Hub Engagement Guide

by Ben Owens 4 years, 4 months ago

Several members of the PBL Hub have asked for clarification regarding how best to proceed in terms of what and how many items to review. We have developed the following PBL Hub Options document that can be used to help guide this process. Rather than set strict requirements, it should give you some choices of how best to match the skill and knowledge you bring to this work with the goal of creating a set of high-quality PBL resources for North Carolina teachers. 

MELISSA LORD 4 years, 4 months ago

Thank you for the suggestions Ben. I particularly like:

  • 3. Formally remix between 5 and 10 items so that they are better aligned to NC Standards, have added learning objectives or means of assessment, and include additional steps that move them closer to what could be considered High Quality PBL.

Love the remix option. Also, thinking of doing a combination of the things you posted to try several options. I am, however, excited about the opportunity to create my own as well. Hmmm, all of the options and so little time!

BTW, what is the timeline in having this complete?