Remote Learning Resources: Ask, Give, and Take!

by Donna Murray 4 years, 9 months ago

What resources or assistance do you need as you consider remote learning opportunities for your students? 

Do you have resources or assistance you can share? Please do!

MONIQUE DEROCHER 4 years, 9 months ago

I like the idea of remote learning but I am struggling to get my whole class online. I have the same 5 students out of 16 that logging in each day. I want to do more activities but students either do not have internet or devices at home. We are in a rural area that just does not provide good or any internet service at their house. I just learned about and all these ideas I've added to my tool belt for when we return to school and for next year. I have taught 3rd grade for 8 years and this is my first year in 2nd.