Whatcha Know?! (Introduce yourself)
by ERIN WOLFHOPE 4 years, 8 months agoLet's get connected here and share who we are, what we do, and who we teach. Reply to someone that is job-alike!
I'll start!
Name: Erin Wolfhope
Current Role: ITF at 4 High Schools - this is a new role for me, looking to learn/share all things high school!
Twitter: @ewolfhope
I'm excited about the possibilities for #GoOpenNC I love the idea of building, sharing, giving/receiving feedback, and improving!
Name: Michele Lee
Current Role: 5th Grade Teacher in Harnett County
I teach all academic areas.
Name: Tiffany Trent
Current Role: STEM Teacher Laurel Park Elementary, Wake County
Twitter: @tifftr1
I am very excited to share this site with teachers and use it myself! :)
I'm excited to learn more about GoOpen! I teach in Duplin County as an ESL 3-5 teacher.
Name: Stephanie Ayers
Current Role: BFIT (CTE) Teacher at Warren County Middle School
Twitter: @SAyers2013
Name: Royzetta Cokley
Current Role: EC Teacher for grades 6-12. I'm at a charter school.
Twitter: @royzetta12
I have played with #GoOpenNC and I am apart of another group. I have shared this resource with several colleagues especially during this period of Distance Learning.
Name : Heather Denny
Current Role: 1st Grade Teacher, Chowan County, NC
Twitter: @HeatherDenny11
Name: Aura Strickland
Current Role: ESL Teacher K-6, Catawba County
Twitter: @AuraRS
Excited to be here!!
I teach kindergarten and like free resources!
Name: Susan Paschal
Current Role: Media Specialist at a K-8 school for the last 20 years
Twitter: @HighfallsMedia
Looking forward to showing this to my teachers
Name: Bonnie Jackson
Current Role: PE/Health/Adapted PE and Sports Medicine
I'm excited to learn about #GoOpenNC
Im not excited about teaching from home as I sit at the computer all day instead of move like I normally do....and I have GAINED weight!!!
Hello Erin!
I am glad to be in the room! I heard about the Hub Academy for #GoOpenNC back in November 2019 through NCSLMA. My schedule was too packed to participate. I keep wanting to put "Office" beside "Open", Lol!
Name: Tracy Bell
Role: Media Specialist
Twitter: @1Superlibrarian
Hi Erin
I am Sheree Osbourne-Dixon
My current role is Math High School, Math 1 and Math 4(Advanced Modeling & Functions)
Twitter @shereeodix
Name: Lesley Brickhouse
Current Role: Career Development Coordinator/CTE Dept. Chair
Twitter: @SRMHSCDC
I am loving this resource so far, thanks for doing this session Erin.
Hi, everyone!
Name: Sonya Pierce
Current Role: Media Specialist at Weldon High School
Twitter: @MrsSPierce
I'm excited about the resources I can use in the library.