All resources in GPS First Grade Group

100 Number Chart

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For this interactive, students place numbers on the correct spot of the 100 chart. There are two levels of difficulty. Beginner-students are given one line of the 100 chart with two missing numbers at a time & advanced-students are shown the entire 100 chart with twenty missing numbers. Students receive a funny surprise at the end of the activity.

Material Type: Interactive


Base Ten Bingo

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Base Ten BINGO is a fun educational learning activity for children to practice counting by one's, ten's, hundred's and thousand's. First children select the desired place value and grid size. Next, add up the blocks on the right and click the corresponding number on the left. Learn place value while playing BINGO!

Material Type: Interactive

Author: ABCya

100 Hunt: Target Number - 10

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In this game, players are given a target number and a hundreds chart. When they click on the number ten less than the target number, their time to find the number is reported. A new target number is provided by clicking the ?next? button.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Game, Interactive

Author: J. Barrett

Poetry Portfolios: Using Poetry to Teach Reading

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In this lesson, students will use a weekly poem to explore meaning, sentence structure, rhyming words, sight words, vocabulary, and print concepts. After studying the poem, students are given a copy of the poem to illustrate and share their understanding. All of the poems explored are then compiled into a poetry portfolio for students to take home and share with their families. To further connect home to school, a family poetry project is suggested.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Jennifer Reed


Sight Words- Personalized Learning

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Kindergarten Standard: CCSS.ELA-Literacy, RF.K.3.C   Read common high-frequency words by sightLearning Objective for student: I can read my sight words!This tool provides 7 lists of kindergarten sight words that can be color-coded to keep track of student growth. Checklists for assessment and progress monitoring are provided as well as cards to be hole punched for each individual child. The teacher can use the activities within this resource for small groups that are working on learning sight words. The intervention strategy, Simultaneous Oral Spelling, is also provided with step-by-step directions and should be used with any student who struggles to learn sight words through the typical reading and building activities. 

Material Type: Lesson Plan


The Bounciest Ball Experiment

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In this lesson, students experiment with balls made of different materials and of varying sizes to determine which is the bounciest. First, students observe, discuss, and compare the different balls in terms of size, texture, and material, and weigh them. Next, students conduct an experiment to determine which is the bounciest ball.and create a chart to show their results. Last, students attempt to increase the bounce of the balls and participate in a wrap-up discussion.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Space Racers

Making Objects Move

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Students study the motion of objects by brainstorming and experimenting with the different ways that a ping-pong ball can move. They will then create a structure that can be used to move an object from one place to another. They are encouraged to observe and test their structures, revising them as needed.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan

Author: Science Netlinks