) I think you gave proper atrribution in the description.
Here are some of my thoughts for what they're worth:
1) You could also give attribution at the top of the "resource" itself where you typed the lesson activities. This reminds folks.
2) You could highlight any remixes/customizations that you added. If you haven't added any, it might be great to have you add a few. :)
Thanks so much!