MARCI 5 years, 2 months ago

When educators create resources, do those resources have to be approved by a site moderator before they show up on the site #GoOpenNC? Just curious to know if anyone was checking to see if resources were appropriate for the site.

Pam Batchelor 5 years, 2 months ago

Hi Marci,

Governance is a big topic within the work of OER. Our goal is to monitor resources on the site by providing extensive professional development and resources on how to create high quality open education resources. Our creation platform requires alignment to standards, accessibility considerations, and attribution via licensing before uploading a resource. Once a resource is uploaded, all users can rate the resource, leave comments, and evaluate the resource with a rubric to inform the creator and others users about the quality of the work. Additionally, resources licensed for derivatives can be remixed on the platform to address any deficiencies and improved for the use of all. Governance is the responsibility of all users on the site as OER is a community of professional practice and we look forward to continuing the conversation as we get started with #GoOpenNC.

Thanks for bringing this up!


Doug Chesnutt 5 years, 2 months ago

I appreciate the information about governance being the responsibility of the shareholders in this project.  Knowing that others' opinions and insights are valued is a tremendous encouragement. 

Janet Frazier 5 years, 2 months ago

Excellent explanation tutorial videos! Thanks for providing these. Will these be on the homepage for others as the site opens?