Upcoming NC VR Adventures Workshops in the West
by STACY LOVDAHL 2 years, 9 months agoThere are two workshops coming up in the west. Please share with anyone who might be interested in coming to NCCAT in Cullowhee or NWRESA in Wilkesboro. These are both the multi-day workshop where there is time to go on a field trip to collect photos and then come back and create your VR project.
Workshop Description: With the changes being made to Google Expeditions and apps like Google Poly, how can we continue to place the power of virtual reality into the hands of students? What if learners could create virtual reality projects to experience our state, local, and national parks as well as historical sites? Together, we will create virtual reality projects that foster engagement, critical thinking and creativity, and engender something unique to this instructional strategy: empathy and a connection to the beauty and history of our state. These interdisciplinary VR experiences will be aligned to your learning objectives that can be used immediately with students leveraging the technology you may already have in your classrooms and media centers, like Google Cardboard, goggles, or a simple link. This program is designed for K-12 educators, school counselors, and anyone eager to take learners on adventures.