Virtual IEPs...Rate Your Comfort Level

by MARQUIS GRANT 4 years, 7 months ago

On a scale of 1-10, which 10 being the highest, how comfortable are you with doing virtual IEPs? I'm honestly a 2.

MICHELLE HULL 4 years, 7 months ago

Hi Marquis,


For me it would be an 8. I like virtual IEP's better than traditional. It seems to be less intimidating for parents so they attend more. I hope we can continue to do the virtual IEP's.


M. Hull

MARQUIS GRANT 4 years, 7 months ago

I can certainly see how it would be less intimidating. If I could use a platform with which I was comfortable, I would probably be fine with that aspect of it; but using something brand new right now is not really appealing to me. Of course, I will do my best but I'm sure the first one or two times will be nerve-wrecking.

Thank you for sharing!

Nhatisha Sturgis 4 years, 7 months ago

I am with you on this one. I feel like it is going to be a little difficult especially that is has been hard getting parents to participate from home. I know that some cannot due to difficulties but the ones that I know can and have the connection still don't.

MARQUIS GRANT 4 years, 7 months ago

Yes and we have been told that if the parent doesn't show up, then we can't hold the meeting. There is also the option of having them participate by phone while still holding the meeting virtually but I know that some parents have not connected with teachers since schools closed, so it will be interesting to see whether they will attend the virtual IEP meeting. 

Thank you for your response!

Glenna Wozniak 4 years, 7 months ago

I will conduct my first virtual IEP on May 22nd. A colleague at my school smiled and said: "it was different, but it's done." Based on everything I'm hearing, I think that being a little nervous and uncomfortable is really normal and may even be good because we will be conscious of how we handle the meeting. So far, I've got my people lined up, my present levels updated, and I'll be working on goals, next. The good thing about remote learning is the extra time we have in front of the computer to focus on updates in the IEP. Another EC teacher had a few of us meet her in Zoom so she could practice her meeting skills online. We are all getting through this very well, I think!

MARQUIS GRANT 4 years, 7 months ago

Definitely! We are planning a dress rehearsal as well. Are you guys creating agendas for your meetings as well? That's something I think I will continue to incorporate even after home learning is over. I never really thought about it but I guess it does help things to flow a lot smoother.

Let us know how things go! I think I have a meeting on the 15th so I will give an update about the experience.