
by Pam Batchelor 5 years, 2 months ago

The #GoOpenNC Team is excited to have you take a first glance at our site and explore resources, as well as connect with like minded professionals to share educational best practices and materials. #GoOpenNC is still a work in progress, but we need YOU to help us make it better. We invite you to contribute in any and hopefully all of the following ways:

  • If you see an outstanding resource, rate it and leave a comment about why it is great.
  • If you see an ok resource, rate it and leave a comment about why it is ok and how it could be better.
  • If you see a resource that has alignment or copyright concerns or has broken links, use the flag icon to bring it to our team's attention.
  • Use the groups functionality to connect with other educators. If you don't see a group you are interested in, start one!
  • Finally, we encourage you to take a step outside your comfort zone and share a lesson plan or resource you have created. This site is only as good as the content that is shared. Building a great community of practice about sharing high quality resources takes time and we hope you will stick around and help us build it!