All resources in K-12 EC Teachers & Support Staff

Social Story: Mine Not Yours!

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Bobby didn’t so much mind the idea of sharing his toy car. He was more bothered by his sister Jean did not asking before she took. Because Jean was miffed at Bobby’s refusal to share his toy, she had not thought about how her own behavior caused him to be upset. Included: Three different formats of the story, including PDF, eBook and side-by-side. Our social stories are free in support of the social emotional education of children.

Material Type: Reading


Basic Subtraction Math Drills

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By incorporating these drills into the curriculum, educators can gather quantitative information on individual student proficiency levels, track trends in learning outcomes, and tailor instruction accordingly. Furthermore, data collected from these worksheets can inform decision-making processes related to educational goals, accommodations, and modifications for students with diverse needs in a systematic and evidence-based manner. Overall, implementing basic subtraction math drills worksheets in special education settings supports data-driven practices that promote meaningful academic growth and achievement for all learners.

Material Type: Assessment


Informal Transition Activity: Interest Interview

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The informal interest interview serves as a pivotal transition planning resource for students with disabilities, helping to pave the way for successful post-secondary outcomes. This tool is one of many that students can use to explore their interests and strengths, identify potential career paths, and gain valuable insight into the job market. This process allows individuals to make informed decisions about their future goals, build self-confidence, and develop the necessary skills and connections needed for a smooth transition from school to work or higher education. The informal nature of these interviews creates a comfortable environment for students to share their thoughts and aspirations, leading to more personalized guidance and support tailored to their unique needs. Ultimately, by utilizing this invaluable resource, students with disabilities are empowered to take ownership of their futures and pursue fulfilling careers that align with their passions and abilities.

Material Type: Activity/Lab


Social Story: Pete is Not My Pete

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Pete Is NOT My Pet He’s told from the point of view of a little boy who explains why his dog Pete is not his pet, and why having a service dog is important to him.All of our social stories are free and can be used for a variety of purposes including behavior support, speech therapy sessions, social emotional learning, special education and disability awareness.

Material Type: Reading


Social Stories: In My Feelings

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Social stories are used to help students understand social situations and expectations. In My Feelings allows you to interact with your students by having them identify how they feel when they experience different situations, such as frustration, pride, and happiness. It gives students the opportunity to share their emotional behaviors and help identify areas in which they need additional support.

Material Type: Reading