All resources in High School Special Courses/Electives

Fashion Design Model

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Students will learn the skills necessary for a career in the fast growing industry of fashion design. Students will learn how to design, sew, and re-style clothing; apply the elements and principles of design in various aspects of the fashion industry; understand the relationship between history and fashion; know the general characteristics, production, and maintenance of textiles and textile products; study and analyze fashion trends; understand the principles of apparel pattern making; and demonstrate the skills and procedures necessary for sales and marketing in the fashion industry.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan

Graphic Arts Technology Model

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A course in Graphic Arts Technology provides students with an understanding of the processes and systems common to careers in publishing, printing, and other forms of media distribution. Representative topics include graphic design concepts; art and copy preparation; image generation and editing; desktop publishing; on-demand publishing; school yearbook and magazine layout; advertising and promotion; printing technology; binding and finishing; and screen printing.Students will be committed to lifelong learning as they grow individually, participate in groups, think analytically, create artistic products, and contribute to production of a major project. Students will learn illustration design software such as Adobe Illustrator, photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop, and page layout software such as Adobe InDesign to create projects that will be printed in traditional and digital formats.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan

Animation Model

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This instructional program prepares students to use artistic and technological foundations to create animated presentations for industry and entertainment. Students will develop basic drawing and design skills, learn the fundamentals and physics movement, the concept of communication to a given audience, and techniques for self-expression through a variety of animated formats. They will explore the careers and requisite skills required by animators in both entertainment and the business world.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan

Web Page Design Model

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Use your computer skills to learn how to develop your own web page sites. This course is designed to provide the necessary skills and training for an entry level position in the field of Web Design. The class will focus on web page planning, basic design, layout, and construction (effective and ineffective), setup and maintenance of a web site, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, and various web page and image creation tools.You will learn the basics of web design principles, digital media options, web design language (HTML), Internet uses and processes, design considerations, the impact of target market demographics, deliverables, and multiple software packages. Courses such as this can provide the skills and motivation for you to successfully complete college programs in one of several business areas. The primary purpose of this type of multi-media graphics education is to provide instruction for and about e-commerce and Internet communications through the use of Web Page Design. This is a repeatable course with progressive levels through Novice (this first level), Intermediate, and Advanced levels. You can turn this series of courses into a full Career Pathway as first an introductory, then a Concentration, and finally a Capstone course.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan

Design Learning

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In this project students identify real-world problems, prototype user-centered design solutions, and implement those solutions according to expert and user feedback. This process, developed by Allen Distinguished Educator Regan Drew, is segmented into the Mindset, Challenge, and Implementation phases.

Material Type: Diagram/Illustration, Interactive, Lesson Plan

A Word About Social Networking

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Today's youth have never known a world without the Internet. Online social networking allows people to keep up with current friends and make new ones. This resource reviews the advantages and the risks of social networking and the implications this can have when one starts to apply to colleges or look for jobs. Student activities are included for students to consider their online image.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: U. S. Department of Labor

When the Job's a Game: Athletes, Coaches, Sport Officials, and Related Workers

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This resource is an article that provides a game plan for a career as a sport professional. It tackles the occupations of athlete, coach and instructor, sports officials, trainers, scouts and related workers. The occupations are described by the nature of their work, working conditions, employment and outlook, earnings, qualifications, and training requirements.

Material Type: Reading

Author: U. S. Department of Labor-Henry Kasper

Introverts, Introversion-Tips for School and Job Success

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This resource provides information about the introverted personality trait and the world of work. It is known that the degree of match between your dominant personality type and surrounding environment significantly affect job performance and college and carreer success. Tips for introverted personality types are provided and work environments are listed that lend well to this personality type.

Material Type: Reading

Author: Dr. Lawrence K. Jones-NCSU

Interior Design Model

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This course is designed to teach students the elements of design. Students learn to create an impact through the use of color, fabrics and textures. Instruction includes the history of interior design, furniture styles, design theory, and project presentation. Students will learn to determine the scope of a project, develop and present a proposal, and implement a project. Communication skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork, and ethics are addressed. English language arts and math are reinforced throughout the course.

Material Type: Full Course, Lesson Plan

Helping Others Travel Abroad: Careers in International Preparation

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This resource provides an article that covers some career options in international preparation. This information is relevant for students interested in designing a career plan concerning travel. The first section of the article describes some of the services international preparation workers provide and the occupations related to those services. The second section explains how to prepare for jobs in international preparation-and what to expect.

Material Type: Reading

Author: U. S. Department of Labor

The Marketing Mix

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Students break into small groups and create a marketing plan for a product or service of their choice. They determine the four P's: the product, price, promotion and place, then present their findings to the class.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Biz Kids

What are Transferable Skills?

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We all have "learned" abiilities and "natural" abillities. Students will learn about transferable skills vs. job-related skills As the students learn about transferable skills, they will learn how to translate their transferable skills to a resume. Students will also create a list of their transferable skills for future employment.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Leading Org Solutions, LLC