Welcome to the JCPS Teacher Group!
by Amy Stanley 5 years agoShare your experience with using #GoOpenNC so far! What are your initial thoughts? If you have tried a resource with your students - how did it go?
Share your experience with using #GoOpenNC so far! What are your initial thoughts? If you have tried a resource with your students - how did it go?
I have been looking through several of the resources in several different grade levels in different content areas. I am finding that there are some areas and some grade levels that have more resources than others. It depends on what has been submitted by the contributors. The bonus is that you are able to specify search by standard. I was not able to find what I was looking for at this moment, but that does not mean I will never open this resourse again. I do think it has great potential.
I agree with you. Ms. Mitchell. Areas such as math and science often have less resources, but I think once teachers undertand how friendly OER is as well as how they may maitain the intellectual property rights then they will be willing to load more materials into this system.
I like that teachers can submit materials and retain as many rights to the intellectual property as possiblre. Often when you share materials, people have questions about the unit, assessment, etc., but no one knows where the materials orginated or who changed them in what way, so it's easy to become frustrated and give up on "good" ideas becuase you feel overhwlemed by the many, many changes made to the original item. Also, this resource is very user friendly when compared to the wide open web or even to TpT or other sources of sharing information and currciulum for teachers, coaches, etc.